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Shamus loaded

Shamus Loaded (a.k.a. kicking sjoerd all day long)

My name is Shamus Loaded. I am 37 years old and was born on Zalos. I come from a rich, privileged, family. Although I'm near sighted, I have succeeded to become a pilot. My daddy took care of that. Got my diploma from him. But, had to promize not to fly fast ships. So, freighters it was. My mother was so proud when I got my first freighter. She walked all the way around it. Should have told me...I ran her over. Still got the dent to prove it. She's dead now. Makes me no selfie. I have to shave my eyebrows on a monthlty basis and need strond glasses. I had it made specially for me: W.A.L.L.M.A.R.T.. He told me it's an exclusive brand. I'm always cold, so I like to wear young seal fur coats. Also, I'm fond of my boots. I have grey ones, blue ones, orange ones, white ones, etc.. etc... My father told me that I had to socialise. Luckily I met two strangers in a bar. They talked to me, so they definitely also must have been wasted. Didn't wear my glasses that night. Wanted to look pretty. Shame, one of them was a Humanites. I hate Humanites! Sorry? What? I'm a Humanites? Yeah, but I'm a rich Humanites. Totally different group of people than those stinking low lives.  

Physical Description

Facial Features

dimple below my right eye

Identifying Characteristics

Green wellies and a nice baby seal overcoat.

Special abilities

I can hit hard and precise.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics




Family Ties

Mother: Elspeth von Kakkenhaus die dritte Father: Henk Bakker

Religious Views

As long as it contains alcohol, I'm game.

Hobbies & Pets

No Pets.   Hobbies:
  • hunt baby seals for coats;
  • shopping for boots.
  • Speech

    Dark, romantic voice.


    Shamus loaded

    Brother (Trivial)

    Towards Armand Serrano



    Armand Serrano

    Brother (Important)

    Towards Shamus loaded



    Wealth & Financial state

    My father is rich. Have to prove myself before I get any.
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Clubber of the year.
    Date of Birth
    16th of oshigosh
    Haufengrass sieg north
    Parents (Adopting)
    Armand Serrano (Brother)
    Current Residence
    Dark brown, curly
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Greyish white
    5 ft 10
    240 lbs
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    Look! That one stuck to my club!
    Owned Vehicles

    About bloody time!

    Yes! Armand saves us. Max and Moritz, or whatever their names are, break us out of our cells.   We follow them as quickly as we can and as fast as my boots can carry me.   Blood runs through my eyes, my heart beats as if it is the 4th of Juli, Armand's birthday by the way.   We end up at some rusted small collection of wires, aluminum canvas and wood. But seemingly this is a sophisticated piece of machinery which can take us of this planet.   We take off and while we're flying, the AI tells us that it will take us to the mother ship. He will "save" us all....   When we arrive at the mothership, it tells us to link him up with the ship. We refuse and I personally think that this thing is as crazy as as as, the gamemaster.   Finally we give in as we don't want to die. We take off. Saved, but are we?

    Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Nobody knows my sorrow

    Oh my god! This was such an exiting day!   We went to the amdin level.   And then we got some food.   And Then we met 7943.   And then We asked him about 9725.   And then Grise come over to us.   He told us to behave.   We could make points and money and maybe leave.   And then I got number 4254 and fuckface got number 8391.   And then we went back to our cell block.   And then someone told us we would start in area 5.   And then we went to area 5.   And then we talked to 2803.   And then I tried to break into a camera.   Well, that failed.   And then the guard tells us to go back to our cell.   And then we went for lunch.   And then we sat next to 2803.   And then a Yeti, 7057, moves over to us.   And then I slapped him silly, while he did me.   And then we went back to 7943.   He tells us that 7057 is trouble.   And then we ask him about the computers. 7943 says no.   And then we went back to area 5.   And then we tried to reach level 7, failed and got handcuffed.   And then we were back on our cells.   Next day we hear that 3120 did a David Carradine. Yugh.   And then we went for lunch.   And then I found some cigarettes.   And then we went to area 4.   And then we see guards moving a dead body.   And then we try to move to area 6.   And then we try to move to area 7.   And then we find a metal door.   And then we move into area 8.   And then we move left, right, center, up, down as the merry goes round.   And then we arrive at area 12.   And then I hope this read has been as annoying for you as the session has been for us.   Lights out.

    Wait! Wha!? Huh? Nooo.. Ehhh.....ehm

    We arrive at the prison, near building 8: vehicles.   Niay tells us that she will go to building 7, the apotheker.   Someone greets Niay, it's warden Voller. He informs her about an accident, involving Paul Hindin. An Elevator fell on him.   She asks us to follow her and tells us that Paul is an expert with the prison's AI.   When in building 7, we see another person in the room: Amadi Maalouf. He tells us that a computer malfunction caused the accident.   He informs us that the AI is one floor down. When we say that we can check the AI, he tells us that he has to confirm that with Warden Grice.   Niay informs Grice that Paul has died. When we aks for permission to check the AI, he agrees but two guards will accompany us.   While we go down to floor -1, Amadi has to leave us and we follow Niya to the computer room.   As soon as we enter the room, my bowls move as I recognize the person in the room. Niya says she's sorry but she wanted to see her brother again.. the bitch.   Before we now it, Niya has turned into meat for skewers. Fruit Ninja comes in mind. My stomach turns and a soft whistling air escapes my lower body parts.   Niya is all over the place and, before we know it, an elevator takes us down to -3...the cells. Luckily, we have separate cells.   We start shouting for Armand, hoping to hear back from him. But only some guy is shouting back at us. His name is Billy. When we ask him about Armand, he tells us that he knows him, but Armand went missing.   Well, one thing left to do now... we sleep

    Cold as Hell, but not my Frikadel!

