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Migrating clans of Fhokki settled the Land of Skarrna (population 600,000). After fleeing the icy cold of the north, the Fhokki clans, called the Skarrns, chose to settle the lush northern rip of Reanaaria Bay. Battle lords, called Skryvalkkers, divided the Land. The lesser Skryvalkker chose the open land to the north, where the people learned to farm the virgin soil and raise livestock. The most powerful Skryvalkker claimed land on the Bay. Fishing and whaling became common occupations along the coastal waters.


Soon after the Skarrns settled the area, Reanaarian whalers arrived and began disputing water rights. After initial hostilities, the Reanaarians and Skarrns became close allies and trading partners, although sailors still argue over water rights.


Skarrna has changed little over the years. 'Skryvalkker' has become the title for the local ruler, and in times of trouble the Skryvalkkers are still 'battle lords.' Skarrnid merchants trade along both coasts of Reanaaria Bay and with Drhokker and Thybaj merchants. Skarrna's natural resources include grain, whale oil, kelp, octopus ink, coral and pearls. Textiles and foodstuffs are frequently traded to the gnomes in the Vrykarr Mountains for metals and minerals.


The Skarrns worship a wide array of deities. The Way of the Berserk, Halls of the Valiant, Temple of Armed Conflict and Temple of the Stars have large followings here. The Assembly of the Four Corners and The Church of the Life’s Fire are also widespread among the populace. Recently, the Inevitable Order of Time, the House of Knives and the House of Scorn have had notable increases in worshippers.


Skarrna lacks one army, but each Skryvalkker (there are eight) has a standing army and altogether their troops number about 3,000. This number includes 1,500 cavalry, consisting of a large unit of heavy cavalry and 1,500 footmen. They have no permanent navy, but several coastal Skryvalkkers are trying to convince the council to commission the construction of a fleet.

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