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Episode 13: Hands of Many Gods

General Summary

11 Mirtul, 1374DR, Year of Lightning Storms   In the rain of the evening, Dust and a new face arrive to the Sellennis townhouse. Iranna is united with the man of her dreams (literally, she says) in Xandos. She explains she is a follower of two moon goddesses, Eilistraee and Selune, and that she hails from the Dalelands. Following the introduction, Dust returns to his inn and she stays with Xandos.    12 Mirtul   The rain has turned to a full storm, but all gather at the Slithering Serpent with Dust and prepare to depart: Mirko Ristic, Sellennis Dundragon, Sessel Dundragon, Iranna, Svent , Shay, Dust , Xandos Nightstar  After walking the road west from the city along Churning Bay, the group rounds the point overlooking the Vilhon Reach to find a figure on a rock outcropping in an old, tattered gray robe.    Kalek, Master Destroyer of Talos awaits the group. He tells them that after his last meeting with Svent and Shay, he asked more of his god and learned the name of the lost god and the truth about her fall: that here the goddess, Murdane, was taken by not just the High Elven Magic Tidal Wave but also the Queen of the Depths, Umberlee. From here she was said to have been dragged down into the murky depths and into Umberlee's Abyssal realm where she perished.    Talos sent Kalek to warn the group of a faithful of Umberlee waiting for them, one who aims to do the work of her goddess and keep Murdane still in her watery embrace. He warns of a shrine built above the ruins of the fallen temple of Murdane, and that the last relic left to the faithful of Murdane lies here. Then the hand of the stormlord whisked himself away on the stormwinds.    Wandering into the valley to the east, the group quickly finds the chasm to the fallen temple below. They begin their descent of a stair, and are confronted by a priestess of Umberlee who warns them to turn back. When they do not, she withers Svents arms and hands. She counterspells Dust's spiritual weapon, and casts a few other spells as Xandos gets in arrow shots. In relatively short time, the screaming priestess hurls herself backward over the ledge to the cavern floor, some 400 feet below.    Xandos, Shay and Svent return to town to acquire rope while the others search for possible entrances. However, after returning to the cavern, indecision about how to proceed down grips the party, and the consensus to return to town to consider methods is reached.    On the walk back, Svent inquires about anyone having knowledge of a drow elf slaver  in Hlondeth. Mirko pulls him aside and confirms that he does, and that this drow elf seems to have taken an interest in Svent, going so far as to try to hire members of the Guild to make a grab for him. Mirko advises that Svent move about cautiously, as he feels sure an ambush is coming...

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
21 Feb 2021

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