    On our way to planet Surha, in the Kua system, Both Cadir and I praid to our respective icons.   At arrival, I scanned the planet to find a landingplace. Sadly enough without any result. Cadir had more luck and was able to find a place to land. It was called Surhani and its representative was named Malva Sarhai.   After we landed at the outpost, our ship was moved to a hangar as at night one would not be able to be outside. Obviously, we left the cat behind in the ship and took the environmental scanner with us.   Slowly we walked over the terminal, while following the signs. On our left, someone was working on a spaceship.   While we checked in, the terminal agent informed us about the planet, how the temperature would be -75 at night while inside it would be a cosy -10.   We left the terminal agent 300 bir lighter and not providing us with any information. He did tell us to take the snow crawler to Surhani where we could find a place to eat.   For 15 kilometers we drove through a white and windy landscape, before we reached a sign. “Surhani”, but it also read “Hope’s End”. Living quarters, cut out of the edge of the mountain, became visible, but also a large dome. We stepped out in front of it. Three tunnels became visible, each ending at a different building.   We were hungry and decided to enter the dome and look for the nearest bar. “Adila’s Cantina”, that sounded promising.   Time was between lunch and dinner, it was rather quiet while we walked over to the bar to get some food and drinks.I ordered a frikandel, like I made them when I was young: cut in half, fried with Croma on each side, two slizes of bread, generously covered with ketchup, mayonnaise and onions. Heaven…   While I sank my teeth into heaven, a cold chill filled the air. The hair in my neck raised up and my stomach turned. I dreamt about this yesterday and things didn’t go well then. I swallowed and took a zip of my beer. This was going to be a long day.

    What a fucked up day

    Dear Diary,   Today was such a weird day.   It started this morning. I left my room in a hurry. My left boot was making sucking noices and felt a bit damp. That was weird as I always leave them next to the heater in the toilet. It's the only place with ventilation, so that gives them some fresh air.   As I was strolling through the city, people were looking at me while I was walking past them. Might be the sucking noice… I was on my way to get my new winter coat. The seamstress had been working on it for a whole week and it just got back from the cleaners to get the last blood out of that nice white fur.   It was still a long way and the walk did make me thirsty. So, I walked into a pub, ordered a nice cold beer and sat myself down in a corner. “Forbidden to take of your boots”, said the sign and it probably was for the better as I started to remember that that night I went to the toilet for a wee and remembered that I didn’t hear the usual clatter from the toilet bowl, but more like the sound of a bottle being filled up. Oh god… I started to feel a bit sick as I wasn’t wearing any socks. To overcome this feeling I quickly ordered something stronger. I needed to get this picture out of my head. And it didn’t take long, after a glass or three, that I started to feel all tingly inside. Forgotten were the feelings of disgust while I playingly was pulling and pushing my foot in and out my left boot.   I laughed while suddenly two shadows were sitting in front of me. Damn..People! Close to me? But how? Nobody wants to sit with me. Why!? Closely, I examined the one on the right. My glasses were zooming in, had to think, felt woozy, scared and exited at the same time. They started talking, I felt tingly inside, this never had happened to me I froze! Could it be!? Is this an orsmagm… orsagm…ormasm…ORGASM!? I laughed. The person on the right looked weird at me. Was it a laugh or did I just fart in excitement? They were still talking to me. I put my hands in front of my face. Thoughts were racing through my mind. Had to pinch myself. They were still talking to me! To ME!.   “We’re looking for a pilot..”. One said.. Oh boy, oh boy. I am a pilot! I am a pilot! I wanted to scream: “ I am a Pilot, take me, take me, I’m all yours. Do what you want to me. Ohhh, Yes!”. But I knew I should play hard to get. I’m rich, you know. I’m important and people are always asking favours from me….   “Yessss….. Soooo?”. “And why do you think I want to join you”?   My fingers were trembling, sweat came oozing out of my pores. Oh god…oh god…oh god…oh god… My knees touched, I couldn’t take it anymore.   My mind went blank. I can’t remember anything anymore from that point on forwards. It all went grey. I know we went to my ship. I heard laughter when they walked around it. They looked like they were walking away, but I dragged one of them into my ship. The other followed quickly with fear in its eyes. I sat them down and started my ship, someone threw up and half an hour later we left the space station.   We flew somewhere and I did hit a few things, but we all survived. Well, physically….

