Bright Side of Dimise

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Abyrn
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Supporting Cast
  • Guildmaster Gimli Flintaxe
    He very much looks the part of a Sellsword. His hair is greying and his face has many wrinkles. His brown eyes seem like they are looking through you. He carries a broad axe, often leaning on it like a walking stick, but it is clear that he could move swiftly in a moment's notice.
  • Thamior

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 15th February 2020 12:00

Session 4: House Keeping

The party has come into posession of a tower at the edge of the city. What will they do with it?

Sessions Archive

1st Feb 2020

Session 3: A New quest

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Zaheed Khufret

Level 4 Goblin (Necropolitan) Neutral Good Cleric (Death Domain)
(Guild Artisan)
/ 37 HP

Prudence Osta

Level 4 Variant Human Lawful Good Paladin
32 / 32 HP

Quaser Lanxif

Level 4 Forest Gnome Chaotic Good Rouge Thief
/ 25 HP