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Episode 14: Release the Kraken

General Summary

13 Mirtul, Year of Lightning Storms   The group takes a day to rest, recover, and knot a ridiculous length of rope in anticipation of descent into the cavern ruins.     14 Mirtul   As the company gathers and prepares to depart, the sky turns from a few clouds to dark and foreboding. By the time they reached the outcropping at the coast, a full storm has blown in.   Mirko is left at the top of the rope and the group descends. After exploring the cavern some, they are attacked by an air elemental, then by the Drownmistress of Umberlee. In relatively short order, the party backs her up inside of the veil of fog, then dispatches her. A chest of coins is found in the dry cave off the main.   When detecting for magic, Shay locates several sources in the deeper water. Making their way out to a island of ruins closest to them, Svent, Shay and Dust enter the water to attempt retrieval. They are attacked by tentacles almost immediately, as the head of a kraken emerges.   After a prolonged fight that leaves the Dundragon brothers dead and Dust in possession of what appears to be the last relic of Murdane, the group is able to defeat the kraken. A close search allows them to collect a variety of items and thousands of coins from the depths of the kraken's lair, then make their way back to town.   Post Game   While at the Hall of Mercy, the group has a myriad of discussions:   Does Mirko deserve a full cut of loot? Is kraken edible? Who is going to pay for the dead Dundragons? Who else filled their Bag of Holding with water?   After a quick sidebar with Castinus, Shay and Castinus explain to the group that the intention is for the Reverend Father to beseech Ilmater for the power to revive the brothers. If that power is granted the next morning, then the group can set about acquiring the diamonds required to activate the spell. Then the spells will be cast sometime the morning of 16 Mirtul, two days from now. The bodies are then taken away by acolytes to be stitched up, cleaned, and prepared.    With a little time left in the day, Dust goes to Castinus' quarters to take a look at the sphere he retrieved.    The group takes a short break to acquire pearls for the casting of Identify, and determines these items:   * Swooping, fluted potion vial made of silver contains OIL OF THE DRYAD. You gain the following abilities of a dryad: Tree Walk (basically dimension dooring between trees), Charm Person, and Entangle for 1d4 Turns (10 to 40 minutes). Iranna offers 600gp for this potion if no one else wants it, in cash or out of the loot.    * 2" platinum amulet with inlaid, fine, 7-point star, inset with small sapphire, on a platinum chain. AMULET increases the Caster Level +5 for all Enchantment spells. This item also allows the Caster to negate any natural elven resistance to Charm and Enchantment spells.   * Thin, bound copper sheets:  DAR'SANDRIEN'S DEEP FEARS OF HUMANITY. This clearly elven work holds four spells: CAUSE FEAR (1st), SCARE (2nd), PHANTASMAL STRANGLER (3rd), PHANTASMAL KILLER (4th). Allows the caster of these specific versions to add +2 to their Caster Level against human or human-blooded opponents, but cannot be written into a regular spellbook.    * Ioun Stone: Darkvision 30' raduis.    It is sunset on 14 Mirtul.

Rewards Granted

Drownmistress Treasure: 6543 sp, 421gp, 6 gem chips (various) worth 5gp each
magical items (worn): bracers (Moderate Conjuration Silver ring with carved flowing lines (Faint Transmutation Plain copper ring (Faint Abjuration seashell-decorated metal amulet on plain metal chain (Faint Transmutation)
  non-magical items: interlocked triune gears symbol of Murdane on a flat base (9" long, brass steel triangle meditation chime (9" sides two broken brass bells w/ hexagram geometric patterns (about the size of coffee cups except as antique curiosities, these items have little value.
  Kraken Treasure: 9121 gp
non-magical items: silver disc amulet (no chain) w/ filigree edges, corsair ship in the center (appraised: 300gp)
oversized silver buckle (8"), heavy and solid (appraised: 225gp)
foot-long "scepter of office" type gold rod, minimalist tapering and styling with a frosted white glass orb tip (appraised as nearly solid gold, 1000gp)
  magic items:
1.     9" sphere of undetermined, very smooth metal (but brass-colored Strong Divination
2.      2" platinum amulet with inlaid, fine, 7-point star, inset with small sapphire, on platinum chain; Moderate Abjuration
3.      Swooping, fluted potion vial made of silver (elven influences in style), radiates Moderate Transformation
Asymmetrical 5.     Black metal potion vial (small), no markings; Faint Transmutation
6.     Medium metal shield, painted with a black, non-reflective enamel; Moderate Necromancy
7.     Marble-sized, smooth black sphere; Faint Transmutation
8.     6' long, elongated teardrop-shaped staff seemingly made of glass, but very hard; Moderate Conjuration
9.    Thick-walled, slender, frosted glass vial w/ pale green liquid inside; Faint Transmutation
10.    12 thin copper alloy sheets bound with small steel rings to form a sort of "book"; the item itself radiates only the faintest enchantment magic and bears a flaring series of old elven runes which Iranna and Xandos agree translate as "Book of Fears"
11.     A standard-sized, screw-top hip flask; contents radiate as Faint Conuration
  12.     A long-handled heavy flail made of an ancient, blackened and almost petrified wood shaft and three spiked spheres of cold iron on foot-long black iron chains; Moderate Enchantment
13.     Foot-long black wand seemingly made of wood with a small, oddly-cut emerald on the end; Moderate Divination

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
14 Mar 2021

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