Phandalin Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Phandalin Adventures
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Bishop Smedley
    Buff Elf cleric of Gwaeron Windstrom
  • the Blessed Brian
    Big, brash priest of Silvanus with a shock of white hair.
  • Rhoban Longstocking
    Wannabe gangster, weasely coward. Was a childish, possessive glutton when mentally linked to a young hill giant.
  • Wirena Mericant
    Young female halfling, Priestess of Sheela Peryroyl. Lives in the mainly halfling suburb south of Triboar.

Scheduled Sessions

Thu 22nd August 2024 19:00

Ghosts in the tower

Sessions Archive

1st Aug 2024

Ghosts of Leilon

After returning to Leilon, the party looks for something to investigate while their belongings catch up to them.

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19th Mar 2024

March 19th

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14th Mar 2024

Meeting Commander Strong

Now that the storm focus in Wayside has been destroyed, it is time to track down the missing cultists. First stop: Fort Locke.

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7th Mar 2024

The Statue of Destruction

Gorthok's ritual is focused within the statue of Talos currently attacking the party. Can they defeat the statue and disrupt the summoning.

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29th Feb 2024

Hamming it Up

The statue attacks, things look dicey, although one of the statue's moves is negated by the sly application of meat.

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24th Feb 2024

Lightning-touched Metal-heads

Fighting against agents of Talos

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15th Feb 2024

Wayside Destroyed

The party face three talos-empowered suits of armour, somehow tied to the ritual that summoned Gothok once again. The Thunder-Pig is currently busy attacking the nearby Fort Locke.

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8th Feb 2024

Come fly with me

The party take off towards Leilon in Kjarg's hastily constructed flying machine.

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1st Feb 2024

A Choice of Two Enemies

The party have two locations before them. One suggests the Myrkulites are fortifying Axeholm. The other suggests Talosians are planning something deadly at Wayside Inn.

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25th Jan 2024

Vellen's story

The party finish their graveyard delve, and then head back to town to question the prisoner being held by Phandalin's guards.

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18th Jan 2024

Wailing in the Dark

In the narrow tunnels of a mausoleum, the party faces off against a Gibbering Mouther: a horrible abomination of mouths, eyes and flesh which adds the bodies of its victims to itself.

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12th Jan 2024

Lair of the Vampire

Hunting down the vampire spawn Argus Skeel, the party explores an eerie mausoleum at the graveyard north of Phandalin.

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4th Jan 2024

Between Death and Destruction

The fight turns against the vampire spawn, Argus Skeel. With his ghouls mostly defeated, he looks to his god for help.
Meanwhile, Vellen is due to overcome her wand-induced fright and return to battle.

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14th Dec 2023

Ghoul Problems

Tracking Argus Skeel down by way of his horrible hat, Herdyr accidentally wakes up a group of ghouls who begin hunting her trail as she flees back to town, where Tharg and other allies can even up the fight.
Meanwhile, Anathema watches from her vantage point on a hill overlooking the road and the graveyard. Tharg is in town, being confused with heroes from the stories spread around town most recently.

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6th Dec 2023

New threats to Phandalin

Rumours about disappearing travellers and unnaturally frequent lightning strikes have intrigued the party. Investigations point to two newcomers, a shadowy grave digger named Argus Skeel, and a bubbly Talos follower called Vellen Firecrow.

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30th Nov 2023

Phandalin Revisited

The party have a great deal to do around town.
Will they accept ownership of the apartments in Tresendar Manor and the responsibilities that go with it? What do they do with their cart, belongings and hangers on? And what have their friends and acquaintences been getting up to since they've been gone?

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23rd Nov 2023

A Cruel Wind

Sinister thundering hoofs and the squealing of a gigantic boar echo over the storm, as three wind elementals attack the goats. The party rush out to guard their herd, and soggy battle ensues.

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16th Nov 2023

Smells of Wet Goat

Overnight, clouds roll in from the west indicating stormy weather in the immediate future. These goats are tough though. They'll be fine in a bit of rain... Right?

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3rd Nov 2023

Wyvern threat

Getting the massive herd of giant goats to go in one direction is a challenge at the best of times. When a flying threat appears, the quest is on to save as many goats as possible.

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19th Oct 2023

Wayside Attacked

Heading out with Ms Wigglehoof and her 200 giant goats, the Party follow the road to Wayside Inn. There they find the place locked up tight and under seige from undead attackers.

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5th Oct 2023

Ball of evil, herd of goats

After disposing of the cursed unicorn horn, the party make their way back towards Leilon.

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21st Sep 2023

Unicorn heaven

The party enters the Beastlands and meet with Lurue, the goddess of magical beasts and unicorns.

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31st Aug 2023

A sinister journey of three parts

Having prayed to Lurue, the goddess of Unicorns and other magical beasts, the party make an interrupted journey towards the Place of the Unicorn, a location where, at certain times, a way opens into the celestial realm known as the Beastlands. There, they may find a way to safely dispose of their cursed ivory rod.

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24th Aug 2023

A Curse in Ivory

The party soon realise that the unicorn horn has a subtle curse on it, leading others to mistrust the holder or covet its power for themselves. They must search for a way to dispose of it safely, or wield it fully and revel in the infamy it creates.

