Session 014: Groves and Gnolls Report

General Summary

  Starting Day: 15th Day of Readying, 3rd Hour  

Gnolls Attack

The party charges to the gnoll and Otto falls victim to their pit trap, nearly killing Sunny his horse. But Quinn was able to bluff their way out of the encounter. The gnolls left the party, not sure if it's would be worth pressing them further.    The Grove The party headed north east through the forest, as a dreadful roar shook them to their chests. As the morning dragged on, they began to see gnoll prints leading toward the sacred grove. There the grove was strewn with mangled bodies and blood on the leaves and stone. Dayflower, bearly holding on to life, told Tama that it was Ogg, driven to madness that had done this to them.    Otto was able to tend to her wounds, as a humanoid scream filled the air. Through the canopy of trees, a disemboded lower half was flung before them. Stepping through the brush was a massive Ettin, battle weary but formidable and 2 gnolls. The party fought, and Tama attempted to entangle the creatures, but the Ettin was strong and began pummelling the party with it's 2 greatclubs.    Tama was seemingly crushed under one of those greatclubs. Only to find himself in a great and inky river filled with the souls of his fallen druid brethren. A bearded devil pushing a hellish gondola through the water and spearing the souls into their boat. But, Molly appeared to him and pulled him from the mirk. And as the devils spear came forward, it piered through her, and he awoke.    The party had taken care of the Ettin and gnolls and as the morning moved on, they decided to take time to pray for their spells.       Ending Day: 15th Day of Readying, 9th Hour

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
30 Jul 2023
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