Session: 023 Trick or Treating Report

General Summary

Starting Date: Morning of 12th of Coldeven, 591 CY   The day of Renewal in the town of Mystwall dawned gloomy and overcast, shrouded in a heavy mist that seemed to hang like a ghostly shroud over the landscape. The locals believed this day was special, a time when the life energy returned to the land, reviving it from the clutches of winter. It was also a night when the souls of the damned were said to walk free from their torment, with a chance to pay their way into undeath and return to the material world.   The party's day began with an unexpected visit from Penn, a half-elf servant of Lady Zorina Hawthorne. She requested their presence at the Masquerade of Renewal that evening, an invitation that intrigued the party. As they prepared for the event, they each purchased masks to wear to the masquerade, with Otto choosing a devil mask, Tama a bear, and Rosemary a generic skeleton.   While acquiring their masks, Rosemary had a peculiar encounter. She believed she saw the ghostly apparition of Brother Mathias, a figure from her past. Filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, she crossed the street to confront the specter. But as a carriage passed between them, the ghostly figure vanished, leaving her in a state of unease.   Otto, the devil-masked member of the party, decided to make a detour to the Library of Mystwall, where he met Lore, a young scholar rumored to possess knowledge about the planes. Otto sought information about the contracts of Hell, inquiring whether they were literal or metaphorical. Lore mentioned the belief of scholar Yondar that these contracts acted like bearer bonds, capable of being traded among devils for power and favor. He explained that whoever owned a contract gained the power associated with it upon the subject's death.   To Lore's astonishment, Otto produced a contract, and as he began to read it, a black tear welled in the scholar's eye. The two decided to test the power of the contract, attempting to destroy it, but the parchment mended itself in reverse, as if undoing their efforts. Despite the eerie nature of this experiment, Lore expressed his desire to accompany Otto and the party in further researching the contracts. Otto, however, declined this offer.   The party eventually made their way to the Masquerade of Renewal at Ayden Manor, the Mayor's grand estate. The nobles in attendance were already deep into the festivities, fueled by copious amounts of intoxicating spirits. Lady Zorina Hawthorne herself appeared, expressing her doubts about her cousin Mathias's reported cause of death, as described by the Bastion. The party couldn't reveal much at the moment but promised to discuss the matter further when they had the opportunity. In response, Lady Zorina extended an invitation to Hawthorne Hall for the duration of their stay in Mystwall.   Later, Mathias's ghost materialized at the masquerade, donning a bright red tunic and a grotesque skeleton mask. Rosemary could see the undead flesh beneath the mask, along with his ghastly fingers. Mathias needed to meet the party at the cemetery of St. Cuthbert. The party departed from the masquerade and arrived at the cemetery, greeted by an unnaturally thick fog that clung to the landscape.   Mogule, the groundskeeper, informed them that they could visit the graves and would be greeted by the dead with gifts if they could successfully deceive them with their disguises. Otto, dressed as a devil, was gifted with treats. Tama, disguised as a bear, was not so lucky and was ambushed by four ghouls. The party managed to dispatch the ghouls, saving Tama.   Rosemary, dressed as a skeleton, successfully tricked a wraith who gifted them with gold. It was at this moment that the master Mogule had alluded to appeared, a flaming horseman tasked with balancing the lives of the living and the dead. The battle was fierce, and the flying horseman descended upon the party, smiting them with unholy power. Otto and Rosemary were gravely wounded, with Otto casting positive energy into the knight's undead form, nearly dispelling it. However, it was Tama's healing magic that ultimately sealed the knight's fate, smiting him from existence.   Mogule cried out in despair at the loss of his master, and the party inspected the remains of the horseman's belongings, unveiling a mysterious and potentially valuable discovery.   Ending Date: Midnight of 13th of Coldeven, 591 CY

Rewards Granted

Gold. 2000g
Treasure. Lesser Crystal of Energy Assault (acid), lesser crystal of glancing blows, oil of greater magic weapon +1, eagle claw talasman, grey bag of tricks, divine scroll of plane shift (CL 9), devastation gauntlets, orb of environmental exposure, enemy spirit pouch (undead),Brawler's Gauntlets,Headband of the Lore BinderRope of Climbing
XP. 1575xp   Obsidian Steed: This figurine appears to be a small, shapeless lump of black stone. Only careful inspection reveals that it vaguely resembles some form of quadruped. On command, the near-formless piece of obsidian becomes a fantastic mount. Treat it as a heavy warhorse with the following additional powers usable once per round at will: overland flight, plane shift, and ethereal jaunt. The steed allows itself to be ridden, but if the rider is of good alignment, the steed is 10% likely per use to carry him to the lower planes and then return to its statuette form. The statuette can be used once per week for one continuous period of up to 24 hours. Note that when an obsidian steed becomes ethereal or plane shifts, its rider and his gear follow suit. Thus, the user can travel to other planes via this means.   Strong conjuration and transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, etherealness, fly, plane shift; Price 28,500 gp.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
30 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Last Bastion Homepage

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