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The town of Ravå lies near the lake of Solsøen, on the river of the same name. The town was originally a Faordaon settlement, which was destroyed during the Wildwalker Uprising. Since then, West Sceyan veterans and imperial settlers have flocked to Ravå in greater and greater numbers to seek the amber riches hidden in the river and nearby marshlands, as well as local Faordaon farmers who have moved back to their old homes and moved to settle the abandones homesteads in the area.
Ravå is a quickly growing East Sceyan town which is poised to be a center of imperial influence in the Greatwilds, a place where imperial industry and fortune-seeking settlers meet, clash and blend with local traditions. Ravå has one of the richest supplies of amber known on Dain, and much high-grade amber is found by prospectors and sold on to alchemists in Saltø for export to the rest of the Gold Empire.


Ravå was originally populated by Faordaon, many of whom were fishermen or amber-prospectors working on the Ravå itself, and trading seaward with the Mistborn. Due to its position on a large river, there were also quite a few Mistborn who made their home in the town.
However, during the Wildwalker Uprising and the Ravå Massacre, many of these were driven from their homes. West Sceyan have since moved to the town, mostly to prospect for amber and trade northwards with Saltisle.
Since becoming an imperial settlement, Ravå has lured an eclectic group of imperial settlers to the frontier with promises of amber riches.
As with elsewhere in the imperial settlements of East Sceya, most of the imperial population consists of West Sceyans who have moved there to make a living, but there are settlers from all over the Imperial Far South and Imperial South, including Akshusians, Whiesians, high elves and sea elves from Toirecíud and Cidamar, dwarves from Azerheim, Leonin from Whiteplain,  Salantanans and Dhuchaians, as well as rare folk such as Goliaths from the Godpeaks and alchemists with their attendants from Goldstadt. Since Ravå is not within the boundaries of imperial authority, these West Sceyans have not received proper land for their work, rather they have claimed unoccupied land following the uprising.
The East Sceyan population consists mostly of Faordaon, alongside a few Mistborn who make a living as fishermen in the Ravå and Solsøen. Comercirojo merchants often camp outside of Ravå, from where they trade with the town and further into the East Sceyan Greatwood.


Town Council
As a frontier town, Ravå has no formal government or laws, as it exists outside the boundaries of the Gold Empire. However in practice, an ad-hoc town council has formed, alongside a volunteer force of peacekeepers.
The leader of this town council is sheriff Amal Andersen, who was given a silver badge by the silver metal bishop of Høgmur and whose mandate is to keep the peace in the town and protect imperial citizens. She is well-respected by the townspeople and considered fair by the locals, and her authority is supported by a number of deputies she has selected to support her. The sheriff rode with a warband during The Imperial-Akshusian War, and several of her old compatriots have joined her in protecting the town.
Another prominent member is the sheriff's husband, Holgar Andersen, proprietor of the Sleeping Giant inn and owner of several lots he rents out to amber prospectors and would-be Ravå citizens waiting to find a place of their own. He is well-liked around the town, and gives money to several charities, including paying for the peacekeepers' horses, guns and bullets. In many ways he manages Ravå's finances, making sure that the town grows and everyone has everything they need.
The local silver dragon priest, father Kallinikos Katros also often has a place on the town council. He takes care of the town's sick and has helped stop several diseases from spreading in the town, and his sermons are quite popular, especially with the West Sceyan immigrants from Hærbyerne who go to the People's Church. Father Katros has contacts in the north, and speaks with the authority and confidence of Ezekiel Falch himself.
The local brass dragon cleric, sister Zekori Kenyatta, who operates the Ravå Rapport, the local newspaper, also commonly attends the town council meetings. She spreads the information of the town council to the people and reports on developments in the countryside.
Another important member of the town council is the representative of the East Sceyan Trading Company, Line Sortsmed, who has the most guns under her command and help with maintaining the territorial integrity of Ravå.
Master Jamuqa Besut of the Yellow Order is the representative of the Order of Alchemists in Saltø, who attends city council meetings during the Amber season.
Several other local businessfolk and merchants also join this town council, who meet in the Sleeping Giant inn, and they are in principle open to everyone. The Town Council generally meets once a week.
The sheriff keeps the peace in Ravå, trying to sort out trouble and conflict to the best of her ability and according to the means she has available. In the case of simple disagreements, she serves as a mediator, advisor and occasionally judge who tries to decide what is most fair.
For petty crimes, such as thievery, small fights and the like, the sheriff generally throws the criminals in jail and makes them pay a fine, part of which goes to the town fund and part of which goes to the offended party.
For major crimes, such as murder, the sheriff generally exiles the accused, though she has been known to execute severily dangerous criminals, a rarity in Gold Empire.
The sheriff in general keeps the peace within the town limits and settle disputes in the miles around the town, but you do not have to travel far outside of the town before the Ravå town council has nothing to say. In these areas whorehouses, gambling operations, robberies and drugdens are common. As Ravå grows, these operations seem to grow out with it, but always staying outside of its borders.


