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Shay Ingovayus (Voidwalker)

Awkward twenty-something wizard. Kicked out of school for poor choices in an attempt to gain knowledge. Finally realized his talents could be used for more than his own gain. Working to make up for lost time.

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8th of Tarsec 1374

Siege of the Church

by Shay Ingovayus (Voidwalker)

Shay and a group of individuals were tasked by the members of the Hall of the White Rose to clear out their new temple, Hall of Mercy to Illmater (previously Hall of Order - Bane).
Brother Enesian tasked Zhivka, local acolyte to accompany the group on the task.
The party consisted of Svent (a kobold warlock), Basilas (ex-military), Zhivka (stuck up priestess), Feret (thieves' guild type).
We fought in the sewers against a jelly before finding a secret passage into the priest's chamber. He was shortly dispatched.
Suddenly theives' guild members burst in. Comes to find out they also have a shop set up in this temple. Helping with the drug trafficking (?).
The thieves were dispatched, a fire in their drug work station was put out, and the temple was left.

The major events and journals in Shay's history, from the beginning to today.

Episode 16: Next

05:02 am - 10.04.2021

Episode 16: Next

12:50 am - 10.04.2021

Episode 15: Departed Dundragons, we call to you...

04:48 am - 27.03.2021

Episode 15: Departed Dundragons, we call to you...

12:27 am - 27.03.2021

Episode 14: Last Redoubt of Murdane

07:58 am - 13.03.2021

Episode 14: Last Redoubt of Murdane

01:07 am - 13.03.2021

Episode 13: Return to the Ruins of Lirremar

04:07 pm - 21.02.2021

Episode 13: Return to the Ruins of Lirremar

02:09 am - 20.02.2021

Episode 12: New Faces in Hlondeth

05:03 am - 30.01.2021

Episode 12: New Faces in Hlondeth

02:13 am - 30.01.2021

Episode 11: The Temple of Auppenser

06:31 am - 16.01.2021

Episode 11: The Temple of Auppenser

01:33 am - 16.01.2021

Episode 10: Two for the Show

07:05 am - 02.01.2021

Episode 10: Two for the Show

01:30 am - 02.01.2021

Episode 9:

05:49 am - 21.12.2020

Episode 9:

02:19 am - 21.12.2020

Episode 8: Popularity Contest

05:31 am - 12.12.2020

Episode 8: Popularity Contest

01:12 am - 12.12.2020

Episode 7: Things Get Ruins

05:22 am - 28.11.2020

Episode 7: Things Get Ruins

01:34 am - 28.11.2020

Episode 6: Bucket of Snakes

05:11 am - 21.11.2020

Episode 6: Bucket of Snakes

01:25 am - 21.11.2020

Episode 5: New Neighborhood, Similar Situation

06:31 am - 15.11.2020

Episode 5: New Neighborhood, Similar Situation

12:42 am - 15.11.2020

Episode 4: The kobold, the clerics, and the really big door.

05:11 am - 18.10.2020

Episode 4: The kobold, the clerics, and the really big door.

12:14 am - 18.10.2020

Episode 3: Ilmater, God of Suffering

05:41 am - 04.10.2020

Episode 3: Ilmater, God of Suffering

12:45 am - 04.10.2020

Episode 2: Under the Hall of Mercy

05:54 am - 27.09.2020

Episode 2: Under the Hall of Mercy

11:41 pm - 26.09.2020

Welcome to Hlondeth

Beginning of a new adventure in Hlondeth Shay travelled to the new city with Castinus to help with the local Church of Illmater. ...

12:48 am - 18.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Shay.

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Other Characters by meowloaf