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Session 11: Skraal & Scimitar

General Summary

  • Kayl attempts to intervene and prevent Azzat from killing Bengt, but the Scale flashes with magic and binds itself to Bengt’s flesh. Neatly embedding itself into Bengt’s hand and sending black tendrils crawling up his skin and forming a Dragonmark tattoo.
  • Azzat further explains the danger of the Scale, and that it cannot be removed. He says that these scales are like plague ships set on the seas of time, and wherever they land they bring cataclysmic destruction. Like dominoes of fate falling, they wreak havoc by twisting fate in the most unlikely of ways. He says that the only way for Bengt to survive is to get him to the Dragonborn Elders at Scalespire.
  • After hiking into the mountains of The Spine of the World and coming across a small dragonborn village, the party rests and recuperates (while hiding Bengt’s affliction,) and manages to sell some wares to the local blacksmith and get Azzat’s leg regenerated.
  • They also experiment with the Gear Key they found in the Owlbear lair and discover the pocket dimension The Janitor’s Closet where they find a good amount of loot.
  • They meet Skraal Bronzehide, the chief of the village and impress him with musical talent. They also meet Scimitar Goldenhide, the local blacksmith and exchange some words with him. When he recognizes the Koga Clan symbol on Odila's dagger, the party grows suspicious when she lies (poorly) to conceal her knowledge of the symbol. He mentions that Koga passed through their village awhile ago, headed north into the Green Maw. He mentions that they probably only decided to cross the hostile mountains in an attempt to avoid the Iron Justice of the Iron Empire, to which the party is filled in about the empire.
  • Odila attempts to sneak out and confront Scimitar about his knowledge of the Koga, but Captain Frederick attempts to follow her. With poor rolls however, he is unable to keep track of the stealthy rogue halfling and loses her in the night.
  • Scimitar and Odila exchange information, and Scimitar seems not very surprised that Odila bears the symbol as a member of the Koga. He cautions her against keeping secrets from friends, and does his best to be helpful.
  • When the party sets out in the morning to continue their trek to Scalespire, Skraal mentions that an avalanche buried the path and suggests the party attempt the [Wight’s Game]. Azzat doesn’t like the suggestion but agrees that it may be their only solution, and may shave days off their journey.

15th of Mars - 19th of Mars

Level: 4
The Scales of Time
Report Date
01 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Spine of the World


  • Candleflame Militia: 2
  • Allaris's Bandits: -4 (Defeated)
  • Apple Tree Pond: 5
  • Goblins of the Maw: 1
  • Dragonborn: 3 (+1)


  • Philip: 1
  • Alveron: 3
  • Tori: 1
  • Splug: 4
  • Azzat: 4

Time Sensitive

  Bengt's Scale - 4 (+4)
  • Cursed on 15th of Mars

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