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Session XV: The Truth Unveiled Report

General Summary

Our party faces, Eclipse, a fragment of the Fae Queen, ruler of the seelie. They explain to them that the nature of their call was that of a draft. They are on the pool of candidates for champion's of the deities for their next holy war.


The fragment then proceeded to give them one last test in the form of a harrowing vision of a possible future. Thrown off by these visions, the party rebukes the fae creature who doesn't see them fit to be champions. Eclipse then declares that after a test is given by a deity, they are required to reward the tested individual. As such, she offers one question to each of them.


Malaveth used his question to confirm wether the vision he saw would come to pass and when, to which the answer was that in roughly a material plane months time. Kiber asked where Amërie was at and uncertainty washed over her as she learned that Amërie was in the hands of one of the apostles of la Llorona. Medan asked where he could find a cure for his affliction, learning he would have to sever his connection to a creature of shadows in the Shadowfell. Nabitaro asked what significance losing ones name had, to which the fragment said that when he died he would be unable to transition to the afterlife. Nabitaro, appalled by the answer given, asked the archfey replied with silence. Jibril used her question on Nabitaro's behalf to learn where they could find his name.


Following the archfey's tips, the party ventured into the forest where the crystaline weaver's supposedly dwelled. However, Kiber took a detour to go and check on her old house deep in the woods. She found out that her parents left, following a lead that might take them to her and Amërie given by a woman named Gru'nah. Kiber rallied with his friends, who had run into an old acquaintance, Kaltain the warlock.


Kaltain seemed to have gotten in possession of Nabitaro's soul, buying it from the crystaline weaver's. Kaltain offered Nabitaro his soul back in exchange for them doing a favour for him. He asked for the party to bring him the head of Bashara, a monster that lived inside the cave in front of his house's current location. As a sign of good faith after his disappeareance on their first encounter, he gave them a sword and the answer to the question they had at that time. Medan, nontheless, wanted another thing, he wanted to know if there was any way in which he could subdue his affliction and wield it. Kaltain, apparently interested on the paladin's question, offered the option of obtaining a divine artifact. The artifact in question was located in the Explorer's Tomb, in the calamities grasp.


Thinking over what Kaltain said, the party seemed to consider themselves incapable of handling a calamity but Medan had an idea. He beseeched Aurora for knowledge on the location of another artifact that might be easier to control, in exchange of him being polite to her. The vampire laughed at his proposal and offered him a counteroffer, he would allow himself to be bitten and gain the power of a half-vampire and he would have to serve the countess for 5 years after she was freed. He agreed and let Aurora bite him after which, she told them that a relic could be found on the kingdom of Lúgdor'an. The party recognized the nation as the dragonden, the kingdom of dragons ruled by one that borders the empire.


Without distractions left, the party wandered into the cave. They found a horrid landscape filled with people who seemed to have lost their minds. They pushed onwards and found a large opening in the cave system where a hole to a lower level was. While they were examining the hole, a monster took ahold of Malaveth and shifted him to a separate opening where the creature and people being controlled by it started attacking Malaveth. Malaveth fended them off as best as he could, as his friends closed the gap between them. All of the group fended them off with non-lethal attacks, all but Malaveth. He began slashing on the mind controlled people and struck down three controlled individuals, one of which was one of Kiber's fathers, Hatharal.


The creature took the shape of a person from Nabitaro's past after attacking him and he began protecting it, striking his friends down. Kiber and Medan were targeted by the creature next and the creature became a person resembling Medan. Nabitaro finally stroke down the creature, covering everyone in a rain of blood. The people in the cave seemed to snap out of the trance. Ralnor, Kiber's other father, ran to his lovers side screaming and checked his pulse to find out his state, but was distracted by the shock of Nabitaro saying Kiber's name.

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