Hovedgade and Ravgade are protected by a 10 feet tall palisade, locked by two larger gates. The palisade keeps monsters out from the center, though it does not protect Østervej and Sydsiden.
Ranger Towers
Every 100 meters or so, 20 feet tall towers stand inside the palisade. During times of crisis or battle, peacekeepers or citizens militias with rifles, pistols, bows and crossbows stand atop these towers and fire down on attackers. During peacetime, the towers around the gates are manned by peacekeepers with rifles.

Industry & Trade

The single most important industry in Ravå is the amber-industry. Amber is prospected for in the marshes and rivers south and southeast of Ravå by prospectors using either simple buckets or the massive amber-mills. Amber is a valuable alchemical ingredient for health potions which is difficult to find on Dain, and Ravå represents the single largest imperial-controlled repository of amber.


Located on the coast of Solsøen, Ravå receives riverships from Saltø and Østerbro. The Riverdocks were built by the Order of Alchemists to faciltiate the ambertrade, and have been expanded by merchants from Whiteplain and Dhuchai.
The Høghammer Jernbane Selskap is building a long ironrail line connecting Ravå and Østerbro. It should be finished in the spring of 515, before the amber season is at its height for the year, and it will facilitate much faster movement of people and trade of materiel.


The district of Ravgaden extends along the Ravå and up to the coast of Solsøen. There are many warehouses and machines to help amber prospectors identify pure amber. The alchemists have a compound in Ravgaden, from where they weigh, buy and store amber until the winter, when they move it to Saltø.
The infamous Sydside of Ravå extends slowly into the area of ambermills and out of the Town Council's influence. The East Sceyan Trading Company holds sway in this area, with several brothels, gambling dens, bars and other unsavoury places catering to the amber prospectors year-long.
There is also a great deal of cheap real estate here, with boarding houses and hostels for would-be amber prospectors and new settlers.
Slightly outside of Ravå towards the woods is the Rojo-market, a semi-permanent encampment of Comercirojo traders. It has slowly grown into a market where settlers can buy wares from the depths of the Greatwoods. This is also a great place to hear news from the south.
Hovedgaden is the large and respectable area of Ravå in the center of town. Most of the good folk of Ravå have houses near Hovedgaden, and several of the influential institutions are represented on Hovedgaden:
  • The Sleeping Giant inn, the large part-hotel, part-bar and part-town hall owned by influential local businessman and politician Holgar Andersen
  • Ravå Raporteren's office, a small building adjoining the Sleeping Giant inn.
  • Sheriff's office, the armory, jail and office of the sheriff Amal Andersen.
  • The East Sceyan Trading Company's branch office, a large building near Hovedgaden which serves as the local office of the East Sceyan Trading Company.
  • Lars og Børnene Landhandel, the primary place to buy amber-prospecting equipment and the nessecities for travel in the frontier of East Sceya
There is also a large market square in Hovedgaden, where Faordaon and settler farmers come to sell their wares, and craftsmen sell their products. Hovedgaden had significance even before the Imperials came, as there is a large amber bautastein which stands in its center, and it used to be a gathering place for the local Faordaon. The imperials have not touched the stone, for fear that removing it would anger the locals, though the People's Church has argued for removing the heathen monument.
Østervej is the more respectable district where most permanent settlers live, and follows the coast with Solsøen and the road towards the east. There are many businsesses here, whose owners live in Østervej, and most of the people who live in Ravå year-round live in Østervej. It is well-patrolled by the sheriff's deputies.

Guilds and Factions

The East Sceyan Trading Company has several buildings around Ravå.
People's Church
Sheriff's office
Yellow Order
The Yellow Order are the yellow alchemists from Saltø. They move to Ravå during the amber season and buy the quality amber from the prospectors, which they move to Saltø and then north to the rest of the Gold Empire. The Yellow Order bankrolls much of the town with their purchases of amber and have a vested interest in the continued development of the amber industry, though they believe among themselves that it is possible to make the whole industry more efficient by coordinating the efforts of the prospectors centrally.
The Yellow Order has suggested that the formation of a company, tentatively named the Ravå Amber Company, would benefit everyone involved, but the settlers have so far denied any such central organization. However, the tides are changing on this front, and with the arrival of the Highhammer Rail Company, it is possible that the alchemists will get a greater influence on the frontier.


