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Quaser Lanxif

Level 4 Forest Gnome Chaotic Good Rouge Thief
/ 25 HP

A thief rogue who suddenly left a world where he was fighting a guild assassin and awoke in Abyrn. "Typical," he thought. "I'm now even further away from getting home to the Ganandogan Forest."

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Mon 17th Feb 2020 03:40

Xofiz Said "Write!"

by Quaser Lanxif

You said to write, Xofiz, so I've got some paper, ink, and a quill I borrowed from a new guild that has conscripted me. I still don't know where Ganandogan is. Or why my family was killed. Even after you died I found nothing. I still don't even know most of my names.
After you died, I didn't know where to go or what to do. All I knew was what you taught me and our life in the city. You were right about the Thief's Guild. I joined because I needed the work. Most of them really can't imagine a life beyond their own. I completed a lot of solo contracts, but I still got a bad rep for not taking contracts requiring killing. My rep got bad enough that I was challenged by an assassin in the guild hall to a duel. That duel wasn't going at all well.
And I woke up in this crazy world in another plane of existence. Brought here by some gods to work in an adventurer's guild. I co-own a tower along the city wall of Prism. Prism is in a world shattered by something terrible, and I'm in a group of adventurers serving these gods and trying to rebuild it somehow.
Get this: One of my comrades is an undead goblin. Typical. The gods, once again, make sport of my existence. And get this: I like the damn undead goblin.
I like the whole crew I'm contracting with. It also includes a barbarian half-orc, a wizard, and a human paladin. Weirdest. Crew. Ever. We fought with bandits today while on a contract to help a gnome settlement in the wildnerness. We spared the life of a young bandit who clearly didn't want to be a bandit (sound familiar?). We also spared the life of a fellow thief who had lived in this world in a time before its terrors. He's like most thieves, though, and I don't trust him.
If you see my parents and sister in the afterlife, tell them I love them and miss them terribly. And ask them where the **** Ganandogan Forest is!

The major events and journals in Quaser's history, from the beginning to today.

Xofiz Said "Write!"

You said to write, Xofiz, so I've got some paper, ink, and a quill I borrowed from a new guild that has conscripted me. I still don't know where Ganandogan is. Or why my family was killed. Even after you died I found nothing. I still don't even know most ...

03:40 am - 17.02.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Quaser.

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