Session 008: Dwarves and Dankness Report

General Summary

Starting Day: Afternoon of 10th of Readying, 591 CY, 16th hour.  

The Wrap Up

  The duergar cleric of Ladurgar was not happy about the double cross, and less so about Quinn trying to lie to him about Rosemary's affliction. He summoned a spiritual hammer that attacked Quinn for his deceit but quickly turned it to Rosemary. The grimlocks rushed Tama and began attacking him fiercely, but one by one all of the enemies fell, with Quinn giving a strange whisper in the clerics ear.    With the enemies gone, Tama began collecting the treasures and they came up with a fair amount. Otto travelled east, deeper into the tunnel and found a chest. 

Back to the Surface

Tanna and Neigel Einmann told the story of the trolls that nearly mirrored Clause's. She said that the troll was maddened, in a frenzy. None of the guards stood a chance. The troll was only interested in a single crate, but tore everything apart and dragged off one of their horses. The grimlocks carried her and Nigel into the cavers below, giving them each a potion before taking them underwater. She couldn't tell how long she had been in the dark. She only knew that people came and went, and the grimlocks ate as many as they captured.   

To Vespera

  The party administered the potions and travelled up the tunnels and out to the forest once again. With the party there, the travel was slow, getting to Vespera only in the wee hours of the morning. There Otto and Quinn entered without the rest, leaving their valuables behind. Only to be accosted by the catchpole, Asher. A curmudgeonly old man that didn't take kindly to Quinn.    Once at the Estate they were informed that Clause Einmann had perished from his wounds. Suspicious of that, Quinn returned to get Tama while Otto went upstairs to investigate. Quinn met with Tama who was not interested in dealing with taxes or Asher. That is when Tanna mentioned that she only met Silas once because he was new and they rode to the estate.   

The Plot Thickens

  Otto spoke with the Senior Guardsman Calder, as he was lead through the estate. Calder mentioned that he didn't doubt there was foul play. But, that's not his job. His job was to protect the estate. Clause was not a very nice man and had made a lot of enemies along the way. When he opened the door, to what Otto thought was the bedroom, he saw a study where Gnat sat behind a the desk pouring over paperwork. Calder whispered to Otto "You're interfearing with the Estate..." and attacked.      Ending Day: Post-Midnight of of 11th of Readying, 591 CY, 2ndhour.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
Dwarf Issues (6/11/23) by Tama
Report Date
12 Jun 2023
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