Session 017: Under my Skin Report

General Summary

Rosemary and Quinn are confronted by Ollinna. Quinn attemps to lie and appear to be so stupid that there is no way for him to see something that he shouldn't. Rosemary steps out, and is also confronted. Quinn says that they were looking for a place to be alone and kisses Rosemary. Ollinna is uncomfortable with the interaction and believes the two. Telling them to leave the caern and her and Dayflower can keep the grove safe for now.   Tama, seeing the ruby trickle fall from her hairline, decides to step out of the room. He crosses paths with Otto. He attempts to get his point across with hand signals but Otto doesn't get his meaning. The ruse is exposed and Marranna and Olina reveal themselves to be twisted figures wearing the skin of Dayflower and her sister, for how long though no one knows.    The rangers with Thorn in tow join the fray, but it seems the witches are to win the day. But, Quinn tells smaller witch that he is in service of the Veiled Master and that she has proven herself worthy of his generocity. The witch falls for the play, and confides that they are attempting to free their sister trapped below, Lillithra, the Ephermal Hag. Quinn says that they have a ritual for each stone above they need a sacrifice and that they have just enough. The witch commands her sister to stop the attack, to which the larger hag heals the downed members.    As night falls, they party is allowed to rest above ground. But, the rangers and Tracy are ready to kill Quinn. Who doesn't break character. Tracy threatens to kill Quinn, but Quinn is able to intimidate the archer who turns to leave. The hag, listening in on the conversations, materializes and tears Tracy's heart from his chest. "You only need eight." She proclaimed. Bringing out a skinned and terrified Dayflower, who is going into shock.    The next morning Quinn set the party against their respective totems. Thorn all the while calling out to see his wife. The hags take great delight in their torment. Quinn offering a more intangible suffering, but the hags demand torture. And to add to Thorns torment, they begin to cut into Dayflowers exposed sinew. Her screams conjure the last remaining strength from the druid who shifts into a bears form releasing a murderous roar into the morning. In the distance, another roar answered.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
05 Sep 2023
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