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A Star Trek Adventures game In the world of Star Trek: Aurora
| Full
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 10th October 2020 14:00

A Star Beyond the Stars Part III: The Pierced Veil

Sat 26th September 2020 15:00

A Star Beyond the Stars Part II: We Are Not Ourselves

Sat 5th September 2020 14:00

A Star Beyond the Stars Part I: The Alcubierre

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lieutenant Daamblag Peesex

Lieutenant Daamblag Peesex ( Trill - Assistant Chief Security Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513 )

Tyvaass Th'Zynes

Lieutenant Commander Tyvaass Th'Zynes ( Andorian - Chief Security Officer/Tatical Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513 )

captain T'lar

Captain T'Lar ( Vulcan - Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513 )

Ensign T'Payn

Ensign T'Payn ( Vulcan - Operations Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513 )

Lieutenant Aria Porter

Lieutenant Aria Porter ( Human - Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513 )

Commander Samuel Walker

Commander Samuel Joseph Walker ( Human - Chief Science Officer/Second Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513 )

Commander Jack Lachlan

Commander Jack Lachlan ( Human (Izaran/Capellan) - Executive Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513 )