Episode 2: Stealth is the Better Part of Valor Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode 2: Stealth is the Better Part of Valor

General Summary

26th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

We pick back up with our heroes having spent the night recuperating in a cave. Heading back to the ruins, they scaled the cliff walls further down the canyon to a set of caves. Traveling through the caves, Andal discovers a decayed chest in a small cavern alcove. Inside the chest, he finds six strange small spheres a little bit larger than a marble. These spheres have a pearlescent look to them.
Continuing to explore the cave, they eventually reach the end of it where they encounter some overly large mushrooms (about the size of a small apple), but nothing else. Morgoth felt a need to poke one of the mushrooms which cause spores to erupt around it and settle to the floor. Continuing to search, they eventually find a secret entrance to a series of hewn tunnels.
Entering the tunnels, they determine it to be part of a dwarven ruin with chunks of stone from the ceiling littering the floor. There are piles of broken wood, rusted metal, and stones all over this section of the dwarven ruins. While searching, Andal discovers a strange-looking saber on a weapon rack. Next to it hidden in a small compartment was six more of those strange spheres. Andal determines the balance of the weapon is off, but can't figure out why. Morgoth looks it over and finds that the bottom opens and there is an empty chamber in the pommel. Andal determines he could put four of those spheres inside. Closing the compartment, the saber now feels like it is balanced and there is a slight vibration to it. Handing it to Silva and she examines it finding a small button on the side. Flicking the button, the saber becomes electrified. Hitting the button again causes it to stop. Looking over the weapon again, Silva finds that one of the pearlescent spheres is now grey, its power or something similar spent. It seems they have found an item Castor has been looking for.
Continuing their exploration, Silva finds a leather tube with a map inside. Unfortunately, the map seems to have different landmarks than they are used to and so are not sure where it lines up with the rest of the area, but the marked spots on the map are different outposts. Looking over a dead-end hallway, they discover a small peek hole that allows them to see into a room beyond. Further, the door could clearly be slid open as well.
Looking into the room beyond, Andal sees several goblins kneeling before a larger goblin sitting on some furs and a barrel. Another goblin with a strange mask is standing next to the larger one. The larger one seems to be shouting at the ones kneeling before him. After a few minutes, the kneeling goblins leave down a hall heading away from Andal and the goblin with the mask speaks with the larger goblin. While they are speaking, two armored goblins show up. The larger goblin gives them instructions and they head off down the hall. Eventually, the strange masked one heads down that same hall.
Deciding discretion is the better part of valor, the group decides to cut their losses and take the saber back to Castor. Heading back through the caves, they reach the outside but are discovered by the goblin sentries. As they run from the ruins they notice the main entrance to the ruins. They head to the cave from the night before to rest before heading back to Tanylvar. While resting, they look over the map they found, but are uncertain where the other outposts are. Possibly a day to the next one, but hard to tell given the unknown scale of the map.
Leaving the cave, they head to Raventhorp by late afternoon. They stay at the Wagon, the only inn in town. Portions of the building look to have been part of a caravan at one point then the rest of the inn grew up around it. It is run by a middle-aged man called Brunner. Andal drinks for a bit in the taproom before chatting with a merchant sitting in the taproom about local issues. He then speaks to Yon, a local trapper where he learns a little bit about the local situation and the near mountains. He specifically asks him about caves and potential ruins. Yon lost a trap to someone or something in the last couple of days.

27th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

The following day, the group heads back to Tanylvar and immediately heads to Castor's where they are met by his clockwork servant. Castor is immediately consumed by the items they have found and get's lost trying to examine them. When asked about the map, he suggests the cartographer in the merchant district. Castor starts to do testing on the spheres and throws one into the fire where it explodes. He posits that it is magical energy distilled into a sphere form.

Rewards Granted

6 pearlescent spheres from a decayed chest, Andal picked them up
6 pearlescent spheres and a strange saber in a closet on a weapon rack, Andal found it
Leather tube with an ancient map in the secret area, Silva found it

Missions/Quests Completed

Quest Completed:

  • Returned an item and a map to Castor
Quests Given:
  • Determine what/where those other places might be on the map.

Character(s) interacted with

Goblins - they spied on some goblins
Brunner - Innkeeper of the Wagon
Yon - trapper in Raventhorp
Merchant talked to in Raventhorp who sells iron.
Castor Fizzbolt

Created Content

Wagon - inn in Raventhorp
Brunner - innkeeper
Yon - trapper
Wagon - inn


Morgoth used a torch.
Andal has put 4 pearlescent spheres in the saber and has 1 spent one.
Private room at the Wagon costs 1sp, common room costs 3cp.
Silva and Morgoth pay for a private room and Andal takes a common room spot.
Andal drinks two ales and gives the boy 3cp (5cp total)
Two people in the inn were unknown to the serving boy.
Andal has been through Raventhorp before on a mission for Valnyr Iltaril to take a message to a man named Gareth Mantellyr, the local farm overseer.
Morgoth eats dinner (costs 5cp for everything).
Andal buys a drink for Yon (4cp), so Andal pays a total of 1sp.
Andal gives the saber to Castor along with the spheres. He uses another sphere up so there are 10 spheres

Gears of Vengeance
Report Date
27 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Cyrlys Kingdom

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