Session 6: Cocks, Carts & Cults Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 6: Cocks, Carts & Cults Report

General Summary

In the midst of their adventurous evening, our intrepid party found themselves rudely interrupted by a wayward Wizard and his eager apprentice. But fear not, for our heroes were quick to action! Keye's, the party's cunning "mage", enlisted the aid of his trusty familiar, Philibere, who soared into the night to scout out the intruders. What they discovered was nothing short of astonishing!   The intruders turned out to be none other than the illustrious Head Wizard of Conjuration at Les Septs Tour Graldarg Mistmerry, a name that resonated with magical power. Graldarg, with a flick of his wrist, brought Philibere tumbling from the sky, encasing him and his apprentice in a protective dome.   As our party cautiously approached, initial tension hung in the air like a storm cloud. However, the power of fate guided their paths to intersect for a night, and they decided to journey together until the morning light. During their travels, the charming Esmeralda made a bold attempt to win the heart of Solomon, but alas, his dedication to piety proved unyielding.   Intriguingly, the party urged Keye's to delve deeper into conversation with the enigmatic Graldarg about his magical pursuits. To their amazement, Graldarg knew surprisingly little about Keye's, despite his expertise in Conjuration and Illusionary magic.   Keye's revealed that his remarkable skills were honed under the tutelage of Guillaume Megal, the headmaster of Les Sept Tours. As tales and secrets spilled forth like a river, Solomon disclosed his own past, mentioning his dual education at the Skybrin College of War and Silverquill College for Poetry and Gallantry. There, he had mastered the art of warrior poetry and combat.   But the most surprising revelation of the night came from the enigmatic Esmeralda, who confided that her heart's desire was to become a cart girl at a posh golf club in her summer home, VihreƤ'codi. She had intentionally tampered with teleportation runes to avoid attending Suns Reach Academy, deeming her education utterly tedious.   The party continued their journey, winding their way towards Mahali. The streets were eerily deserted, and dilapidated houses bore witness to better days. Seeking shelter for the night, they settled in a house once owned by a gentleman named Beylior. To Corrin's dismay, she stumbled upon the bones of his dearly departed feline companion. Amidst the debris, they discovered a book chronicling the town's economic decline, marked by a slowing mining and trade industry.   Victor, their culinary expert, whipped up a delicious dinner, but tensions simmered just beneath the surface. Corrin, now transformed into Yunnie, could no longer contain her frustration with Keye's guarded demeanor. As tempers flared, Sirrai, ever the peacemaker, suggested a truth-revealing spell to clear the air. The Zone of Truth was cast, and secrets began to unravel. Solomon and Keye's resisted the spell's pull, and Graldarg stormed off in a huff.   Yunnie pressed Keye's for answers about his enigmatic past, but he remained resolute in his silence. Yet, Sirrai's unshakable charm and warmth managed to quell Yunnie's control over Corrin, restoring harmony to the group.   Morning came, and Graldarg's magical prowess was once again on display as he demolished a building to provide the party with much-needed charcoal. He bamphed away to Suns Reach Academy, leaving the party behind in the town.   Their adventure took an unexpected turn when they crossed paths with Marigold, who sought their help in locating her missing pet Cockatrice named Rocky. She offered a mottled old orange rag infused with her scent to help the creature recognize them as allies.   On their way to Umcebo, they encountered a peculiar statue of a slumbering man. Believing it to be a bandit, they dragged the statue along behind their camels, inadvertently chipping away pieces of the poor fellow. As the man returned from his petrified state, he found himself missing a hand and a significant chunk of his leg.   After a rather bewildering conversation, it became clear that this man was an unfortunate merchant, wronged by bandits and unrelated to the quest for the missing Cockatrice. He scurried off to retrieve his savings to seek help for his injuries.   Next, our daring adventurers arrived in Tridar's presence, a tarot card reader who believed in the power of fate. Tridar shared rumors of a group claiming to perform healing miracles beyond magic and mundane means, a group his rotund tabaxi friend might have become entangled with. He offered the party a tempting reward of 20 gold pieces to gather more information.   Solomon, ever the philosopher, shared a parable about fate involving a shipwreck, leading to Tridar recounting his own family's tragic loss at sea. This story hinted at potential future investigations for the party.   Tridar also mentioned The Alliance of the Enlightened, a group that had been posting cryptic flyers around town. With determination in their hearts, our heroes sought out the billboard, where an unexpected advertisement for an apprentice accountant caught their eye.   Yet, the memory of Xander Reis and his healer uncle lingered in their minds, guiding them towards a waterfall at the edge of the barrellers run. As they approached, a figure matching Zeril Reis' description came into view.   And so, the story unfolds, with new mysteries and adventures awaiting our courageous party in the days to come! Until next time, dear readers, stay tuned for the next thrilling installment of their Dungeons and Dragons escapades!

College Dropouts
Report Date
06 Oct 2023
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