Session 053: The Trail Begins Report

General Summary

1. Introduction: The Infernal Escort

After their departure from Epoch, the party was escorted by infernal guides to the dreaded Plane of Phlegethos. Their destination was Ambrimoch, a city of torment and fire, suspended over a vast volcanic lake of molten lava. The heat and sulfuric fumes assaulted their senses as they arrived in this nightmarish realm.   Upon arrival, the party was presented with a sealed box containing Baatorian Green Steel—a rare and potent material of immense value in the Nine Hells. The terms of their mission were sealed within this box, and the party agreed to the conditions without hesitation, knowing the gravity of the task before them.  

2. Schmetlik, the Gondolier

The infernal gondolier Schmetlik, a grotesque figure with a toothy grin, transported the party across the fiery rivers of Phlegethos to the Courthouse of the Infernal. Along the way, they passed by towering statues—one of an ancient, imposing male devil and a newer one of a curvaceous female devil with small, delicate horns. The statues seemed to watch them with an unnerving intensity as they approached the courthouse.  

3. The Trial Begins

Inside the Courthouse of the Infernal, the party encountered a ghostly and beaten Brother Mathias, his form barely recognizable after months of torment in the infernal prison. Despite his weakened state, Mathias remained resolute, cryptically telling the party that the gods were as present in this infernal plane as they were in the mortal city of Epoch. However, his words cast doubt among the party, who began to suspect that Mathias knew more than he was letting on—perhaps even that the gods were not present at all.   The trial commenced, and with Lohre's keen intellect, the party presented a 13-point defense plan with four critical parts. The court adjourned for the day, with a list of witnesses to be called in defense of Mathias.  

4. The Feirna Palace

After the trial, the party was escorted to the FeirnaPalace, a towering dark blue crystal palace spiraling into the skies of Phlegethos. The palace’s dark beauty was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Inside, they were led down into the depths of the palace to their assigned quarters. Despite the opulence, the air was thick with malevolence, and the party could feel the weight of their impending trial.   That evening, they attended a hellish banquet where they were introduced to the Princess Feirna, a devil of unmatched beauty and cruelty. Feirnaquestioned the party’s motives, and Quinn deflected with humor, claiming they were there “for fun,” while Tama made a solemn vow to give anything to save Mathias.  

5. The Arrival of Belial

During the banquet, Otto, the party’s cleric, was commanded by Princess Feirnato defile his vestments and holy symbol. She warned that her father, the Lord of the Fourth, would take great offense if he saw them. Otto reluctantly complied, stripping himself of his sacred garb as Belial, the Defiler of Heaven, made his grand entrance into the hall.   Belial, a devil of terrifying power, grilled the party with questions, testing their resolve and purpose. Through the interrogation, they learned of the horrific nature of souls in the Nine Hells—starting as larva and, if they proved themselves, advancing to devils. However, Belial held the power to advance or demote souls at his whim.   As a demonstration, Belial ordered the transformation of a lesser devil named Astar. Before the party's eyes, Astar was made a bloody spectacle, her flesh tearing apart as she was forcibly transformed into a bloated Amnizu, her screams of lamentation echoing through the hall.  

6. Conclusion: The Next Trial

As the banquet ended, the party was left to ponder the horrors they had witnessed and the daunting task ahead. With Brother Mathias’ fate hanging in the balance, they knew that the trial would only grow more perilous, and the true test of their resolve was yet to come.  

Additional Notes:

  Baatorian Green Steel: A rare and potent material from the Nine Hells, known for its strength and magical properties.
Feirna: The devil princess of Phlegethos, known for her beauty and sadistic nature.
Belial: The Lord of the Fourth, also known as the Defiler of Heaven. His power to manipulate souls is feared throughout the Hells.
Ambrimoch: A city that floats on the lava of a hellish volcano in Phlegethos, known for its infernal trials and torturous environment.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
11 Aug 2024
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