A Song of Wolves and Dragons

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Gold Empire
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Supporting Cast
  • the Storm Sentinel Aerosaryx
    The purple dragon Aerosaryx is the last great dragon in the line of Aeronsax. Proud and wounded, Aerosaryx is the last warden of Stormfall, which he now guards alone. Aerosaryx cares about his family, and everything he is trying to do is to protect what remains of his father's bloodline.
  • Agnes Solsø
    The young Agnes is the sole survivor of her family following the devastation of the Wildwalker Uprising, and has survived against all odds to thrive in rural East Sceya. Now protected by her surrogate mother, Elizabeth, Agnes makes a living administrating a small camp of outcasts and misfits. Agnes wants a quiet life in the forest, but a gift from her mysterious mother may prove to give her a much more exciting life than anyone could have guessed.
  • Duchess Alise Ari
    Duchess Alise Ari of the Wetlands is the secondborn child of king Hans "the Great" Ari, and representative of the Kingdom of Sceya in the Council Argentum in Aurumis, and rider of Surrdresh Goldwing, thirdborn of Clenxir Drakeslayer. She is an ambitious and influential noblewoman, who has played an important part in securing Sceya's place in imperial politics. Her gaze is firmly set on what she believes is her birth-right: the throne of Sceya, and she has gathered many allies to her cause.
  • Sheriff Amal Andersen
    Amal Andersen is the sheriff of Ravå, a veteran of the Akshusian war who has moved from her desert home to the Sceyan frontier to be with her husband and children. As sheriff of Ravå, Amal has a mandate to protect her people and keep law and order, a duty she has performed admirably within the town borders.
  • Duchess Amalie Ari
    Duchess Amalie Ari of Highhammer is the eldest child of king Hans "the Great" Ari, and de-facto ruler of Sceya while her father bitterly considers his legacy. She is professional, educated, knows the limits of her expertize and authority, and most West Sceyans respect her. She has the authority of a Queen, but has so far worked only to continue her father's political goals and act in his stead, not maked her own mark on the kig\ngdom.
  • Duke Andreas Ari
    Duke Andreas "the Handsome" Ari is the duke of East Sceya, ruling from the northern industrial city of Irondeep. He was once a great adventurer and conquerer of singular ability, but he has left his conquering days behind him. He remains a famous war-hero, but he tries to uphold the peaceful staus quo in East Sceya. He rides the Gold Dragon Yaldresh Giantslayer, firstborn of Clenxir Drakeslayer.
  • Candido Diamante
    The handsome old halfling Candido Diamante is a Sceyan bard whose fame rivals that of Eadmund Sheranis. His travels and stories are known across the entire Gold Empire, and he is a friend to the lightfoot halfling clans of Sceya. He has recently come to East Sceya to visit family and pay his respects to his brother, who was recently killed in a shootout with the Company.
  • Clenxir
    Clenxir Drakeslayer is the dragon matriarch of the kingdom of Sceya. She is an old and cunning gold dragon, who has made a specialty of following her hatred of Elemental Dragons to extinguish as many of them as possible, ideally in brutal close combat with tooth and claw. She waits for a more worthy rider than king Hans Ari to bring her back to battle, continuing her crusade against the ancestral enemy.
  • Cwenraed
    Cwenraed was once an innocent Fireni trying to understand the world's herbs and poisons, before he was robbed of his innocence and his life by the Witch Hunter Theowulf. He was returned from death by the power of the Silent King as the Corpse Eater, and now he is dedicated to his vengeance against the Gold Empire. He is looking for the ultimate weapon in East Sceya.
  • Deidre
    The charming and mysterious Deidre is the Robber Prince, the leader of the Free Sceya rebellion. He is the son of the great Wolf Queen and grandson of Altsehash, the Old Wolf. Using his magical blade and eldritch invocations, he fights to bring freedom to his people and justice to the Gold Empire
  • Frau Edith Thomz
    Edith Thomz is a rich Dhuchaian merchant working as a freelancer in Saltø. She has become rich and powerful, with large sections of the growing city in her pocket and little the local viceroy can do to limit her influence.
  • Father Ezekiel Falch
    The charismatic leader of the People's Church, father Falch is a veteran of the Akshusian war and a foe of evil in all its forms. Father Falch is building a community of the faithful in the frontier of Sceya, where noble interests and the greed of the rich and mighty cannot interfere with the vision of the Dragon God.
  • Goldmask
    The enigmatic Goldmask is a champion among Amber Elves, and a mysterious figure to the Sceyan rebellion. Ocasionally an ally, often merely an observer, Goldmask has stood on the sidelines of history. He has his own plans for the future of East Sceya, though none can deduce exactly what they are.
  • King Hans Ari
