Session 029: Trial of Swiftness Report

General Summary

Quinn's Confrontation

    In the eerie silence of the circular room, tension hung thick between Quinn and Sebastian, their once-solid camaraderie fractured. Sebastian's lightning rapier crackled ominously, its lethal energy aimed at Quinn's vulnerable neck—a visual testament to the betrayal that clouded Sebastian's eyes. Despite the toxicity lacing their relationship, there was a tragic sincerity in Sebastian's belief that Quinn remained his closest ally. The frozen forms of the other apprentices served as haunting witnesses to this unexpected turn of events, their stillness amplifying the charged atmosphere.   As the scene unfolded, the entrance of Brother Gallad alongside the white guard injected a new dynamic into the already tense space. Sebastian, momentarily halting his threatening stance, yielded ground in deference to the authoritative figures. Unbeknownst to Gallad, Quinn had woven an enchantment around Sebastian, an invisible thread manipulating the outcome of their impending trials. Gallad's obliviousness to Sebastian's enchanted state led to a critical misstep—a swift decision to transport them back through the astral plane to the Trial of Swiftness, unknowingly setting the stage for a test fraught with hidden complications and unforeseen consequences. The veil of magic and betrayal shrouded their next steps, setting the stage for an entangled web of trials and loyalties.  

Trial of Swiftness

  In the Trial of Swiftness, the party—Otto, Rosemary Quinn, and Tama—found themselves in a dizzying landscape adorned with floating islands, each festooned with tantalizing gems of violet, green, and blue hues. Their bodies, transformed by planestuff, granted them extraordinary abilities—a buoyant form that defied gravity and a slow-fall grace. However, their newfound prowess was immediately tested by the perilous setting. Violet gems crackled with erratic bursts of lightning, creating a hazardous obstacle course. Above them, elder air elementals and a formidable Adult Blue Dragon patrolled the skies, casting a foreboding shadow over the scene.   The Djinn's cryptic warning hung in the air, urging them to balance the acquisition of treasures with caution. As the party sprang into action, employing a mix of guile and magical aids, chaos erupted. Tama, in his eagle form, drew the ire of the Air elemental chokers, risking his avian form as he navigated the floating islands. Meanwhile, Otto resorted to a potion of spider climb, deftly scaling the precarious chains that surrounded the islands. Rosemary utilized the powers of her ring of jumping to bound across the scattered islands, seeking out valuable items while Quinn cleverly manipulated the chokers using suggestion to expedite his traversal.   As the party raced against time, gathering artifacts and treasures left behind by prior adventurers, the situation escalated. The looming threat of the Blue Dragon descended upon them, targeting Rosemary in its wrath. Employing quick thinking, Quinn conjured an illusionary decoy of Tama, momentarily diverting the dragon's attention. However, the cunning creature soon discerned the ruse, turning its fury toward Quinn, who adeptly vanished from sight, evading the dragon's lightning breath by virtue of his invisibility.   Amidst the chaos, teamwork became their saving grace. Otto and Tama aligned their movements toward a critical landing, aiming to secure a bag and a green gem. Rosemary, amidst gathering healing potions from a fountain, seized the opportunity to use the green gem, teleporting herself to the final island. The dragon, poised to strike Rosemary down, fell prey to Quinn's enchantment, succumbing to uncontrollable laughter that incapacitated the fearsome beast.   As the trio raced against the looming disaster triggered by their greed, they acted swiftly, utilizing the green crystal next to the bag to teleport to safety. With the islands plummeting behind them, the party found themselves reunited at the door with the Djinn, who, true to his word, whisked them away to safety just in the nick of time, escaping the collapsing realm of the Trial of Swiftness.  


  • Staff of the woodlands (25 charges)
  • Ring of Counterspells 
  • gems 1200gp
  • Manual of Bodily Health +2
  • Manual of Understanding +2
  • Headband of Intellect +6
  • Cloak of the Bat
  • Scroll of Greater Magic Fang +3 (D)



The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
26 Dec 2023
Last Bastion Homepage

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