    Pilot Smilot

    Well, that’s great! Finally, for the first time, I can try on my e…x…o.. suit! Guess what?! Too fuckin small! When I bought it three years ago, it was a perfect fit with even some room to spare. I warned her. Didn’t I warn her? “MOM”! Not on high temperature, MOM! I looked through the window and put out my tongue at the dark red smear on the left wing. “Bitch…”.   The other two, Kafir and Armani, were calling me. They were already outside. I was smart enough to let them first got outside. Never can be too carefull.   Walking was a bit hard as everything was pulling up between my legs. But I managed to step out of the spaceship.   My hand touched something wet, thick, suggy…Hmmm eatable? I moved my hand closely to my mouth. Charlie, my tongue, was on autopilot. My lips were having dirty thoughts. Then my eyes crossed theirs. The look at their face… I shook my hands. Slime was flying all over the place. Dissapointed, I walked over to them. “I’ll get a chance later”, I thought.   Gratefully, I was following them, Kaf and Armi. I had no plan to be a hero and I hate the dark. My hands were holding on to Armi’s coat.   Then we went into a room. Armi pushed me into a corner. I was about to plant my size 48 into his face, when it became clear to me that he wanted me to break into a terminal. Like a walk in the park! 10 seconds later I smiled at them, while pointing at the screen: a map and further details.   We walked further when I saw something familiar: a baby seal. But there was something wrong… Ah, yes! No blood. It made me jealous for a few seconds. What a craftsmanship. This took me back to, well, last week. We played soccer with them. And believe me, you have to kick them very hard before they move. “Oehhhh…. Can I kick it? “No!”, said Kafi.   They tried to move it and those amateurs tore off the head. Hmmm, that never happened to one of the seals. Yeah, sometimes you would hit them too hard and brains would be running out, but the head would still be there. Obviously, that was no seal.   My nosehear was tingling. “Someone is watching us!” I shouted. We were walking quickly now. I wanted to get out of this place. Splintering and cracking noises were coming from my boots, I felt the ground to become uneven. What are these branches doing here? “Oh, sh…”. I want out, I want out, I want out! But wherever I was running, the cracking kept following me. Things were pushing against my knees, when I suddenly heard a voice. Something shiny was sparkling from that direction and I needed to know what it was.   We found someone in an air shaft. The other two were making gagging sounds and tried to keep their noses tightly closed. I looked around me, couldn’t see anything decomposing. All I was smelling was a nice, relaxing, musky perfume. The person was saying something, but I didn’t care. My hands were around his, or better, around whatever was sparking inside his palms. “Precious…Can I have it?”. Anxious, I was looking at his face. Slowly, I removed it from his hands. “Sparkling…”.   K and M were pushing me forward, but my thoughts were with whatever I was holding in my hands. Armi hit my shoulder and pointed at some terminal. “An elevator?” How did we get here? I touched some buttons, but nothing happened. My left fist was holding the talisman. I was not going to let go.   Suddenly I felt heavy. We were moving. Upwards.. Jihad was looking at me. I looked down at him. “ Hmm… bare feet”. I moved my toes, mine were still there. Nice and warm.   Doors opened and I felt a warm breeze. Warmth turned into a blazing hot draft. Pores were breaking open as I felt sweat running down my back. “Damnit, sweat in my bottom cheeks”.   Kafi and Armi started to run, I followed them blindly. My boots were getting wet, I felt sweat sticking between my toes. Didn’t think anymore, I ran while my head was pointing downwards. “Are we going up?”. My heart was racing, wasn’t built for this. Then suddenly speed, my feet were in front of me. I had fallen on my bottom. Cheek sweat got pushed into my neck. While my body was sliding downwards, I tried to push my boots into the ground. My eyes opened wide as it became clear to me that the dark colour in front of md was warning me for the abyss awaiting my death. “ Mommmmmmyyyyy!”.   I managed to put my heels into the ground. Gravity did the rest. One more meter and I would have fallen into darkness. While my arms and feet where flying around, I felt my body spinning around a few times. Then I hit the ground, first my head and then the rest of my body. A few seconds later, something shiny fell in front of me. “PRECIOUS!”. I grabbed the talisman. Held it to my heart and looked around. At the other side of the ravine were four people looking back at me. I closed my eyes and sighed.   Armi was shouting at me. I looked up, all three were looking at me.

    Footrub, Footrub, Footrub

    A few days ago we landed on spaceport Djachroum. The ship did a freefall until I got the brakes to work.Luckily, it's a big spaceport and I arrived where I had to be: the services area.   That other dude, Jihan, ran off to his friends. No thank you, no goodbye's, no hugs. Just poof!   We agreed to lay low for a few days, do our own thing and then meet back at Jana's cafe.   Three days of blizz, they were. I had my monoculair fixed by Aggggmed, went for a relaxing footrub and got my toenails clipped.   Also managed to get the a new bed. Don't know what happened to the current one, but it looked and smelled funny.   Then, on the final day, I met Armand and Kadir at Jana's.   They had a new mission. One for exploring D14-465, an asteroid belt thought to contain Maghdan. Maaaaghdaaannn... Oeh, twinkle, twinkle, tummy rub. Money, money.
    This article has no secrets.


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