Darkness of the Deeptower Report

General Summary

The Loose Cannons and Goldmask defeated the ogres and hobgoblins swiftly and mercilessly, but in a moment of blinding anger, Ruth Pilkvist opened fire with her pistol, the shots ringing around the island.
After the battle, the party resolved to killing the invaders and driving them away from Teamar Onórach. Expecting trouble, they snuck up towards the next level of the island alongside the cliff. When they were attacked by another force of goblins and hobgoblins theys truck quickly from the shadows. Goblins and hobgoblins rained down arrows from the top of the cliff, while a Hill Giant, a Hobgoblin Captain riding a Troll and a Gulthias Spawn came down the hill.
Reacting quickly, Friedrich ran to the front of the party and sent a fireball hurtling into the enemy position, nearly throwing the hobgoblain captain of his troll. Goldmask and Elizabet joined him in the frontline, with Elizabet firing at the giant and pushing them back, while Goldmask engaged the giant in melee combat. Gorm took up position behind the party, sending coruscating eldritch blasts into the mass of enemies and pushing the giant back, though he was rewarded by a boulder hitting him center-mass. Kuzuha saw the problem of the archers and knew that they would continue to send their arrows down from the cliff, and so she summoned a mass of sick crows who pecked at and killed many of the goblin archers, forcing them from the cliff.
Seeing that most of the ground-level threats were handled, Kari used their martial arts abilities to leap up the cliff, grabbing Ruth with them and punching the hobgoblins with their elemental power. Ruth sent her own lightning at the troll and giant, before engaging the vampire in hand-to-hand combat. The vampire mocked her meager non-magical sword, but was pumelled to the ground by her shield and critically wounded by her magical light. The vampire surrendered, and Ruth handcuffed him and pinned him to the ground while Kuzuha killed the remaining goblins.
Moving up on the next cliff, the party discovered a Giant's camp with massive boxes, tents and an outdoor office, and that the hobgoblins had cut down nearly all the trees on the island. While Ruth and Kari dragged the vampire over to the bonfire burning in the camp, the rest of the party joined them with a calmer Goldmask. While Kari, Ruth, Goldmask and Gorm interrogated the vampire and Friedrich studied one of the massive runestones, Kuzuha and Elizabet investigated the camp itself. The two gossips found obvious evidence inside the very warm tent of it being inhabited by a Fire Giant, and they found schematics for a massive drill alongside several engineering books. Inside one of the books they found a hidden letter written in draconic, with the stamp of the Peace Legion, and they managed to open a giant chest which was a massive war-chest with thousands of gold coins, 3 health potions and several amber elf artefacts which would fetch a good price at the black market. They also found a note from Herlaug Aasedottir to "the Greater", offering this war-chest to hire mercenaries.
Friedrich studied the runestone, and concluded that the stone had to be more than 10 000 years old, with its first inscriptions being from the time before the First War. He discovered that the runes were an ancient dialect of Sylvan, closer to primordial than the modern Sylvan, and he used his magic to translate it. He discovered that the runes were dedicated to the foreigners and strangers who had died protecting Cathaír Ombra, such as the "Thunderwarriors of Stormfall" and the "Wolf King's hordes". The last one drew particular interest, as it said that the warriors of the Wolf King fought back the darkness of Orcus, more than 9 000 years ago. Intruiged, Friedrich asked Gorm to join him to discuss these findings. It was clear to Gorm that this war against darkness was the one he had fought and died in all those years ago, and as his memory wandered back to that time, he got the impression of a powerful predator-warrior standing behind him, but when he turned around there was nothing to be found.
Reading on in the Runestone, more and more names were added to the list of the dead, many of them in war against the "Cathairans". The last line stopped suddenly, with no apparent explanation. Hearing the discussions between Fred and Gorm, Goldmask decided to join them. He explained that the Amber Elves called on many allies during the Dreamwar, but that the city faced its doom when World-Hunger came to Sceya and devoured much of the city. Goldmask also told Gorm that he had no idea that Gorm had defended Cathaír Ombra against Orcus, and that he had great respect for his sacrifice.
Ruth and Kari's interrogation of the vampire went well, and they opted to not torture or hurt the vampire, which Goldmask was thankful for. The vampire was surprisingly friendly and told them everything they wanted to know: how many monsters were in the Teamar Onórach, why they were there, where his master was. He explained that the vampires had transported the Free Sceya forces there to drill into Ravå from across the dimensionall wall. Kari was suspicious of his candour and asked him why he was sharing so much so readily, and he explained that his bloodmother was in his head and making him be friendly. Kari asked why his bloodmother wanted them to know all this, but he could not answer the question as he did not know his mother's mind.
Understanding that

A Song of Wolves and Dragons


8 / 8 HP

Friedrich Müller

Lawful Neutral Rock Gnome (Purple Alchymist)
Sorcerer 5
37 / 37 HP
Report Date
17 Oct 2024

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