Livre 1, Session 7: The lands of Skarrna Report

General Summary

Recruiting the slaves

The Dead Company recruits Adel Edgecraft as the weaponsmith of the Dead Company.

Toliig the Tracker, Deadest

Tolig has found Kafen again but he's not not stealthy enough in the dense bushes of Skarrna and is quickly spotted by Kafen who's doing his guard time.



3 halflings and gnomes leave the Dead Company to try and find the Brotherhood of the Broken Chain instead of remaining with the mercenary group.

The Stout Scroundrel

The Inn of a fat elf named Condo.


Ardarr-Norr, the City of Pearls

Buying and Selling

The Thief's Scroll

The only Inn of Ardarr-Norr belongs to a bulky fhokki named Helmund.

Rewards Granted

  • A Weaponsmith named Adel Edgecraft
  • A gnome femme servant named Caila
  • A gnome farmer named Raxil
  • An halfling baker named Bagela
  • Missions/Quests Completed

  • A Change of Plans
  • Created Content



    This merchant ship has a narrow hull with a row of ironwood oars worked by rope golems. Captain is a funky man named Captain Dourado, the ship has been stolen from a respectable merchant and was previously known as Lycasil.

    Errant of Menia (Errant de Menia)

    A small pirate ship that is fast and maneuvrable that is captained by a crew of men defering to Halvena.

    Halvena's Scythe

    A solid and fast pirate ship captained by Halvena, a rough Half-Elf who's not affraid to take on the strongest enemies.

    Blade of Mendae (Lame de Mendae)

    A large navy frigate that was sent to retrieve the Lycasil. The ship is captained by a though man named Captain Arunssen.

    Inns & Taverns

    The Thief's Scroll


    In a residential district, surrounded by narrow alleys and comfortable row houses. The street outside is crowded with a procession of stray goats.


    The inn is a simple wooden shack, with a reinforced wooden door. Accomodations consist of straw mats near the hearth.


    The innkeeper is a heavyset male human named Helmund.


  • Stewed Carp and Bitter Cheese, Tankard of Mead (10 cp)
  • Vegetable Stew, Mug of Beer (2 cp)
  • Boiled Eggs and Blue Cheese, Tankard of Cider (10 cp)
  • Dried Shellfish and Watercress, Tankard of Mead (11 cp)
  • Boiled Eggs and Curd Cheese, Tankard of Stout (11 cp)
  • Spelt Porridge, Mug of Ale (4 cp)
  • Patrons

  • Audreyn: Female Halfling Soldier, Good. Audreyn is tall and willowy, with copper hair and bright green eyes. She wears scale mail and wields a long sword and shield. Audreyn seeks a company of adventurers to escort her daughter to the orphanage of the Monastery of the Elysian Lords.
  • Nelenwe: Female Fhokki Artist, Neutral. Nelenwe has red hair and blue eyes, and numerous unusual scars. She wears modest garments and a mink fur cape. Nelenwe is searching for her lost sister.
  • Rumors

  • Marget has been searching the area near the Monastery of Angels.
  • Lady Verrin has been beguiled by an elven enchantress.
  • A fair princess is held captive within the Catacombs of Mepha the Gruesome.
  • No dwarf who has entered the Crestyw Vale has ever returned alive.
  • Gary Keep is beseiged by the goblins of the Feathered Jungle.
  • The town magistrate has been murdered by a red-robed assassin.
  • Mysterious lights have appeared in the Chahri Waste.
  • Eanod has been missing for days, and was last seen hiding a purse of coins on Daford Road.
  • The Stout Scroundrel (Le Robuste Gaillard)


    In a caravan quarter, near an outcrop of carved stone. Its neighbors include a sprawling oxen pen and the burned-out ruins of a building.


    The inn is a two-storey stone-walled building, with a small fenced yard and a smooth stone floor. Accomodations consist of a single large room with wooden cots and several hammocks in the common room.


    The innkeeper is an overweight male elf named Condo. He holds a grudge against dwarves.


  • Roasted Pork and Dried Carrot, Tankard of Bitter (7 cp)
  • Rye Porridge, Mug of Beer (4 cp)
  • Boiled Sausage and Oat Bread, Tankard of Beer (12 cp)
  • Boiled Boar and Dried Artichoke, Tankard of Bitter (10 cp)
  • Boiled Leek, Mug of Beer (2 cp)
  • Boiled Pork and Acorn Bread, Tankard of Beer (8 cp)
  • Boiled Mutton and Whey Cheese, Tankard of Ale (10 cp)
  • Patrons

  • Nathye: Male Dejy Scholar, Evil. Nathye is willowy, with golden hair and grey eyes. He wears expensive clothing and silk gloves. Nathye seeks to steal the crown of the kingdom.
  • Sane Courte: Female Fhokki Soldier, Evil. Sane has cropped black hair and narrow hazel eyes. She wears studded leather and wields a halberd. Sane serves a powerful arch-fiend named Vali.
  • Linga: Male Fhokki Artist, Neutral. Linga has golden hair and green eyes. He wears expensive clothing and several pouches hang from his belt. Linga seeks a company of adventurers to escort his daughter to the orphanage of the Shrine of White Light.
  • Herim Bophill: Male Dwarf Mercenary, Evil. Herim has an angular face, with braided auburn hair and amber eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a short sword and light crossbow. Herim is hunting the sorceress who stole his wife.
  • Saidha: Male Fhokki Craftsman, Evil. Saidha has silver hair and sharp brown eyes. He wears simple clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Saidha seeks a company of adventurers to steal a belt from a rival.
  • Rumors

  • The boss of the Harlots Guild is dying of an incurable affliction.
  • The town magistrate accepts bribes from adventurers for exceptions and favors.
  • The reeve has been murdered by a red-robed assassin.
  • A trained cat has been stealing scrolls and documents.
  • The reeve has been murdered by a red-robed assassin.
  • A volcanic city of fire giants lies somewhere beneath the Leaden Hills.
  • The chancellor of the guilds is also the master of the Assassins Guild.
  • Campaign
    Whispers of adventures
    Report Date
    13 Mar 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location

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