Faordaon origins
Faordaon have lived along the river Ravå for as long as anyone can remember, with most of them living as farmers, fishermen and lumberers, but a few of them lived as amber prospectors in the Ravå. These had a holy duty to their god, the Green King, to collect the amber tears of the Tree of Life, which they used for healing poultices. This tradition stood strong, and slowly but steadily more and more Faordaon gathered in Lochómra, slightly further to the south and on the other bank of the Ravå. However, many Faordaon lived in modern Ravå, mostly working as farmers along the banks of the Solsø.
First Imperial Settlement 477-492 Imperial Age
After the subjugation of the Fire Giants in northern East Sceya, and with the establishment of trade routes out of Saltø, imperials began settling in the Ravå region looking for the beautiful amber riches. Imperial merchants and propectors came here and made a settlement of their own, and traded with local Faordaon. This first settlement was further south along the Ravå than the modern settlement.
Wildwalker Uprising 494-496 Imperial Age
When the Wildwalker Uprising began, many of the imperials fled up north to Saltø due to fear of the Damatír, but some remained. These were killed on a dark winter night, when the Damatír attacked the ambermills, burned the cargo ships and killed most of the prospectors. Some of them managed to flee into the night, where they were protected by a local Faordaon druid.
Ravå massacre 496 Imperial Age
The Faordaon continued to live along the Ravå for the Wildwalker Uprising, but when the Damatír were pushed back from their gains in the north the cathlán Moonhunt came to Ravå to stock up on resources before hitting northeast towards Saltø. However, imperial scouts found out, and a company of the Hunter Corps came to Ravå, alongside Omen Knights. They slaughtered the Moonhunters, murdering all their Siúcraic, and then went to work on the Faordaon who had been hiding them. Many of the Faordaon on the east bank were slaughtered by the Omen Knights, led by Meurik Black, as they had hidden away and protected the Damatír.
Founding of Ravå 497 Imperial Age
After a few years of the wilds slowly reclaiming the east bank of the Ravå, finally new life came to Ravå. Imperial settlers, given land by the duke, came down to reclaim the wilds. This group was led by Holgar Andersen, a veteran of the Royal Sceyan Army, who built the Sleeping Giant inn. The inn would become the center of a bustling imperial settlement which grew week by week, until a new imperial amber-prospecting operation was fully up and running. Faordaon also moved back to the East bank, reclaiming many of their old farms. While they were fully moved out of the amber-business, the Faordaon understood that supplying local produce to the growing town would give them income unlike anything before.
The Town and the Damatír
Many of the good people of Ravå remember the brutal battles against the Damatír during the Wildwalker Uprising, and some of them even know people who dissappeared into the forests in the early days of the Uprising. Today, the settlers are still prepared to fight the Damatír if need be, and every faction within the town is ready to repel the Wildwalkers if need be. Most people who own guns in the town have a magazine of silver bullets to repel werewolves. For their part, the Damatír have generally held themselves west of the Ravå, only occasionally crossing to attack the Company.
There are some who are worried that the Damatír may attack the Ravå due to its connection with the Company, but for now such an attack seems to only exist in the minds of the paranoid.
Amber Boom 497-500 Imperial Age
As the Sleeping Giant inn was built it provided a place for the first new amber prospectors, many imperial settlers came to seek a fortune on the frontier. Many of these had been veterans of the Royal Sceyan Army, or Kolathrell from the north who wanted to do something else with their life. During the start of the Amber Boom, these were largely disorganized young folk who came to make some easy money and then return to their families or spouses in the north.
Ravå slowly became a more and more lawless town in this time, as there was no law enforcement or outriders protecting the roads to and from Ravå. Bandits plagued the road, and pistolduels were a common occurence in the town itself. The only place that was safe was the Sleeping Giant inn, and only because Holgar was ready with his Hellgun to blast down troublemakers. As the promise of Ravå's amber deposits became clearer to imperial authorities, especially the Order of Alchemists and the Duke in Irondeep, it became clear that Ravå needed to change. Holgar and his wife, Amal Andersen made a plan. Amal recruited several of her old Akshusian compatriots, and Holgar got the good folk of the town to chip in to support the creation of a sheriff's office. Together, Amal, Holgar and the new sheriffs drove out the bandits from the town itself and managed to create order in the town. At the same time, Holgar contacted the Alchemists of Saltø and organized a deal with them, to facilitate safe riverward transport and trade of amber, of which he got a small percentage of the funds to help the town flourish.
The Yellow Order and the Town
In many ways, the settlers of Ravå have received a very good deal from the Yellow Order in Saltø. The Yellow Order pays them well, and supports much of the infrastructure that enables such a large settlement in the frontiers of Sceya. While the Yellow Order have impressive profit margins, and the Gold Empire as a whole benefits from the great availability of the healing amber, there are still discussions in the merchant district of Saltø and the gilded halls of Goldstadt regarding how one could optimalize the extraction of resources from the Sceyan frontier.
Industrialization and arrival of the Company 500-510 Imperial Age
