Umcebo Settlement in Ararim | World Anvil


History & Introduction

Welcome to the Port of Umcebo, a bustling desert city that serves as a key trading hub for all manner of exotic goods and precious treasures. Nestled against the shimmering sands of the surrounding desert, this city is a sight to behold, with ornate buildings and winding streets that seem to glow in the sun.   The city's port is its lifeblood, with ships from all over the world docking here to unload their cargo and take on new supplies. The harbor is always busy, with merchants haggling over the prices of goods and sailors loading and unloading cargo.   One of the most striking features of the city is the Golden Oasis, a sprawling market that stretches for miles through the city streets. Here, vendors from across the world sell their wares, from silks and spices to rare herbs and magical artifacts. Adventurers looking for rare and powerful items will find no shortage of options here.   Despite its beauty and bustling activity, Port of Umcebo is not without its dangers. Bandits and thieves lurk in the alleys and side streets, waiting for unsuspecting travelers to pass by. The city's ruler, a powerful Sultanate who sits on the trade council, maintains a strict justice system to keep the peace, but adventurers looking to make a name for themselves may find themselves drawn into conflicts with local criminals or the city guard.   For those seeking adventure, the surrounding desert offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Ancient ruins and forgotten tombs dot the landscape, waiting to be explored by brave adventurers. However, the desert is also home to dangerous creatures and treacherous sandstorms, and travelers are wise to take precautions before venturing too far from the city.   Whether you're a trader looking to strike a lucrative deal or an adventurer seeking fame and fortune, the Port of Umcebo has something to offer everyone. But be warned - in this city of exotic wonders and hidden dangers, nothing is ever quite as it seems.

Society & Boroughs


Political perspective

The Sultan of Umcebo is Sorvra Vol, a striking woman, and tactical merchant who keens an eagle eye over everything that comes in and goes out of her city. She keeps an iron grip on most of the city through her Neburo the city's guards watch. She has a strong belief in a fair and equal opportunity for all, and taxes both rich and poor equally. This does create friction for those of poorer means, but it provides an avenue for those who are willing to work hard to get ahead. Within her council are a small section of advisors each responsible for the four districts of the city.

Concealed Political views

Court of Callife Advisor - is a corrupt gentleman - who allows the use of the sewers and tunnels under his sector of the city to be used to smugglers and thugs, to move contraband goods through the city - he is in on the take. Roccaro Court Advisor - is constantly pleaing with the city for a fairer taxation system for the hardest hit, this continuous whining without innovative solution means his points are rarely heard - no matter how valid they are. Docks and Barrellers Run Advisor - Cares little for the politics as most port merchants pay their taxes and his docks maintenance is prioritised otherwise trade won't exist, so he typically keeps out of it unless required. He is aware of the Callife Advisors current dealings and makes sure they remain aware of their knowledge. Golden Oasis Advisor - Skirts a fine line between reform and opportunity, as local traders profit from illegal goods and tourism is good at the moment, the local gangs no to keep blood spilling to a minimum and no one will raise eyebrows and this keeps the delicate balance for now.


The city thrives on trade and it's ability to funnel goods to the greater sands through its port. It's finely balanced tax system keeps the city profitable while allowing imports of their required goods, being mainly lumber and food in exchange for the treasures found within the desert.

Religious Beliefs

The city openly embraces religion and offers opportunities for prayer among the sanctioned religions of Ararim. They are aware of cultist activity and do their best to stamp it out where possible.


The Neburo are distinctly dressed in dark leather and plate armor with a golden capelet, their weaponry varies depending on their expertise, but they uphold the law of the city on behalf of the Sultan.


  • Umcebo
    A detailed map of Umcebo


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