Session 024: The Masquerade Continues Report

General Summary

The Cemetary

Our narrative unfolds with an eerie scene in the Cemetery of St. Cuthbert, where the fog begins to lift, revealing the ghostly presence of Mathias. However, an obstruction prevents him from communicating verbally. Despite this, he gifts the party a scroll of "speak with dead," allowing them three questions to uncover vital information. Through these questions, the party learns that Mathias was purchasing protective writs from a dark cleric, with these writs safeguarding souls from devilish claims for seven years. The supposed ally, who was also a cleric, turned out to be Mathias's murderer.
The Questions
The party discovers the perilous nature of the writs – once in the hands of a devil, they can reclaim souls even after the seven-year protection period, whether the individuals are alive or deceased. Furthermore, the writs can only be annulled by the powerful devil Asmodeus himself. As the fog dissipates, the party finds themselves back in the material realm and decides to return to Ayden Manor.
Ayden Manor
There, they encounter Mayor Ayden Minoeth, who expresses gratitude for their previous actions and shares information about his nephew Rygar's upcoming oath-taking ceremony. A tense moment unfolds when a drunken noble insults Ayden's other nephew at a masquerade, leading to an apology after Ayden's strong reaction. Brother Ceric vouches for the party's reliability in the conversation.  
The Abandoned Hatchery
The focus then shifts to Quinn, who recalls a past encounter at a fish hatchery where he captured a Nightshade rogue. Brother Ceric , keen on extracting information about the Nightshade headquarters, resorts to physical violence when the rogue remains silent. The captive is then taken back to the Broken Blade Inn.  
The Interrogation
The next day, the party employs a suggestion spell during the interrogation of the Nightshade rogue. Despite her resistance, the spell compels her to disclose crucial details. They learn that the Nightshade headquarters is in Vespera, caches are hidden in foundling homes, and a powerful wizard has created a clone for Malachi, a key figure in the Nightshade organization. Following the revelations, the rogue expresses a desire for death, and when the spell wears off, Quinn fulfills her request. The suffering of the young woman and the torment that the interrogation caused on her weighed heavy on the souls of the party.   

Back to Hawthron Hall

Penn's Affections
The night took an unexpected turn as Tama, infatuated with Penn, discovers that his affections are seemingly reciprocated. The party, now including Penn, heads to Hawthorn Hall, where they reunite with a grateful young woman they previously saved from a snake cult. She expresses her joy at being reunited with her family due to the party's intervention.  
Meeting with Zoi
Penn guides the characters to meet Zolina Hawthorne, also known as Zoi, on the balcony overlooking the estate's dogwood trees. Zoi, concerned about her cousin Mathias's mysterious death, suspects that the bastion is withholding information. The scene is set with a touch of elegance as the party is served brandy and sweets by peculiar servants with golden eyes, hailing from a distant eastern continent beyond the Sierond Desert.   Otto, desiring privacy, requests the balcony doors to be closed. As Tama and Otto do so, they notice the unsettling golden eyes of the servants. The focus shifts abruptly when Penn screams from within the estate. Upon opening the doors, the shocking revelation unfolds – the seemingly innocent servant is a yuan-ti cultist, accompanied by a grotesque 10-foot tall snake with human arms and a humanoid head. The creature accuses the party of killing its mistress.   A fierce battle ensues, with Quinn using charm magic to subdue the cultist momentarily, allowing Otto to deliver a decisive blow. Meanwhile, Laero, the dog, faces a perilous situation, being seized by the snake creature. In a remarkable display of survival instinct, Laero manages to chew through the creature's soft flesh, targeting its jugular vein.   As the monstrous adversaries lie defeated, Penn once again calls for help.

Rewards Granted

XP: 2,100

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
13 Nov 2023
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