    King Hans "the Great" Ari is king of Sceya. He conquered Sceya and freed it from fey rulership, giant dominion and draconic tyrants, leading his people south and taking new land to populate and civilize. He is now an old man, far past his youthful prime, and his bitterness has turned him into a paranoid and violent ruler. He rides Clenxir Drakeslayer, a powerful dragon matriarch.
  • Holgar Andersen
    The good-natured and friendly proprietor of the Sleeping Giant inn, Holgar Andersen is a central in the community of Ravå and husband of the sheriff. He is known to many travellers in and out of the town, and he is the person to talk to if you want to connect with someone in the town. As a veteran of the Akshusian war, Holgar is no stranger to defending his home.
  • Imoghen Hviid
    Matron mother of the Hviid family, Imoghen Hviid is a cunning and powerful old Gulthias vampire, utterly dedicated to her family.
  • Brother John White
    Brother John White of the Gold Dragon church is a monster hunter of some repute active in East Sceya. He is the leader of a small fraternity of monster hunters who were driven south by the People's Church. He works hard to protect the people while trying to avoid politics.
  • Master of Alchemy Konstanze Mueller
    Konstanze Mueller, known to her friends as Konnie, was a young and brilliant Indigo alchemist who received a stipend from duke Andreas Ari to work in East Sceya. Her work on earthquakes and terran elemental mechanics was incredibly impressive for a Master of Alchemy, and she quickly made a name for herself as a practical thinker. She left for East Sceya not long after receiving her Master's degree, and rumor has it among her peers that she was recruited to work on Godweapons.
  • Sergeant Line Sortsmed
    Line Sortsmed, called Black Line by her friends, is a veteran of the Highhammer 14th, who fought in the Sceyan Uprising and in the invasion of the Emerald Coast. She currently serves as a sergeant in the East Sceyan Trade Company, serving as a "logistics officer". In practice this means that she makes sure the Company's products reach their destination, that its warehouses are protected and that thieves are punished. She is one of the highest-ranking Company operatives in Ravå.
  • Luchóg
    The enigmatic and mighty Luchóg protects the people of East Sceya from monsters and spirits. He is an important leader to the East Sceyans, and one of its mightiest defenders.
  • Silver Marshal Martin Hard
    Silver marshal Martin Hard is a sociable and wise silver marshal, who was born in the Wetlands and moved to East Sceya with his family fifteen years ago when the Silver Metal church was established in Highwall. He is a charismatic people person, who contains Rust's worst excesses.
  • Mornxir
    Mornxir Eastwind is a beloved Sceyan gold dragon who is oath-bound to protect her city of Highammer. Her rider is duchess Amalie Ari of Highammer, and together they protect and lead the citizens of Highammer. Mornxir has not battled many times, but did attack some raiders during the Troubles, earning her and the duchess the love of their city.
  • Neferkara Nørrebro
    Neferkara Nørrebro is an older veteran from the Itn-Ari 8th Grenadiers. She fought for many years in the Sceyan Royal Army, eventually settling in the East Sceyan Greatwood. She lost her husband during the Sceyan Uprising, and travelled to Ravå with one of the first settlers to make a new life for herself as a cattlefarmer.
  • Silver Marshal Ruzzik Tanin
    Silver marshal Ruzzik Tanin is an enigmatic man who few understand, but he is a damn good detective. He has been working in Highwall for the last two years, spending much of that time hunting a serial killer across Highwall and the Army Towns. His past in Akshus has been kept secret since he came north, but it is clear that he is a man of violence with a troubled past.
  • Susannah Andersen
    The young Susannah Andersen is the daughter of the sheriff of Ravå, who works at her father's inn. She dreams of joining her father's regiment, the famed Irondeep 1st (and only), and trains everyday to achieve this goal. She is planning to leave next summer to pursue this dream on her father's recommendation, though she is sad to leave behind her secret girlfriend.
  • Synce
    Synce is the champion of Free Sceya, a bladesman of superlative skill working to bring vengeance to the Gold Empire as the right hand of Deidre. They are known as the Blade of the East and are symbol of Sceyan independence and freedom, as well as proof that the Gold Empire is not invincible. They famously went toe-to-toe with one of the Gold Empire's holy knights, and won.
  • Hero of Irondeep Yasuo Tomonaga
    It is joked among the Whiteshield knights that the word "noble" and "merry" were created to describe commander Tomonaga, their old mentor and a war hero from the first days of the Gold Empire. Commander Tomonaga is known as an invincible hero throughout the Gold Empire, who has always fought to protect the weak and save the innocent with a smile on his face and laughter booming from his superhuman lungs. The Damatír who fought Tomonaga "the Mighty" Yasuo during the Wildwalker Uprising know him by a different name: "Dhéanann Gáire", the Death who Laughs.

