Sessie 7b: Khadyr en Shamus Report

General Summary

Armand is gone and our other two heroes are on their way to find him and hopefully safe him from whatever situation he has himself gotten into.  

During our trip to Surha, we prayed to the icons, assuming we could needs their help. Shamus to the Messenger and I to the Merchant. Jezebel slept like a baby through the whole journey. When we arrived at the planet Shamus tried to scan for a landing place. I don't know what he did exactly bur he couldn't find a landing pad. Ofcourse there is a landing pad so I also scanned the planet and found one near the outpost called Surhani.
  Khadyr Sabah
  Our heroes find a landing bay. It's just a few concrete runways on a field. Enormous hangars have been cut out in the rocky mountainside circling the spaceport. After landing the Mongon Sum is being transported inside. They find the terminal where they meet the person who runs the hangar and terminal: Saleem Mashmet (family?). Person fee = 50 Birr per person. Storage fee = 150 Birr day 1 en 50 Birr for each extra continuous day. Transport to Surhanis is included.  
At arrival, I scanned the planet to find a landingplace. Sadly enough without any result. Cadir had more luck and was able to find a place to land. It was called Surhani and its representative was named Malva Sarhai. After we landed at the outpost, our ship was moved to a hangar as at night one would not be able to be outside. Obviously, we left the cat behind in the ship and took the environmental scanner with us.   Slowly we walked over the terminal, while following the signs. On our left, someone was working on a spaceship. While we checked in, the terminal agent informed us about the planet, how the temperature would be -75 at night while inside it would be a cosy -10.
  Shamus loaded
The landing Shamus treated us to was ones again very bumpy. The ship was moved to a hangar. Jezebel stayed behind while we were on our way to check ourselves in and see if we could get some information. We also took the invironmental scanner with us. A terminal agent told us that this was a very cold an informed us about the planet. Surha turned out to be a very inhospitable planet, with temperatures of -40 degrees and a gravity of 2 G. fortunately I am rugged and Shamus has very warm clothes, so we can stand this cold for some time. We had to pay 300 birr to leave the terminal and still no sign of Armand. We took the snow crawler to Surhani where we could find a place to eat.
  Khadyr Sabah
We left the terminal agent 300 birr lighter and not providing us with any information. He did tell us to take the snow crawler to Surhani where we could find a place to eat.   For 15 kilometers we drove through a white and windy landscape, before we reached a sign. “Surhani”, but it also read “Hope’s End”. Living quarters, cut out of the edge of the mountain, became visible, but also a large dome. We stepped out in front of it. Three tunnels became visible, each ending at a different building.
  Shamus loaded
Snow crawler on Surha Khadyr and Shamus meet a gorgeous girl behind the bar at the local Cantina. It's Adilah, the four-eyed owner of Adilah's Cantina. Being a woman of questionable taste she immediately has the hots for Shamus.  
We were hungry and decided to enter the dome and look for the nearest bar. “Adila’s Cantina”, that sounded promising. Time was between lunch and dinner, it was rather quiet while we walked over to the bar to get some food and drinks. I ordered a frikandel, like I made them when I was young: cut in half, fried with Croma on each side, two slizes of bread, generously covered with ketchup, mayonnaise and onions. Heaven…   While I sank my teeth into heaven, a cold chill filled the air. The hair in my neck raised up and my stomach turned. I dreamt about this yesterday and things didn’t go well then. I swallowed and took a zip of my beer. This was going to be a long day. Shamus loaded
  A tosti Djachroum.  
We drove for a while through a cold, snowy and windy landscape. We reached Surhani were we also read a sign “Hope’s End”. It made me shiver a bit. We saw a large dome and we got off of the snow crawler. and first looked for a place to eat. We went to “Adila’s Cantina” and ordered a meal. Although we asked around no one had seen Armand.   We decided that there was nothing we could do right now anymore, so we looked for a place to sleep. Maybe we had more luck tomorrow.
  Khadyr Sabah

The league of misfits

Shamus loaded

Name:shamus Loaded
Face:Cross eyed, dark heavy eye brows. Female cheak bones and a dimple when I smile. I have a mold under my left eye.
Clothing:Young sealskin coat, freshly bashed. Wellies and lederhosen.
Hit Points6/
Mind Points7/
Dexterity (Agility)1
Force (Strength)2
Infiltration (Agility)1
Observation (Wits)1
Ranged Combat (Agility)1
Culture (Empathy)1
Data Djinn (Wits)3
Technology (Wits)2
Targeting scope (CYB)
Gear Bonus
Moisture condenser -
Talisman -
Exquisite clothing -
Exo shell -
Targeting Scope (CYB) -
Accelerator Pistol -
Armor Rating Comment
shield - -


Khadyr Sabah

Name:Khadyr Sabah
Concept:Trailblazer - Prospector
Face:Dark short hair, little bit wild like it hasn't been combed for days. Green eyes. Weather beaten skin.
Clothing:Black leather pants. Tunic with belt.Leather boots. Leather coat with fur lining.
Hit Points5/5
Mind Points9/9
Infiltration (Agility)1
Manipulation (Empathy)1
Melee Combat (Strength)1
Observation (Wits)1
Ranged Combat (Agility)1
Command (Empathy)2
Medicurgy (Wits)1
Pilot (Agility)1
Science (Wits)1
Technology (Wits)1
Survivor (grouptalent)
The Dancers talents
Gear Bonus
Enviromental scanner (+2 survival) -
Communicator V -
5 m dose 5x (+1 Medicurgy) -
Exo shell (-2 dexterity -
Armor Rating Comment
Rugged +3 Exo Shell +2 - -


Armand Serrano

Name:Armand Serrano
Concept:Scientist - Archealogist
Face:Plump, Clean shaven, short hair
Clothing:Dockworker pants, Leather jacket, boots, Woolen sweater.
Hit Points7/7
Mind Points7/7
Force (Strength)1
Manipulation (Empathy)1
Observation (Wits)1
Survival (Wits)1
Culture (Empathy)1
Science (Wits)2
Technology (Wits)3
Xinghur: Resistant
Gear Bonus
Proximity Sensor -
Portable Lab -
Database -
Medkit -
Tools (Advanced) -
Armor Rating Comment
Shield - -

Player Journals
Cold as Hell, but not my Frikadel! by Shamus
Surha by Khadyr
Report Date
02 Apr 2022

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