Session 026: Mathias's Funeral Report

General Summary

Approaching the ominous black carriage, the party found themselves confronted by the enigmatic figure of Astar, a devil of captivating allure, and the regal but scorned Zoi, whose recent rejection by Quinn simmered beneath her composed façade. Both Astar and Zoi insisted on a private audience, away from prying ears, sparking a division among the party members. Otto opted to accompany Astar, while Quinn begrudgingly found himself paired with Zoi, the tension between them palpable. Zoi's demeanor towards Quinn remained frosty, her wounded pride manifesting in her distant attitude. Seeking answers about her cousin, Brother Mathias, whose funeral they were en route to, Zoi questioned Quinn about the official story surrounding Mathias's demise. Quinn, weaving a web of falsehoods, maintained the tale of orc involvement, despite the whispers of clandestine correspondence Mathias had shared before his death. The revelation left Zoi stunned, conflicting with the trust Mathias had seemingly placed in Quinn's party.   In a surprising turn, Zoi extended a cryptic invitation to Quinn, hinting at a visit to the Hall of the Plume in Thunderstone and offering a card adorned with an intriguing emblem, leaving Quinn with more questions than answers.   Conversely, Astar revealed a more ominous truth to Otto, asserting that Mathias's soul resided within the Nine Hells, entangled in a trial for unlawful dealings in soul writs. Astar proposed a pact wherein Mathias offered information to the party in exchange for their aid. The clock ticked, presenting Otto with a deadline for a decision—until the 15th of Wealsun, before the trial would commence a week later.   Arriving at the cemetery of Pelor's Church for Brother Mathias's funeral, emotions ran high. Jowan Cormak's heartfelt eulogy graced the somber occasion, culminating in Mathias's interment. The wake that followed brought its own set of challenges and revelations. Quinn faced the unwelcome presence of Sebastian, exchanging strained words and revisiting painful memories, while Otto found himself embroiled in a web of personal rumors and confrontations, including an unsettling encounter with Vincent and Carrie.   As the party departed Mystwall, their journey continued with Otto summoning the Obsidian steed, a mystical entity resembling a jet-black horse, facilitating their aerial voyage. Testing the steed's capabilities, Otto and Quinn ventured into the Ethereal Plane, experiencing the surreal weightlessness and desaturated existence before returning to their tangible reality.   Their subsequent travels led them to Vespara, where Quinn procured the Ring of Invisibility from Vaelin the ringmaker, while Otto invested in the Cloak of the Salamander from Madame Vephyra at Curious Curios, discovering a strange connection to the Ethereal Plane in the process.   Quinn's path intersected with an unexpected encounter, opening the door to find Linnea conversing with an unexpected guest—his father, a revelation that promised to unravel a multitude of secrets and emotions.

Rewards Granted

Experience. 450 xp

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
27 Nov 2023
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