With the Andersens as the most important citizens of the growing town of Ravå, more and more prospectors came to the town. These were not simply the frontiersfolk of the old days, now more of them came with their families and came to work permanently in the ambermills, at least during the spring, summer and autumn. These prospectors required merchants with wares from the north, cofee, sugar, tools, smiths to maintain their equipment, guards to protect their mills, carpenters to build their huts, tailors to fix their clothes, cobblers to take care of their footwear, in short a full economy grew around the amber prospectors. The local Faordaon too found that the settlers in Ravå were willing to pay good money for their produce, and the Comercirojo found that they had a voracious appetite for the delicacies and luxuries of the locals, such as honey.
With more prospectors arriving, and more money flowing into the amber industry, the prospectors found that they could buy more advanced equipment, eventually investing in the amber mills, the large alchemical constructions allowing them to extract amber on a scale not seen in Dain. This in turn fuelled the growth of Ravå, bringing more prospectors, and more folk to support the prospectors.
But the growth of Ravå also brought the East Sceyan Trading Company. An imperial company in name, but crime syndicate in nature, the Company was already infamous for selling alcohol and narcotics all across the frontier, and fighting gang wars with all manner of bandits and outlaw gangs in the Greatwilds. The Company came to Ravå with a great deal of money, intending to use the well-established trade routes of Ravå from Saltø to move its products out west. An uneasy compromise was established between the Company and the Andersens: the Company would be allowed to move product from Ravå, and in return they would help with the protection of Ravå and the local prospectors. However, the Company would not be allowed to sell its more hardcore products or provide its degenerating services in the center of Ravå, limiting itself to a small road south of the main town. This small road would grow very quickly into Sydsiden.
The Company and the Sheriff's office
It is well-known that the Sheriff's office has no love lost for the Company. Originally, when Ammal and Holgar were discussing what to make of the Company's offer with the people of Ravå, Ammal argued fervently against allowing them entry into the town. She acknowledged that they were more professional and stable than most of the outlaws the town had dealt with before, and that including them in the tapestry of the town's factions would make everyone involved more money and safe, but she argued that it was only a matter of time before their wares would pollute the town.
In the years since the Company set up their office in Ravå, Ammal has only been proven more and more correct. Drunken brawls and intoxicated duels have occasionally spread from Sydsiden, with greater and greater frequency, and the gambling dens have produced several murders over the years. Ammal and the sheriff's office regard the Company as a threat, and seemingly are only waiting for a chance to pounce on the Company. The only problem is that for each pistol the sheriff's office has, the Company has three rifles ready to return fire.
However, the Company has not broken any of its inital promises, and most folk of Ravå regard the Company as a positive force in the local community, in spite of the drunken brawls.
The People's Church and new settlers 510-515 Imperial Age
With the arrival of more and more imperial settlers, the People's Church of the northern Hærbyerne have also arrived, to provide spiritual relief to the good people of Ravå. While dragon church clerics have always been in Ravå, this has been the first organized attempt by clerical authorities to fully adapt into Ravå. The People's Church has set up a clinic to treat illness, a school to teach the children of the town and local Faordaon in the customs of the Empire, and of course a church to enable the good folk of Ravå to meet the Dragon God even on the frontier. With the People's Church, and the legitimacy it brings, even more settlers have come south to make new lives in god's own country.
However, even today Ravå remains in the wild and untamed frontier. Trolls occasionally plague the amber-prospectors, fey creatures react ferociously to the cutting down of their ancestral woods to make houses and occasionally travellers are found dead with arrows in their necks. Ravå is far from a safe place outside its walls, and the Greatwilds remain uncowed by the speck of imperial illumination.
The People's Church and the Company
Much like the Sheriff's Office, the People's Church despises the Company on moral grounds, believing that their products are poisoning both Ravå and the Faordaon of the region. Sermons in the church often contain thinly veiled accusations against the degeneracy of the Company. So far the two have co-existed, but with the arrival of more People's Church settlers in the neighboring town of Aftensol, the People's Church has gotten more aggresive in its rhetoric.
The Company for its part has an extremely effective PR department in Ravå, and the Company routinely funds festivals, provides free protection to prospectors and gives back to the town.


The Amber Festival
Each year, the riverboats of the Order from Saltø return with their amber spoils in late autumn. This marks the end of this year's large amber trading with the Order, and thus marks the beginning of a period of relaxation for the town. The townspeople will celebrate this extended vacation with a large festival in the town square, where amber is sold to anyone with money to buy it, often at good prices, and the Sleeping Giant inn sets up beertents around town to drink and be merry.


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