Unicorn heaven Report

General Summary

Previously: A sinister journey of three parts
As the moon rises, we head towards trees with crossed branches. As we approach, the trees appear to get further apart. In the middle, we see unicorns, pegasi, two big hairy golden-furred creatures with long noses and wings wearing armour. These are Holiphants, a kind of celestial elephant fairy. There are other large creatures and other smaller animals.
The biggest, most impressive of the unicorns shifts into a humanoid figure and reveals herself as Lurue, the Unicorn Goddess. She welcomes us to the Beast Planes. She introduces us to her friends and explains that if we present the horn to her she can use it to resurrect the unicorn.
As this is a good heaven, the badness burns off the horn. She touches her spear to the wrapped-up horn. It seems to disintegrate and reform in the air, where a shape of a unicorn expands out of it. It forms into a big, well-built unicorn. It has not been aware of what happened since it died, and that it died in an unpleasant way. The remnants of the cloak sizzle with evil energy, so Lurue touches that and it is wrapped up in a lace outer and the ball is given back to Anathema to take back to the mortal world to destroy and she gives us a butterfly that will incinerate it on command. She warns us about evil people in the swamp who harmed the unicorn - it wasn't the frogs (bullywugs) - she says it was a circus.
As a reward for our help, she uses her spear to create a rod in the shape of the unicorn horn, but made of metal - it looks a lot like the tip of her spear. She can turn it into a druid staff, or a staff to be used against magic users (it absorbs magic aimed at the user) and potentially then use that magic to fuel it's own magic spell of sanctuary.
It can absorb 50 levels of energy, but needs an arcana roll to use. We can use it to summon her if we come across corrupt unicorns - nightmares.
We have tea with them, which gives us advantage on wisdom saving throws until our next long rest.
We talk to the unicorn who was resurrected and offer our help should she ever need it. Her name is Amalthea and she tells us she would like to help the others who are still trapped where she was. She was caught in the south of the Mere by 'Mommy Fortuna', who trapped her as an exhibit in her carnival. There was also a harpy named Celaeno trapped with her. The circus was called the Midnight Carnival.
Before we leave, Anathema practices with the rod by absorbing the unicorns' Faerie Fire spells. She manages to catch two charges before she misses and is outlined in a purple-violet glow.   Next time: Ball of Evil, Herd of Goats

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