Session 022: Mystwall and Mathias Report

General Summary

With the hell hounds breaking into Brother Mathias's home, chaos erupted as the party of adventurers leaped into action to protect their dear friend. The fierce and terrifying hounds were met with unwavering courage and determination. Otto and Quinn, their backs to the wall, faced the relentless beast that had infiltrated the house. Their blades and magic clashed with the creature's fiery ferocity, sparks flying as they battled for dominance within the confined space.   Meanwhile, Rosemary, Tama, and Guard Docan formed a defensive line outside, confronting the two hell hounds that dared to attack from the darkness. Tama shielded himself against the relentless fire breath of the beasts, while Guard Docan's well-placed strikes inflicted significant damage on the outsider creatures. The coordinated efforts of the group, honed through countless adventures, allowed them to swiftly dispatch their hellish foes, saving Brother Mathias and his home from further destruction.   As the adrenaline ebbed away and the party assessed the aftermath of their fierce battle, Tama caught a glimpse of something unnatural lurking in the distant tree line. A massive, bull-headed creature with a crest of horns wreathed in eerie blue flames made a brief appearance before vanishing back into the shadows of the forest. The sight sent shivers down their spines, and they couldn't shake the ominous feeling that the encounter was far from over.   Returning their attention to Brother Mathias's home, the party investigated an adamantine chest emblazoned with the holy symbol of Pelor. Its contents were safeguarded not only by divine wards against Law and Evil but also by a sigil of blasting. Six round stone plates engraved with different languages puzzled the adventurers until they deduced that the plates held the key to unlocking the chest—inscriptions of "Open" and "Closed" in various languages. Removing the "Open" plates triggered the magic to dissipate, and Otto, in possession of Mathias's key, opened the chest. A malevolent presence seemed to press down upon them as they lifted the lid, revealing a cache of 23 hellish writs—dark documents similar to those they had encountered before.   With the subdued Syndicate woman in tow, unconscious and brought to an abandoned fish hatchery for interrogation, the party found themselves attracting unwanted attention along the way. Quinn assumed the role of a good-natured detective, threatening the woman with "Big O" to coax information from her. Though her demeanor softened, she remained fiercely loyal to her Syndicate family, taking an oath of silence to the grave rather than betraying them.   A crossbow bolt found its mark in Otto's back, bringing forth the leader of the Syndicate and his lackeys. They demanded the writs and the release of the captured woman. Unwilling to yield, the party engaged in a fierce battle against the Syndicate leader and his underlings, shrouded in the shadows.   During the intense struggle, a devil, identified as a barbed devil by Quinn, began to manifest through the leader's body. A wound on the devil's side oozed and caused it physical torment. It proposed a deal to secure the release of their leader, Malachi, but the party adamantly refused any negotiations with evil. As a palpable malevolence seemed to permeate the surroundings, the devil, unable to bear it, teleported away to parts unknown.   As the devil disappeared, Brother Vincent, Brother Thorin, Brother Ceric, and Helecyne Bithen entered the fish hatchery, prepared for battle. The adventurers stood ready, their resolve unshaken, as they faced an uncertain and treacherous future, with the weight of both their own actions and the encroaching evil looming over them.

Rewards   Treasure.+2 bracers of armor, 2 +1 shortswords, ring of regeneration, ring of protection +1, 4 mwk crossbows, 48 bolts, 4 mwk shortswords, 2 mwk studded leather
Experience. 3563 xp
Items of Note. 23 black writs, adamantine chest (hardness 20, 20 hp)

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
25 Oct 2023
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