Episode 1: Beginnings Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode 1: Beginnings

General Summary

24th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

Our heroes, Andal, Morgoth, and Silva answer a summons from Castor Fizzbolt. Arriving at his workshop, they hear a loud explosion from inside. Forcing their way in, they discover the workshop on fire and Castor nowhere to be found. Putting out the fire, Andal discovers a strange perfect semi-circle cut out of a workbench which reminds Morgoth of an item Castor was working on.
Not finding Castor anywhere in the workshop, the group heads upstairs to the home proper. Searching the home, they find Castor in his bed, knocked unconscious with a large knot on his head. Waking him, they discover he used his new invention, the Evacuator, to escape the explosion, but was hit in the head as it transported him to his bed where they found him.
Getting down to business, Castor hires the adventurers to follow up on a story about dwarven ruins in the foothills to the west. A trapper had found them while tracking a bear but had not gone inside. Castor hires them for 50gp each now and 50gp on completion of the contract, but any technology or books/scrolls found would go to Castor. Anything else could be kept by the adventurers.

25th of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

After a bit of shopping at Handal's Goods, the adventurers took to the road passing through the small village of Raventhorp on their way to the location described by Castor. The dirt road gave way to nothing more than a track as they headed into the foothills. As they passed through a particularly narrow portion of the path, they were attacked by some goblins. They were able to survive the encounter but did take a little bit of damage from the archers.
Reaching the small valley Castor had mentioned, they were able to find the ruins mentioned by the trapper. Climbing up the cliff edge to the ruins, they are noticed by more goblins who seem to be inside the ruins. Barely surviving this fight, they make a retreat and find a place to hole up for the night to lick their wounds.

Rewards Granted

50gp each from Castor
From goblin ambush: 20cp, 3 days rations, shortbow with 17 arrows, a collection of smooth, polished stones in a linen sack

Missions/Quests Completed

Quests Given:

  • Check out the rumors of a dwarven ruin found by Yon the Trapper and return any technology found to Castor.
Quests Completed:
  • None

Character(s) interacted with

New NPCs: Castor Fizzbolt - given a contract to search some ruins

Created Content

Iron Dragon Tavern - tavern in Tanylvar where Castor learned of the ruins
Handal's Goods - general goods store in Tanylvar where the heroes bought some items before heading out
Raventhorp - village they passed through on the way to the ruins
M'hel Garrison - ruins found
Silver Ore Consortium - mining company in Tanylvar.


Morgoth - has a small house in the city of Tanylvar
Silva - lives in a cave with her clan outside the city
Andal - has been hired by Valnyr Iltaril in the past

Gears of Vengeance
Report Date
31 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Cyrlys Kingdom

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