Session 009: Gnats buzzing Report

General Summary

  Starting Day: Post-Midnight of of 11th of Readying, 591 CY, 2ndhour.  

Otto's Predicament

  Otto noticed Calder's attack and but wasn't quick enough to dodge the blow as Calder's sword made contact. Gnat and his two guards were surprised by the entrance of the two, and scrambled to react. Giving Otto precious moments to make his escape through a balcony deeper in the estate. The guards gave chase and Otto leapt to the ground, making his way to his horse. His entire strategy was total defense and just make it to the horse, but Calder landed a lucky blow, taking him down as he climbed to his horse.   The world fades to blackness...  

Through the Town

The party travelling through town with Lady Tanna and young Neigel and they are approached by two guards. He calls out "Sigel" to the mockery of the party, but he reveals that is uncle is named Sigel, and a man in the homes above opens his shutters revealing that his name is Sigel as well.   They say that there is house business. Quinn begins to lay into Johanson, creating a smoldering hatred that keeps being stoked. Quinn released his horse into the town, and engaging in semantics with him.   The guards take the nobles to their chambers and the party is shown to a room where they are given food and drink, but no one touches it. They question the guard on Otto's whereabouts, only to have Otto enter the room. Quinn begins to interrogate him on what he found. Otto remarks that everything is fine and these guards are just doing their job. Tama senses that something is off with Otto, and that's when Otto claps Quinn's shoulder with his RIGHT hand.   Quinn then attempts to entrap him with subterfuge, but Otto seems to understand what is happening and excuses himself from the area. Quinn asks Otto if he can sleep with Carrie, Otto replies with "Do what you like.". That clinches it.   After Otto leaves, the guards attack. Quinn uses the candles and threatens to burn the place down, holding it near the curtains. He successfully intimidates them for one round. They continue attack and Quinn makes good on his threat. The room fills with smoke as the party defeats the guards.  

Otto's Experience

  Otto awakens as he's submerged in cold water and begins to sink into darkness. He begins to get flashing visions of being in an inky river. He is surrounded by flailing bodies that are howling in terror. Where he sees the wounded face of Clause Einmann. A boat wades through the waters, it's pilot is a tall green skinned creature with a large pitchfork. It had writhing tentacles surrounding its face, like a macabre living beard. The thing is stabbing the pour floundering figures and pulling them into his boat. Whistling while he did it, as if calling to the figures. It's buring red eyes fix on Otto like two motes of evil in the darkness. Alice, Ottos mother appears and a warm light surrounds him as the creature lifts him from the inky depths. In a hateful voice the thing declares "Not your time" and throws him into the air. Then, Otto's soul and body collide, and he feels himself being lifted from the cold waters of Vespera by a fisherman, who takes him to shore.  

The Wrapup

The party finds, with the help of Silas, that Tanna has been stabbed by a sword, and Nigel holds a dagger covered in blood. Around him a guard lays dying from a viscous neck wound. Tama saves Tanna from death and she reveals that the guards attacked and she tried to defend her son. She fell, but it appears that Neigel was able to kill the thing.   Quinn is understandably impressed with Neigel. He believes he can be a great hero.   Otto hobbling back to the Estate without his armor witnesses a double of himself silently trying to leave with his horse. Otto hides in the brush and ambushes the imposter. It appears he has been wounded severely. The imposter removes the armor, but his appearance doesn't change. A fight breaks out, and Otto is victorious. He approaches the estate on horseback, screaming for vengeance.   But, the party is able to get in a rest for the evening.   Ending Day: Early Morning of of 12th of Readying, 591 CY, 11th hour.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
Death of an Otto (6/18/23) by Tama
Report Date
20 Jun 2023
Last Bastion Homepage

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