Ball of evil, herd of goats Report

General Summary

Previously: Unicorn Heaven
We land back in the Mere of Dead Men holding a ball of cloth containing the evil curse, and a blessed butterfly of fire. For safety, we travelled half a mile away from the entrance towards the High Road before burning the ball using Lurue's fiery butterfly.
On the way back up the High Road we see smoke off to the south. Tharg identifies it as from a constructed fire, but without cooking smells we think it might be from a ritual. Investigating, we approach a clearing to find evidence of Lizardfolk, but they don't seem to be present at the moment. Around the clearning there are rounded boulders stacked upon each other, smaller and smaller to form cone-shaped cairns. The lizardfolk seem to have left personal items around, but strangely for the utilitarian lizardmen, none of the items seem to be of a practical nature.
Studying the scene, we realise the site is likely dedicated to Semuanya, the lizardfolk god of propagation and survival (i.e. their fertility deity). The shrine is a place for couples to invoke rituals to Semuanya and ask for blessings on relationships.
We had back towards the road, where Anathema spots the silhouette of a Dragon in the distant sky south-west above the swamp. It is either quite a small dragon, or very deep in the swamp. Keeping a wary eye out, we continue to town.
Back in Leilon, everybody we pass seems to know our business, and tells us to seek out the Growler. One mentions that she has a job for us. Before we do that, though, we head to the room in the mirror for a short rest.
On entering the mirror, however, we find that we have an intruder. The Nothic from below Tressendar Manor is sat in an armchair holding the purple lamp from that house where Deniter 'Elf' Yarrow was guarding the mirror. He has been monitoring us somehow through Demonbiter and is able to sneak into the mirror room's demiplane from elsewhere in the astral plane.
He says he's been waiting here a while, and reveals his connection to Demonbiter, who has been disappearing on us to do odd tasks for the nothic (who introduces himself as Arthur). He talks about what a nothic is, and says that he was a wizard 200 years ago, an apprentice to a wizard who studied demiplanes in a magical house in Neverwinter Wood. He succumed to the temptation to pursue forbidden knowledge from the very fringes of reality (also known as the Far Realm), but was interrupted before he transformed completely into a Nothic (i.e. having his soul eaten by ancient gods) when he was bitten by Demonbiter. His interest and obsession is unusual magics, artifacts and magical items. He offers a partnership of sorts, proposing that he gets first look at all the interesting items that we find. If he finds one particularly tasty, he may ask us if he is allowed to consume some of the magic. We debate it, and eventually agree with stipulations (about not dropping in on us unannounced, and generally being less creepy).
He describes the lamp (which he sent Demonbiter back for) as a powerful tool for undead which can improve their intelligence. The Lantern of the Lich's Light, also known as a lichlight. He warns us to keep it secret, as it would be coveted by a most evil and deadly kind of undead wizard.
We take a long rest instead, and set out to find Growler after breakfast. She asks if we will transport some giant goats to Phandalin. This turns out to be a massive flock of more than 200 goats herded by a gnome by the name of Pinchwit Wigglehoof. She rides the herd matriarch, and directs the whole flock on her own through social contract, incredible animal handling skills, and gnomish devices.
We put Brag, Elf and Smiles in the caravan, along with the mirror, and head off with the goats.
Next: Wayside Attacked.
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
25 Oct 2023