Session 018: Quinn's Ritual Gambit Report

General Summary

Starting Time: 6th hour on the 16th of Readying, 591 CY  

The Hags

  As the hags stood by, their malicious eyes fixed on Quinn Amblecrown as he continued with his impromptu ritual, their intentions were far from benevolent. Desperation hung thick in the air, and Quinn clung to the hope that somehow, the dire bear named Ogg would arrive in time to rescue them from this situation. However, patience was not a virtue these hags possessed, and they quickly grew restless     Their impatience took a gruesome turn as they turned their malevolence toward Dayflower, the druidess who had been cruelly skinned. Her agonizing screams filled the eerie silence of the dark woods, a macabre symphony that served as a stark reminder of the evil that dwelled here. Her husband, Thorn, weakened by a wasting disease, heard her cries and felt a surge of adrenaline that defied his frailty. With every ounce of his remaining strength, he summoned the primal forces within him and transformed into his massive bear form.   The hags, taken aback by Thorn's sudden transformation, wasted no time in retaliating. The clash was fierce, a battle between the forces of darkness and the remnants of a valiant party. The rest of the group scrambled, their options limited to the meager weapons Otto had stowed away for emergencies. Through sheer determination, they managed to overcome the Green Hag, their combined efforts leading to her downfall.   However, the Annis Hag proved to be a different beast altogether. She was a formidable adversary, an embodiment of powerful malice, and her ferocity nearly spelled doom for everyone who dared to engage her. It was a harrowing struggle, and the battle raged on, pushing everyone to the brink. In the end, the Annis Hag met her demise, but the victory came at a heavy cost—Thorn lay lifeless, his sacrifice not in vain, but undeniably tragic.   In the aftermath of the battle, Tama and Otto, skilled in the arts of restoration, worked tirelessly to mend Dayflower's ravaged body. Through their combined magic and expertise, they regrew her flesh, erasing the scars of her torment to the point that any permanent damage was scarcely noticeable. Grateful for the party's heroic efforts in saving both her and the sacred grove from the encroaching darkness that lurked beneath, Dayflower rewarded them generously.  

The Spoils

With the sister hags defeated and the one they called Lillithra stilled contained below, the party searched the caern. They found a small alcove that contained dead leaves and the bones of animals. Small hexcrafted trinkets hung all about. They found a sac made from human flesh, the arms and legs severed and sewn shut. It began to vomit its contents to the floor. Within they found gold, and a swirling orb that allows anyone who puts it to their eye to see into the Ethereal Plane  

The Return to Epoch

With their mission accomplished and the darkness held at bay, the party mounted their steeds and embarked on a solemn journey to the Metropolis of Epoch. There, they would report their successful pursuit, settling their debts by paying taxes and tithings to the Bastion—the organization responsible for safeguarding the realm.   However, as the sun reached its zenith and the world bathed in the harsh light of midday, an aura of foreboding descended upon the group. A sinister figure, cloaked in shadows, approached Otto with an unsettling proposition. This enigmatic individual claimed that their mistress desired to meet him at the 21st hour, at the enigmatic Guilded Gryphon—an invitation laden with intrigue and uncertainty.   Ending Time: 12th hour on the 16th of Readying, 591 CY

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
03 Oct 2023
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