Session 006: Can't Cajole the Troll

General Summary

  Plot: For Whom the Bell Trolls   Starting Day: Morning of 10th of Readying, 591 CY, 14th hour.

Pain in the Neck

  As the stirges attacked the party was able to squash the villainous vermin with little effort. Tama did have some of his blood drained, but nothing that a good night's rest couldn't cure. But, the party had alerted something to the north. Tama and Otto noticed a wolf peering around the corner, attempting to hide from them in the dark. Once again, combat erupted and 2 pair of Grimlock and wolf combos attempted to flank the party. Quinn, leapt into the pool near the battle, and began to swim to the magic in the water. But, swimming in his breastplate was too much, mithril or not. While under water, he noticed a black tunnel to the west. Laero almost fell to the creatures, but the party came out on top.  

Unwanted Guests

  After the battle the party retrieved the treasure below, including scrolls, potions and a magical shield. That is when the rivals appeared and confronted the party. Demanding answers to why they were here. Quinn, bluffing the team, told them they were the backup sent from the Bastion. They fell for it, and Sebastian believed Quinn pretended to be him with Clause Einmann so they would get the credit with the Bastion. A true friend.   The rivals decided to head to the troll, and at least claim the head for themselves. The party followed suit. Once again, having an issue with a jump and some water. They spotted a patch of yellow fungus, surrounding the corpse of a dark dwarf. It held a chest to its chest. Quinn took his pole and poked at the fungus, and it emitted spores in a 10ft area, barely missing Quinn. Otto took his torch and burned the mold away harmlessly. The chest contained gold and gems.  

Troll Face-off

  The troll stood against the rivals as the party entered. The battle was fierce, with the blows regenerating on the troll. Rosemary, Sage, and Sebastian nearly fell to the trolls attacks and without the combined efforts of the parties, the day would have been to the troll. But Quinn, drinking a potion of invisibility, doused the troll in oil and made a trail to the flames, causing the troll to be engulfed in fire. The last of it's life burning away.   Both teams looked at one another... who gets the credit for this one?   Ending Day: Morning of 10th of Readying, 591 CY, 15th hour.  


  The party received XP As well as

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
29 May 2023
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