Dustin Shaw
A rough and clearly battle-worn old man with a chip on his shoulder. Gruff and abrasive, but a fantastic leader. Runs the FERA guild headquarters in New Chalcedon.
Jacques DeHolnen
A handsome young tiefling artificer who looks to be in his early twenties. Obsessively clean and neat. Researches Odium technologies. Has dealt with the oppression common to Tieflings in the past.
Marie Aladrin
An aloof elven researcher who leads the Research Division.
She is either smoking her pipe or thinking about doing so at all times. Speaks very deliberately and makes an attempt to not speak ill of others. Her elvish longevity leads to her making faux pas with shorter lived races rather frequently. In particular, she acts motherly towards nearly everyone.
Mervold Sunsprocket
A gnomish tinkerer whose inquisitive spirit is as much a danger to his allies as his enemies at times. He is always upbeat and positive. Loves weirdly spiced candies.
Tommy King
A young man who has seen too few battles to be called a warrior and too flighty to be of any use in one. He serves as the herald for the FERA guild and runner for messages of import.
Scheduled Sessions
Fri 8th January 2021 0:00
Session 0: Dawn of a New World
This session will be to cover background information and to help with character building. It will also serve as an introduction to all the players.