CKM C1E2: Three's company Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

CKM C1E2: Three's company Report

General Summary

Lyra , a tiny little gnome druid had arrived at Candlekeep at last. She had been sent by her circle to exchange knowledge, most specifically knowledge of the stars and the cosmos they shone within. The star charts that her elders had provided as a guarantee to her entry had proven to do the trick; the Avowed had appeared quite enamored with them. At any rate, she was in now, and had put behind her the stodgy old Avowed who had read the riot act on wards and Orders of Accordance.   Now, however, she was greeted by an overly enthusiastic human teen named Fembris Larlancer - her assigned Adjutant. He provided a thorough tour of the Court of Air, accompanying it with a never-ending stream of chatter. Eventually he lead her to the House of Rest where the gnome tried to make her excuses and rid herself of the boy. Talking right over her excuses he continued to offer services and introductions. Resigning herself, and admitting to herself that she did indeed have questions about the available accommodations, Lyra interrupted to ask about the possibility of open-air accommodations - so that she could sleep under the stars. "Well, I think if its open air yer after, your only real option is the stables?" Fembris Larlancer replied. "Does it have a roof?" Lyra asked further. "Oh. Yeah, I guess it does," a crestfallen Fembris Larlancer answered her. "But! I am pretty sure there are rooms on the top floor here that look out over the battlements of the southern wall of the keep to the ocean!" Deciding that would have to do, Lyra spoke with the proprietor of the House of Rest and secured a private room on the third floor that had just been vacated by a Seeker who had been banished from the keep.   Taking her leave, Lyra turned to mount the stairs when Fembris Larlancer ran over, trying to pick up her pack for her as she slung it on her back. "I...I could carry your things to your room for you," he offered. She declined, having carried them herself for leagues. "I...Maybe we could meet for breakfast and I could offer to assist in guiding your initial studies at the library?" Much as it pained her to admit it, such aid in orienting herself to the library and its collection would indeed be valuable, so the little druid agreed to meet him at The Hearth an hour after dawn the next day.  

Bardak , a githzerai wizard also found himself in the Court of Air that same day. Having had similar experiences outside of the gates, he was greeted by an elderly human scribe by the name of Orrin Glass; his assigned Ajutant. Orrin Glass was apparently deaf in one ear, and Bardak had to lean in close and yell at his good ear to be clearly heard. Even then, the old man often forgot what he was saying mid sentence, or where they were going (or had been) mid step. Bardak 's tour was excruciatingly frustrating, and more than once he considered ending it magically; but each time he recalled the Orders of Accordance and chose instead to suffer silently.   By the end of the tour, Orrin Glass deposited the wizard at The Hearth and promptly admonished him for having no direction or consistency in what he wanted to be shown before the old man shuffled away, paused, turn about in a full circle and a half and then shuffled in that direction a ways before once again doing an about face and heading to the House of the Binder.   Bardak entered The Hearth and was surprised to find that the interior seemed like it most occupy at least three times the space one would expect based on the exterior of the building. He chose a small, round, table to seat himself at and ordered the cheapest ale the proprietor had to offer. He loitered over his meal and drink for about an hour or so, listening to the conversations taking place around him - most of which had to do with research topics, titles of various tomes, and the general comings and goings of daily life at the keep. At one point he would swear he heard a discussion of a domesticated ogre named Little One.   Eventually, sleep called, and the githzerai stood from his chair and walked back out to the Court of Air. As he did so, he stopped to wonder yet again at the disproportionate exterior vs. interior size of this building. Not realizing he had stopped right in front of the door to contemplate this, he soon felt a large digit poke his shoulder. Turning, and looking quite a bit further upwards than he'd expected to need to, he saw a full-grown ogre wearing a metallic circlet on hits head. "EXCUSE ME," it said in perfect common with a deep, but metered, voice, "BUT YOU ARE BLOCKING THE DOORWAY. I NEED TO GET THROUGH SO I CAN SIT BY THE FIREPLACE AND READ MY BOOK HERE." As he said this, he held up a large tome with a leather strap as a bookmark hanging from somewhere near the middle of the pages. Stepping aside, Bardak apologized absent mindedly and now marveled as the ogre ducked, folded his arms in around his body while hunching his shoulders forward, and just barely squeezed through the door before walking over to the fireplace and sitting himself on the stone floor with his back propped against the bricks of the hearth.   Shaking his head, Bardak headed next door to the House of Rest and paid for space in one of the common rooms for the night.  
Jayce felt sooooo much better after the baths. The dirt, grime, and most importantly the dust, of his travels had washed away and he felt refreshed. His next priority was to return to the private room he had procured earlier that day and get some rest before exploring what the library had to offer the next day.

Candlekeep Mysteries
Report Date
23 Apr 2021

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