Session 002: The Mistress Report

General Summary

The party moved into the quarters of the cultists, finding them in their rooms. Opening the doors, the cultists began to pour into the hallway. They party, aside from one fearing Rosemary, made short work of the cultists. There was one room in this hallway that was boarded. Rosemary and Otto, working together, tore the boards loose and entered.   Inside the room seemed hastily evacuated. Thick webbing filled the room, and two cocooned desicated bodies hung from the ceilings. Spiders the size of small children leapt from the darkness and began to attack. The party dispatched them and found a magical whip inside the cocoon.   With their spoils, they searched the hallway to the east, it leading to a room of torturers equipment. A woman on a rack seemed to have a roiling creature in her stomach. Otto took it upon himself to perform emergency surgery as Quinn played her a song from her wedding to soothe her. The surgery was rushed, and the woman lost consciousness but they removed a slate scaled viper from her stomach, and rid the world of it.   Stowing the woman and the treasure, the went to the mistresses quarters under the statue. Two guards told them the mistress was waiting for them. Otto feigned not being able to hear what they said, and as they moved closer, he brained one of them instantly killing it. The other attempted to run, only to have his skull crushed.   Inside the room, the spoke to a man in black armor. His face obscured by a helmet. He told her that their deal was still on and if she were to break it, it was at her own peril. He then dimension doored from the room as the mistress pleaded not to be left alone. Quinn began to stall, charming the snake woman, only to have her request his cock for dinner. Her black cat vanished from sight, only to return as an imp behind the party. The battle was hard fought and Tama almost perished but the party was victorious.   Gathering the loot, Otto found a black writ on the table. As he touched it, he saw the lone image of his mother standing in darkness. He stowed the writ and the party gathered their 12 1ft chests of gold and set off to return to Mystwall.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
Cobwebs and More Cobwebs (4/23/23) by Tama
Report Date
24 Apr 2023
Secondary Location
Last Bastion Homepage

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