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Session 2 - Cragmaw Hideout

General Summary

After a night's rest, the party re-enters the Cragmaw hideout. Jowynn kills the guard on the bridge and they make their way into the cavern. They kill a couple of goblins at the top of the stairs next to two pools of water that the goblins use to "flush" out intruders.   After crossing the bridge they find a den of six goblins. A big nasty goblin, Yeemik, tries to parley with the party saying that he will kill Sildar if they don't bring him the head of Klarg, the clan's leader. Exil casts a sleep spell on the goblins and they attack.   Sildar is rescued and tells the party Gundren and his map of the Lost Mine of Phandelver were sent to Cragmaw castle by order of someone they called The Spider.   The party then found Klarg's cave and his pet wolf, Ripper. Ripper pounced on top of Cullen as Rake and the others fought goblins. Rainar faced off against the Bugbear and dealt him several deadly blows.   The party, with Sildar Winterhall is now heading to Phandalin.   Sildar confides in his rescuers

Rewards Granted

Three gold teeth (3gp), 125 SP, 600 CP, a jade frog (40gp), and 3 potions of healing.

Missions/Quests Completed

Second Level. The party will search for clues that may eventually lead them to Cragmaw castle. In the meantime they will explore Phandalin and the surrounding area.

Character(s) interacted with

Sildar related the following information;

  • The three Rockseeker brothers (Gundren, Tharden, and Nundro) recently located an entrance to the long-lost Wave Echo Cave, site of the mines of the Phandelver's Pact.
  • Klarg, the bugbear who leads this goblin band, had orders to waylay Gundren. Sildar heard from the goblins that the Black Spider sent word that the dwarf was to be brought to him.
  • Gundren had a map showing the secret location of Echo Cave, but the goblins took it when they captured him. Sildar believes that Klarg sent the map and the dwarf to the chief of the Cragmaws at a place called Cragmaw Castle.

Best Campaign Evar

Rake Dragonslayer

Level 6 Dwarf CG Barbarian
(Folk Hero)
15 / 77 HP

Jowynn Thri

Level 2 Elf CN Rogue
(Criminal )
/ 15 HP
Report Date
14 Sep 2019

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