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17th Aug 2023

Albrek strikes back

On exiting the mirror, they find the compound has been attacked by Iarno Albrek, and he has a new weapon. A black staff that seems to be rather necromancery.

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10th Aug 2023

The Eldathian Ritual

A careful search of Albrek's belongings reveals some interesting items, the trail of a powerful magical artifact, and a couple of serious problems to solve.

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3rd Aug 2023

Corpse and Soul

The party take the dead torso of 'Brag' from the spider cave. Unfortunately, this corpse is unsettlingly lively, and doesn't seem to realise it's dead.

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27th Jul 2023

The fog and the mirror

With their hands on Glassstaff's mirror, the party have the chance to investigate his belongings more thoroughly. However, the activated Guard and Ward spell has left them in the centre of a square mile of swirling, magically misleading fog. (Thursday Didcot)

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7th Jul 2023

A Wizard's Retreat

Having settled things in Leilon, and after an awkward conversation with a Tiefling trickster, the party follows that lead to find Glasstaff's hideaway in the swamp around Leilon. (Friday Reading)

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29th Jun 2023

Downtime around Leilon

The party are asked to stick around while the town recovers, so they do some crafting and training. (Thursday Oxford)

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22nd Jun 2023

Victory lapse

After finishing off the elemental and saving the captured townsfolk, the party have another session of their Monster Harvest dream correspondence course. (Thursday Didcot)

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15th Jun 2023

A watery doom

The ritual heads to it's crescendo, summoning an elemental aimed at the sacrifices on the island, (Thursday Reading)

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8th Jun 2023

Nixoxious, the Tiefling Stormpriest.

The Party find the centre of the Talosian ritual, and fight with Nixoxious and his posse of buff dudes. (Thursday Didcot)

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1st Jun 2023

Call the guards

The party fight on, into the streets of Leilon. (Thursday Oxford and Zoom)

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25th May 2023

Entering Leilon

The storm whips up as the party cuts down the first of the invaders into Leilon. Deeper into town, something fishy must be going on. (Thursday Didcot)

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17th May 2023

17th may

(Thursday Didcot)

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11th May 2023

11th may

(Thursday Didcot after 2wk break)

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18th Apr 2023

The Festivals of Shieldmeet

Finishing up the cave of the white hand, the Party look to the competition they have been preparing for, and the celebrations of Midsummer and Shieldmeet. (Tuesday session at Didcot)

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16th Apr 2023

A Little Pot of Liquid Evil

The party must decide how to clean or quarantine the cave. Will they all get back to the cooking competition with a clean bill of health?

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6th Apr 2023

The chosen of Yurtrus

Continuing the fight to keep Triboar safe, the party face off against super-diseased orcs and their priest.

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30th Mar 2023

The White Hand

Do they go fight the followers of Yurtrus themselves, or leave it to local adventurers and clerics?

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23rd Mar 2023

Triboar preparations

The party returns to Triboar. They have a few days to get everything ready before their grand cooking competition begins.

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17th Mar 2023

A small family matter

Resting in the halfling suburb of Merrymeadow, Tharg, Herdyr and Anathema discover a sibling disagreement regarding the treasured Holy Symbol of Sheela Peryroyl that once belonged to Genedoc Mericant.

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23rd Feb 2023

The sky caviar

On the road, the party encounters a farm with an odd problem.

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16th Feb 2023

Taking down a small-town gangster

Rhoban and Gloom are neutralised as threats. Justine is rescued and Joss is scheduled to be resurrected.

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13th Oct 2022

Brian the Blessed and the Spirit of Neverwinter Wood

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22nd Sep 2022

The Siege of Falcon's Lodge

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16th Sep 2022

Grannoc, the Botanomancer

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18th Aug 2022

Pigs and Pumpkins

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11th Aug 2022

Agatha, the Banshee of Neverwinter Wood

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4th Aug 2022

Review quests and head back to Conyberry

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28th Jul 2022

The Law, and the Consequences Thereof.

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21st Jul 2022

Staff of Glass

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13th Jul 2022

Prisoners, Guards and Ancestral Bones

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30th Jun 2022

Biter of Demons

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23rd Jun 2022

Redbrand in Tresendar Manor

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15th Jun 2022

A New Sheriff in Town

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9th Jun 2022

Redbrand Ruffians

Things have changed in town. Allies are in hiding, and troublemakers seem to be on the rise.

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3rd Jun 2022

Druids dreams and Shrines of seeing

From Conyberry, the party takes a detour to help clear orcs from a nearby shrine.

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12th May 2022

Thunder Pig!

The ritual on top of the Circle of Thunder is interrupted. Will this be enough to top the nefarious plans of the cultists of Talos.

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5th May 2022

Finding Steve

The half-orc cultists are hunting animals in the woods. What prey will be next?

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28th Apr 2022

The Lonespire Tree

Approaching the Circle of Thunder, the half-orc anchorites have prepared some surprises for the party.

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21st Apr 2022

The Tale of the Slayers of Azdraka

Resting at night at the barrow the party find that the wisps they encountered are actually the ghosts of an old adventuring party.

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14th Apr 2022

Bones and ghosts

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7th Apr 2022

The Werelights of Dragon Barrow

The party set out to discover the secrets buried in Dragon Barrow.

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This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lluranu Rainpetal

Anathema Summerbrace

Her'dyr Greymoir

Tharg Who is Wise