Episode 3: Sojourns Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode 3: Sojourns

General Summary

27th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

Castor mentions a cartographer named Manson. Asking him about him, he mentions the cartographer is up in the Merchant District near where they are building the sky port. Leaving Castor's place they head to find the cartographer name Manson. They head into the district by way of the North Gate where a couple of guards recognize Morgoth as they pass through. Silva talks to the guards and asks where they might find Manson. The guards are confused by the word cartographer, but once they understand it is mapping, they direct her to a house about two-thirds of the way down the street. Heading down the street, it is quite clear the area is a bit more upscale as there is a cobblestone street with people wearing finer clothing.
Reaching the described house, they knock on the door, and a woman responds through a privacy window. Asking about reading maps, the woman mentions that Manson is not at home. That he is out on an expedition and will be back for a while (although she mentions a week). When asked about the expedition, she mentions it is surveying mission up to the north. They ask about other cartographers and she mentions he is the only one around here. They learn she is his assistant handling day-to-day and contracts. She would not be a good substitute.
Blocked by the missing cartographer, the heroes search out a place to obtain health potions. They head back towards the North Gate and discover an alchemist shop run by a man named Dios. Looking around the shop, they see only slips of paper on the shelves. The slips show the price and quantity they have in stock. The heroes buy four potions of Lesser Healing and continue on their way. While heading down the streets, they discuss their options: go back to the ruins, stick around the city, split apart and do their own things, or other things. They decide they want to head back to the ruins and explore it with a better plan.
Heading through the city, out the North Gate, they continue through the streets as they decide to head back out of town. However, as they traverse the Common District they are met by a group of men, one of which Morgoth recognizes as Darvan Kellostyll. Darvan and his little band give them a friendly warning to stop working for Castor otherwise bad things might happen. It is during this conversation that an outdoorsman-looking man approaches and somewhat interrupts and Darvan tells him to move along, but as he passes the group he trips and falls to the ground. Morgoth helps him up and the man whispers that they have seen all of the men before he moves on down the street. Darvan seems to think better of having witnesses and gives them one last warning before heading off.
As the ruffians slip away, the man from before returns and lets them know he has been looking for them. He calls himself Halton Forest and asks them to talk at a nearby tavern. Heading around the corner, they come upon the Red Board tavern where they find a table in the back. Halton talks to them about a set of ruins he has found that seem like they might be similar to what they are looking for. He also mentions they have a common friend, Yon the Trapper. Asked if he can show them the ruins, Halton agrees and they head off towards Raventhorp.
Traveling the dirt track towards Raventhorp, our heroes comes upon a group of men trying to fix a wagon by the side of the road with a man yelling for things to get fixed more quickly. Passing they notice it is a wagon bearing the seal of the Silver Ore Consortium, a set of scales, one of the main merchants that run some of the mines in the foothills outside of Tanylvar. Halton gets upset as they pass and mentions they are treating the horses poorly. They continue on and reach Raventhorp before nightfall where they again stay at the Wagon Inn.
They each take a room at the inn. After settling in their rooms, Morgoth and Andal come down to find Hal chatting with Yon. Joining them at the table, they eat and discuss a variety of topics including the route to the new ruins. Yon also mentions finding a dead bear with a purplish, green moss covering the top of its head near Silver Creek. Hal asks for a sample of the moss the next time Yon encounters it. As they continue eating when a person enters the inn. Andal recognizes him as Daenys Ulvandar, one of his contacts that he talks with about various missions. Andal moves to an empty table and Daenys ignores him not even making any kind of eye contact. The rest of the evening is uneventful as our heroes find their beds.

28th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

The next day arrives and our heroes and Halton head out to the west and into the foothills of the Lyrvar mountains. Heading down the track out of town they pass by several small farms as it turns into a trail and eventually into nothing more than a game trail. Their meandering hike leads them steadily west with a few detours taking them north. They take a break at midday to eat some lunch and refill their water skins near a small spring. Looking back the way they came, they can just make out the smoke from the furnaces at Tanylvar far in the distance as well as the light plumes of woodsmoke from the village of Raventhorp. Continuing on they head into some water-carved ravines and head more northerly than west, but after a bit it is hard to say exactly which direction they are going as the ravine twists and turns. After about three hours of walking, Halton stops, looks around a bit, and then climbs up the ravine wall with a rope. After reaching the top, the other three climb up via the rope and reach a wide ledge. In front of them is a massive rock slide while behind them is about sixty feet of empty air before reaching the opposite wall of the ravine. Exploring the rock slide, it becomes apparent rather quickly there are some carved walls covered by the rocks, and some of the rocks have been cleared away revealing some doors with runes cut in them.

Missions/Quests Completed

Quests Completed:

  • None
Quests Continued
  • Found another dwarven ruin

Character(s) interacted with

Halton Forest - ranger from Raventhorp, a friend of Yon.
Darvan Kellostyll - ruffian hired by a rival of Castor's
Dios Havaran - half-elven alchemist and owner of Dios' Elixirs and Potions
Daenys Ulvandar - someone who Andal has spoken with before as an intermediary to his main contact

Created Content

Dios' Fine Elixirs and Potions - alchemist shop in Tanylvar's Merchant District.
Red Boar Tavern - a tavern in the Common District in Tanylvar.


Andal knows a bit more about the Merchant District as he has met his contact in a tavern there called the Wyvern. He also knows that the temple of Cyr is located in the SE portion of the Merchant District.
Potion of Healing - 50gp
Potion of Lesser Healing - 25gp
Potion of Greater Healing - 150gp
Potion of Superior Healing - 450gp
Potion of Supreme Healing - 1350gp
Party bought 4 Lesser Healing - Silva paid 50gp, Morgoth paid 25gp, and Andal paid 25gp
Each pay for a room at the Wagon Inn (1sp each)
The last time Andal talked with Daenys was a month ago.

Gears of Vengeance
Report Date
16 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Cyrlys Kingdom

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