Livre 1, Session 4: The Wrath of Odjo Report

General Summary

It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you bend the rules.

Agony at the door

The Corrupter rarely gives without taking, the peasants experienced it first hand as the artifact conduit laid broken in the cave. The men that had come to get rid of the interloppers were struck down at the entrance of the cavern where they waited for the adventurers to come out. Blood oozing out of their eyes, noses and ears, aches that had not been felt for months all came back in one instant, the Queen of Spite made them feel what they had lost with the artifact. Half of the group of villagers was already dead by the time Anarvis exited the cave.

Orcs are coming

While everyone was still shocked by the situation, the Warlock catched a glimpse of movement beyond his devil's sight, something was coming and it was not alone. Not all peasants were down and out, a few tried to take on the Dead Company, with zero success.

A warband of orcs came into sight, as they stopped to behold the situation, a crossbow bolt flew straight in the face of their leader, a mean looking Eye of Bolg. The wounded Orc shouted orders to his underlings who sprang into action immediatly. In the chaos, Mukli was trying to catch up to a couple of fleeing peasants, Anarvis and Raknarun were cleaving villagers, the Captain was cautiously exiting the tunnel and Darja was protecting him. The Rogue hobgoblin changed course when she heard the warchants from behind, she sniped finieshed the warband leader and a couple of the orcs. A strange effect emanating from the Ash turned the ground into razor sharp blades, which quickly further increased the chaos of the situation as the Orc were trying to escape the deadly grass. Amongst the green brutes, three misshappen orcs had been staying behind, their looks betrayed their worship of the Rotlord, as they further chanted spells upon the conflict area, only the minotaur was afflicted by their bane. A minute later, all that could be heard was the gently blowing wind in the vale.

The Spiritual Guide

The Dead Company walked back to the village, slowly following their scout, Mukli. Not one was in sight but shouting could be heard ahead, as they closed in, they reached a mob surrounding the house of the elder of the village, Mantrak and his family trying to calm everyone down. Clearly the Old Man had been affected, but a lot less than the villagers.

Darja asked where the children were, a sorrowful woman meekly answered,

They sleep, they're asleep forever.
The elder tried to redirect the hostility towards the invaders who had triggered this debacle, reminding his flock that life was good before the intruders came into the village. The verbal spar between the crowd, the Dead Company and Mantrak abruptely ended when a flying rock and hit Mantrak in the face, his wife and family huried inside and locked the door. This triggered the mob into full-on rampage, bloodied fathers and wrathful mothers trying to enter the house and avenge all they had lost. Kafen and his mercenaries used that opportunity to to exit the village. Walking for a few hours always looking behind to see if the mob was chasing them, the chose to rest for a short while in the plain, they would force the march until they got to the Rokk Woods.

Weren't you dead?

As the group setup camp for a night and day of rest, a man in very bad shape emerged from the west, they all recognised Toliig of the Big Four, the man who had tried to kill them near the Jendasha Bridge, north of Shyta-Thybaj. The execution wound inflicted by Racknarun clearly visible.

Whispers of adventures
Report Date
30 Jan 2023
Primary Location

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