Sessions Archive

17th Oct 2024

Darkness of the Deeptower

Heltene våre er komt til Teamar Onórach på jakt etter vampyrer og vandøde, men det har ikkje gått tre minutt og dei er allereie i kamp med goblins og ogres!? Kva er det som skjer i Vetteskogen, korleis har goblinsne komt seg hit, og kva nye fiender kjem Løsskuddene til å få i mørket? Ein sint Gullmaske vil ha blodig rettferdighet, koste kva det koste vil.

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13th Oct 2024

The Forest Whispers her Name

Etter å ha gitt Sølvmarsjallane beviset dei treng for å endeleg få Kompaniet ned med nakken, er Løsskuddene på veg tilbake til Ravå. Det neste steget for dei er å assistere Gullmaske og Ravalvane med å brenne ut den vampyriske korrupsjonen frå dei hemmelege kryptane under Ravå. Men dei finn meir dernede enn berre lik og gamle artefakter, med farlege implikasjonar for Ravå...

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5th Oct 2024

All Gold is won in Blood

Løsskuddene er på veg for å utøve Sølvgudens rettferdighet for nokre kompanister som transporterer det uggudlege narkotikumet skimmelrøyk. Med slikt bevis vil Sølvbiskopen av Høghammar endeleg kunne lukke ned kompaniet for godt, og slå eit slag i hennar kamp for å få reedeme seg sjølv i Drakegudens auge. Løsskuddene har blitt spillbrikker i ein politisk kamp mellom Gullimperiets kyrkjelege maktar, og den andre siden kjem ikkje til å akseptere å miste ein viktig investering så enkelt...

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28th Sep 2024


Emilie Hviid er død, og Ravå forbereder seg til vampyrisk invasjon. Peacekeeperne har bygd nye tårn, gulldrakeprestane patruljerer skogkanten og vegen dagleg, og Folkemilitsen er på veg sørover, leia av Ezekiel Falch sjølv. Men løskskuddene har ein viktigare obligasjon enn kamp mot vandøde horder: Rust og Martin har funnet ein konvoi dei er nesten sikre på vil ha Skimmelrøyk i seg. Med bevis frå denne konvoien vil dei endeleg kunne få Kompaniet ned med nakken og sikre ein dom over deira syndige forbrytelser, men utan Løsskuddene vil dette bli veldig vanskelig. Løsskuddene står då klare til å skyte det første skuddet mot den eine gruppa i Aust-Sceya med flest rifler, kanoner, flammekastere og pistoler, som så langt har vert vennlige...

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22nd Sep 2024

I Want You

På jakt etter Henrik sitt utstyr og Thanaa sine krydde har Grandal-gjengen fanga Emilie Hviid, ein fryktingytande vampyr, i eit låst rom i Lars Løkkehjul sin kjellar. Ho har tilbudt dei å gi dei bevis mot Kompaniet, men dei har bestemt seg for å dra ho ut i lyset og brenne ho ut. Men dei må være forsiktige, for beistet som er fanga er det mest uforutsigbare, og farlege, og Emilie har enda eit par triks...

