Between Death and Destruction Report

General Summary

Previously: Ghoul problems
With one ghoul left, Argus Skeel turns desperate. As the last ghoul is felled by the tolling of mystical bells, Argus calls out to Myrkul and the shadows blocking the daylight above coalesce around him, turning him to smoke and whisking him away to the north.
With a few minutes to prepare, the party prepares for the return of Vellen Firecrow, the bubbly Talos worshipping tiefling girl. When she does appear, she seems even more distressed than before. Her kobold companions are absent this time, and she makes an attempt to engage Tharg in deadly combat.
Tharg blows her away with a thunderwave, then binds her to the ground with an entangle spell. Not wanting to kill her out of hand, the party try to persuade and intimidate her into surrendering. Her kobold companions suddenly rush to defend her prone position, and she begs them to run away. Herdyr gathers the guards to try and capture the small draconic creatures, and after some wrestling shenanigans, they manage to arrest the girl and all five of her kobolds.
With the visible threats dealt with, and Worgs playing with ghoul bodyparts, the party gathers some guards and head to the graveyard, where they think the vampire smoke was headed. The gravekeeper's lodge is still empty, and the fountain basin is blocked in case there is any lingering ghoulishness. Herdyr even finds a stone carved with Corellon's symbol, and sets it over the basin, guarding it with a small blessing, which may eventually create a source of blessed or purified water.
The party enter the mausoleum, leaving the NPC guards to secure the entrance. After descending some stairs, they find a corridor ending in a circular stone table, with a stone door ahead of them, another to their left, and an open corridor to their right. Listening carefully, they hear some movement behind the left door. Anathema checks for traps and unlocks the door. Tharg dashes in as soon as the door is open and discovers a vampire larder, with two live prisoners tied up on the floor and lots of humanoid body parts piled up to feed the ghouls.
They quickly grab the prisoners and pass them over to the guards at the entrance, while Anathema keeps her ears focused on the weird gibbering sounds coming from somewhere far down the open corridor.
Next: Lair of the Vampire
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
04 Jan 2024