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Free the Wild

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Far
December 5th, 2020 | Full


  • Dinma Map
    The country map of Dinma.
Supporting Cast
  • Arzok the Hollow
    Arzok is a powerful, grumpy elder nearing the end of his days (or so he’s said for the last decade). He has little patience for people who don’t take their work seriously and no respect for the disrespectful. However, he does have a soft spot for Vaauna, considering his connection to her parents and tribe. That softness seems to extend to those he takes a liking to, which is few and far between but not as uncommon as you’d think.
  • Bhertun the Pragmatic
    Bhertun is an excitable orc that doesn’t understand magic in the slightest. Despite being arguably the most intelligent person in the city, he insists on using his brain for mundane crafts and tinkering. No matter how small or insignificant an object may seem, you can always rely on Bert to find a use for it.
  • Egni Nettle Tooth
    Egni is one of the village's most well-known residents due to her knowledge granting would-be casters a bridge between the natural and the magical. While her husband is an excellent teacher, he often needs Egni’s help to put things in terms that the average person could understand.
  • Elarys Oakenrunner
    Elarys is a very by-the-books instructor who doesn’t sugar-coat the fact that many of her applicants end up quitting or dying if they’re not cut out for the missions her members are expected to complete. She does this out of genuine concern for others' lives, not wanting to see any unnecessary death. Many people think her time in the military affected her greatly, as she can be seen staring far into the distance during times of quiet contemplation.
  • Jermaine Winterwyrm
    Jermaine is a white dragon mothered by the Goddess Chauntea in the year 969. He is a member of the National Sex-Fort Warriors and a former member of clan Knuximus. Since the end of the Celestial Cascade, he's trained in the art of Wizardry, specializing in ice magic and crafting a few of his own spells in the process.
  • Jorokk the Flame
    Jorokk is a kindly fellow with a heart for teaching, much like his old mentor. He’s known to go on the occasional tangent, but his wife has a talent for reeling him back to reality. Besides teaching, he spends much of his time researching the nature of Arcane magic and, most recently, the phenomenon known as Wild Magic.
  • Kas
    Kas is a slow-and-steady teacher who wishes to teach patience and wisdom before he teaches ki strikes. Many students have expressed frustration with Kas’s assignments and teaching methods, with many wondering if the old loxodon is messing with them. He admits that his curiosity gets the better of him, at times, but he never assigns a task that would do anything short of granting spiritual fulfillment to his guild members.
  • Kizzi
    Kizzi is a fun-loving half-ogre who loves good food and better company. He wasn’t the founder of Seafoam-Head but acquired it after the previous owner passed away. Since then, he’s turned it into a sort of bar & grill that specializes in offering service from effeminate men in tight clothes. On a more serious note, the tavern also serves as a haven for his fellow half-ogres and some of the less-loved races of Dinma.
  • Lathea Fareye
    Lathea is a no-nonsense induvial who hasn't acted her age for a long time. She was born in Dinma during a time where the fear of Orian invasion was higher than it is now, and she has always had her heart set on reclaiming their freedom from the tyrants. Despite training as a Barbarian, she is highly intelligent and cool-headed, but she still carries a powerful presence that comes off as awesome to some and terrifying to others.
  • Luvok the Demon
    Luvok has a reputation for having an ass as hard as his steel. He’s a smith first and a businessman second, which leads some to believe he’s a cheapskate in buying material. In reality, he’s more of a critical craftsman that sees no reason why he should have to buy a bunch of recycled, barely-usable junk. Thankfully, his assistant helps him in this regard.
  • Prula
    Prula was a captive during the quest “Gnoll Trouble,“ but a yet unnamed party of adventurers came to her rescue. Since her parents were killed, she has tried to live a peaceful life in Jigoke Village with her adoptive parents. Though she’s had a hard life for one so young, things have vastly improved for her.
  • Prysanna
    Prysanna can tell you everything about herself with one look, and that is probably the #1 reason for her recent lack of new applicants. She doesn’t care much about getting new people and prefers to keep a tight-knit guild of reliable individuals so that she can assure the quality of their training. If there’s anyone who embodies the Dinmanese ideal of “proving your worth,” Prysanna is that and beyond.
  • Saito
    Saito is a Dinmanese icon that represents the strength of his proud nation. Through the strange circumstances of his birth, he has taken the best parts of his Minotaur and Centaur heritage and made himself a one-man war machine. Despite being a genius in combat, he does not relish fighting; rather, he sees it as a necessary evil to achieve freedom for his people, who he loves dearly.
  • Tarlon Sythora
    Tarlon is described as one with a commanding presence, despite his kindly demeanor. He always seems to be thinking about something, and at times comes off as aloof. No matter what impression he gives off, he is doubtlessly the most powerful wizard in all of Dinma and is one of the most involved Grand Judges in the country’s history.
  • Zoe Sarrea
    Zoe is considered by many, including her peers, to simultaneously be a genius and a total ditz. She always makes a point to remind her students that bards are storytellers first and casters second, which has caused some of her pupils to become frustrated with their lack of growth. Despite this, she's also praised as one of the best teachers by those who have stuck with her tutelage.


Sessions Archive

29th May 2021

Session 20

22nd May 2021

Session 19

15th May 2021

Session 18

8th May 2021

Session 17

1st May 2021

Session 16

24th Apr 2021

Session 15

17th Apr 2021

Session 14

3rd Apr 2021

Session 13

The party has taken a month to rest, finding jobs, fortune, and a bit of peace. The month passes without any word from Jorokk or Egni regarding the development of the spell that they hope will cure Wild Fever, until...

13th Mar 2021

Session 12

Having finally escaped The Forest of Ghosts, the party heads back to Abruan for some well-deserved rest. After that, it's off to Feyloth for some equally deserved payment.

6th Mar 2021

Session 11

27th Feb 2021

Session 10

Jermaine is gone and The Shadowfell remains a mystery, but the party has come through unscathed. Now they seek to report their findings to Egni and Jorokk, then continue their mission.

Read the Report
20th Feb 2021

Session 9

The party has finally reached Skybreaker Temple, but Jermaine hints that reaching their true destination may not be as easy as it seems. The ki-rin awaits them at the top of the temple, where they'll have a chance to commune with their gods, an act considered impossible for the last two decades.

Read the Report
6th Feb 2021

Session 8

On the morning of October 17th, Iskander and Bhertun manage to finish repairing the Keelboat. It's now time to head to the Abruan Sierra and find what waits for us at Skybreaker Temple.

Read the Report
The date is September 24th, 989.   It’s been 20 years since the Celestial Cascade changed the world forever, and most people have adjusted to the new laws. The conflict between Oria and Dinma temporarily subsided in this time, as neither side felt prepared for war during an era of uncertainty. However, years later, the tension has grown unbearable.   War is on the horizon, and everyone can feel it.

This story is told by

The Protagonists



Vaauna The Feisty

Solivess Galanodel

Tydrus Stonefist

Spumifel Afriel


Lawful Neutral Bugbear (Hunter)
Life Cleric 6
40 / 40 HP