Session 054: Another Druid bites the Dust Report

General Summary

The Infernal Trial and Its Aftermath

  Summary: In the fiery depths of Phlegethos, Otto, Quinn, and Tama, 'honored guests' of the lords of Hell, faced a series of temptations and trials orchestrated by the infernal powers. As the party navigated these perilous encounters, their choices set the stage for a climactic trial and its surprising outcomes.  


Otto’s Visit from Belial:
Belial, suspicious of Feirna’s ambitions, visited Otto in his chambers. He subtly tempted Otto, offering to free Brother Mathias and grant him a powerful boon—a ring of three wishes—if Otto would help undermine Feirna’s scheme. Otto, struggling with his crisis of faith, was left torn between the promise of power and his wavering devotion.  
Quinn’s Visit from Feirna:
Quinn was visited by Feirna, who sought to sway him with offers of power and pleasure. Knowing that Quinn sought ultimate power, Feirna promised a powerful item if he assisted in ensuring Mathias’ downfall. Feirna also revealed that the one who branded Quinn, Muninaam, was deeply involved in her plots, adding to the pressure on Quinn to choose a side.  
Tama’s Visit from a Chained Devil:
Tama’s chambers were infiltrated by a Kyton devil who served a powerful entity that wished to remain anonymous. The devil, desperate to see both Feirna and Belial fail, offered Tama a deal: help free Mathias tonight by escaping through Feirna’s spire, and he would return Tama’s lover, Penn, from the furnace, and grant Tama a powerful artifact taken from a high cleric of Hextor.  
Tama’s Attempt to Free Mathias:
Against all warnings, Tama slipped out of his chambers and flew to the jail in bird form. Within minutes, the devils detected his absence and revoked his hospitality, leaving him vulnerable to the searing fires of Phlegethos. Assaulted by bone and barbed devils, Tama fell in battle and perished in the infernal wasteland.
The Trial of Brother Mathias:
Despite Tama’s failure, Quinn delivered a masterful defense at the trial. When the accuser refused to be summoned by the high court, Mathias was released from Hell. The trial then exposed a conspiracy: an imp under the command of the horned devil Seraphexus had forged false writs. Seraphexus was found guilty of defrauding Belial and demoted to a nupperibo, while the imp was promoted to a steel devil.  
The Aftermath and Belial’s Betrayal:
Otto and Quinn claimed their rewards from Belial: gold, Tama’s body, and a ring of three wishes. However, Belial demanded the writs they possessed, and when Otto refused, Belial attacked. In a desperate move, Otto cast Dismissal on himself and Quinn, transporting them back to the Span, six miles from Vespera. Using his bronze griffon, Otto quickly fled with Quinn.  
Tama’s Resurrection:
Tama awoke in a sarcophagus within Midday Glen’s Grove, alive but weakened by resurrection sickness. Stripped of all his belongings, he lay disoriented until he heard Brother Ceric’s voice calling his name from the entrance.



The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
18 Aug 2024
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