Session 005: Butter on a Hard Troll Report

General Summary

The Business Troll

  Following the wolf, the party came to the edge of a small cliff bank. There they saw the hulking form of the troll, and his entourage of grimlocks and wolves. Quinn, feeling that his horse shouldn't be tied down frees his horse. Gold well spent.    Otto threw the pig at the steps and the troll stepped foward, grabbing the charred remains and eating the back end in one bite. Slurping the insides. Quinn began to appeal to the trolls vanity. In broken-common, the troll spoke. Revealing that his name in giant is roughly translated to Pig-Raper. The troll then commented that he didn't eat the woman and boy, but he is selling them to dwarves inside the cavern. But, the party isn't strong enough to make it to the dwarves. He was amused by the party, and decided that if they were strong enough, they would live long enough to find the dwarves. In a guttural language, he told the grimlocks something, and retreated into the caves.   The grimlocks with a knowing look, spoke an unknown something to each other. But Tama was able to deduce that they were making a plan to deal with the party. With that, they attacked the party, using the narrow path way to their advantage. Rosemary was wounded badly, but was able to retrieved a potion from the community pack from Ottos back and heal herself. Ultimately, the party was victorious.  

The Real Threat

The party went to the cave entrance. Two grimlocks on the other side. There were 3 pedestals that worked as stepping stones for the Troll, but were going to be a challenge for something smaller. Otto, with a train to catch, decided to make a mighty leap forward. But, with his heavy armor and pack weighing him down, he only made it about 2 feet and fell into the water below. Otto then began to lament his burden, and tried to climb out. But, the slippery rocks proved to be unforgiving. Tama attempted to tie a rope to Otto's steed, and pull him up. But, Otto's grip couldn't hold the rope, and once again, fell into the muddy water. His commotion alerted the grimlocks above to his plight. They descended down, as well did the party. And began to battle, once again making short work of the grimlocks.   Tama then climbed the stones, and tied a rope to a stalagmite. Where the party was able to use the wall as leverage to pull themselves up. Even Otto made it up.

Into the Mouth

They decended deeper into the caves coming to a 20 foot drop, Quinn attaching a rope for a way out, as well as down. Everyone made it except Otto who fell, again, this time hard on the stoney floor. To the north was darkness in the cavrens, but to the west Tama heard the rushing of water. Entering the western door, the party saw a small waterfall trickling down into a pool. To the north, Tama heard the sound of bones crunching as if someone were eating. It was then that he felt something in his neck, as he reached up he felt the bulbous chitinous body with small springs of hear twitch under his hand. A bat sized mosquito creature had attached itself. Otto looked across the water to see more of the creatures coming their way.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
23 May 2023
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