Ghoul Problems Report

General Summary

Previously: New threats to Phandalin
Just as Herdyr reaches Phandalin, she calls for Tharg with a thaumaturgical loudspeaker, and he heads towards the area. Anathema attempts to control the figure that is probably Argus Skeel, but something doesn't go quite right. Is it because command doesn't work on undead? Instead of grovelling, Skeel kneels down and prays, causing the sky to darken overhead.
As the two groups engage, another figure appears over a nearby hill, pointing straight at Tharg. Vellen Firecrow, the Talos worshipping tiefling, cries out. "For my god and my church, I must destroy you!"
Tharg attempts to dissuade her, but another quick use of the wand of fear sends her and her kobold minions fleeing back across the hills. Meanwhile, the ghouls engage, and Tharg finds himself paralysed briefly. Luckily the ghouls are quickly reduced in number after Herdyr calls for help from the Worg pack at Lluranu's orchard.
Skeel proves harder to put down, however, and seems to regenerate from minor wounds.
Next: Between Death and Destruction

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