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9th Sep 2024

Hunting Around in the Dark

Etter ein god natts søvn gjer gjengen seg klar til å konfrontere Adrian Løkkehjul om dei manglande leveringane og den låste døren i kjellaren hans. Det er mange mørke krefter i verk rundt Ravå, og gjengen må tenke seg om kor mykje dei vil dele med sine allierte og offentligheten. Kanskje nokre ting er betre å la være i mørket?

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3rd Sep 2024

Brass and Spices

Etter å ha hjulpet Høghammer Jernbane Selskapet med å få tilbake ravmøllen sin, og å ha drept ein manifestasjon av ein vampyrisk ondskap, er Grandalgjengen tilbake i Ravå. Dei har fortjent HJS sin takknemlighet, og dei kjem med gåver for den ekstraordinære innsatsen.   Dei skal no hjelpe Holgar og Kollektivet med å finne Henrik Fiskerå sitt alkymistiske utstyr og Thanaa Mustar sine krydder, og det er mange folk som kan ha interesse i å selge slikt dyrt utstyr og luksusvare. Kompaniet, Comercirojo rogues og vanlege banditter kan alle være forbrytarane, og alle dei fornærma har forskjellege teoriar. Gjengen må navigere desse forskjellege teoriane, og komme seg til sannheten.

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27th Aug 2024

The Dead and the Dying

På jakt etter ravmøllen har partyet funnet ein usannsynleg, og farleg, alliert: Ardemis av the Ill Omen order. I djupet under krypten har dei og funnet mørke og korrupsjon i form av eit svært Orcus-tre, som er ein fornærmelse mot den Grøne Konge. Grandalgjengen konfronterer den vampyriske ondskapen, med ser Ardemis i spissen.   Sjølv om dei beseirer mørket må dei framleis ta seg av kjempene som venter på dei over bakken. Og Ardemis har valgt å stole på dei for no, men ho synst det er rart at Ruth har valgt å dekke ansiktet sitt, og vil kanskje sjå det før ho reiser tilbake til Rilark Ruvaak, uavhengig av kva Ruth måtte meine om saken...

22nd Aug 2024

Night of the Spear

13th May 2024

The will make monsters of us all

9th May 2024

Old Scars

2nd May 2024

Day of Song

23rd Apr 2024

Whenever It Rains

16th Apr 2024


14th Apr 2024

the Line of Aeronsax

Partyet har komt seg til Stykket, og byrjar no å klatre gjennom desse antikke ruinane av det Drakoniske imperiet. Men dei må passe seg for dei Lilla Dragefødte som framleis beveg seg i ruinane, veteranane av ein urgammal krig mellom kjemper og drakar som har tenkt seg å beskytte byen sin til det siste. Og dei Drakefødte er ikkje aleine: wyverns, luftelementals og demi-drakar vil og gjere partyet sitt quest vanskeleg. Men bror John har målet sitt tydeleg framfor seg: eit lilla drake egg han har fått instruksjon frå Drakeguden å hente. Men han er ikkje den einaste som har komt til Stykket for å finne egget...

5th Apr 2024

Legacy of Lightning

15th Mar 2024

Provincial Evil

7th Mar 2024

Form and void

29th Feb 2024

Who Goes There?

Med Ville Bill på slep til Aftensol har partyet claima enda ein dusør! Med litt penge til overs byrjar partyet turen nordpå til Jernvej, kor dei får møte sølvmarsjallane Tanin og Hard. Men eit valdsdrama utfolder seg i Jernvej som partyet blir dratt inn i, før Tanin og Hard leiar dei inn i ein mørk historie med mord og ondskap...

23rd Feb 2024

Dead Man's Hand

12th Feb 2024

Jakten på Ville Bill

8th Feb 2024

Blood upon the Snow

Partyet er i brutal kamp med Tåkefødte, som ser ut til å ha drept Andersen-familien og kidnappa deira yngste dotter, Malene. Dei har mogelegheita til å redde ho og gjere noko bra for Ravå, men spørsmålet er kor mykje meir blod som må farge snøen før rettferd er fornøgd...

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1st Feb 2024

Wayfaring Stranger

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This story is told by

The Protagonists


Ruth Pilkvist


8 / 8 HP

Miss Margot Elizabet Kuznetsov

Alchymist Friedrich Müller

Lawful Neutral Rock Gnome (Purple Alchymist)
Sorcerer 5
37 / 37 HP