Session 073 - Pickled Trolls, Fireflies and a Ghost Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 073 - Pickled Trolls, Fireflies and a Ghost

General Summary

2nd and 3rd of Morgat (Winter) 721TR

The story so far

After months of traveling and adventure the Heroes are planning to return home, taking a shortcut through the magical Godstones portal in the mysterious Earthmaster Site of Telumar. But before they enter Telumar they plan to continue exploring an ancient Brewery of the Dwarf Icken Haumager.

Athena is also seeking a Black Door, somewhere in Telumar. Beyond that, it is predicted that she will have an opportunity for the revenge she seeks.

The continuation of Session 72 - Dark Anniversary.

Location - The Earthmaster Site of Telumar.

Part 1 - Pipe Cleaners.

The heroes continue exploring the underground complex and come on a series of old rusty pipes, vessels, kegs, and clay pots. This congested maze of brewing apparatus and passageways proves hard to maneuver through and is occupied. Out of the pipework appear Grey Oozes and Snake-like Automations with wire brushes attached. They proved dangerous and hard to combat in the tight conditions but were eventually smashed to pieces.

Part 2 - Pickled Trolls.

The main brewery opens up containing 3 large kettles, a stone tablet with the desiccated remains of a huge insect (a Cave Fisher), and a skeleton of a dwarf. Quazzy familiar flies over one of the kettles and immediately dies, his flesh rotting and putrefying. Yureb investigates and feels his skin start to burn and fester. Then bursting from these vessels, emerge two Repulsive Trolls. These monsters' skin starts to tear off their muscles as they move, and they emit an aura of decay. These are not normal trolls, barely seeming alive. They injure Yureb and Athena before the Heroes retreat back down a series of tight passages. The trolls furiously follow but are restricted by the width of the passageway and are eventually dispatched.

Part 3 - The Ghost.

Icken Haumager.PNG
Icken Haumager, Art by Pazio
Quazzy decides to go Ethereal and investigate her surroundings. She finds she is not alone, passively observing the party is the ghost of Icken Haumager. Provoked by her presence, he confronts Quazzy, planning to possess her body, but she quickly placates him by immediately offering to help him achieve a final rest. Icken tells Quazzy that his Journal contains all of his discoveries, including how to brew Beer with Cave Fisher Blood, which needs to be given to his Kin. Quazzy agrees to help. The ghost is now bound to his Journal, expecting Quazzy to keep her word.

She learns that long ago, the trolls inflicted a mortal wound on Icken, got drunk, and were thrown into vats of his special brew where they drowned, but being trolls, their regeneration ability kept them in a semi alive state. There they spent over a millennium with their bodies persevered in the alchemical alcohol until the Heroes woke them.

The party finds a small fortune in Gold crowns, Gems, 6 Flasks of Haumager Oil, 5 Chitin Throwing Wedges, and an impressive suit of Cave Fisher Carapace Armor. In a well-concealed hidden compartment is the Chronicle of Icken Haumager.

Part 4 - The Compound.

The heroes return from the Brewery and rest overnight with the Pagaelin Shaman Jaarede. From him, they learn that the spectacular light show from the buildings occurs randomly, but average once per month.

The entrance to Telumar Complex is obstructed by a sturdy wooden wall, a small compound with a house, some guards, and farm animals. Several workers tend the small gardens, and the heroes are met by a middle-aged man called Overseer Maralis. Having assessed that the party is no threat, he allows them to travel up into the Earthmaster Building. He tells them that he is an employee of a "Powerful" Wizard Lepridis who is investigating the magical properties of the site, specifically its strange lights shows. Lepridis and his apprentices are working in the main building.

Part 5 - Hidden Chambers.

The party makes its way under a crystal archway (which creepy seems to have humanoid figures trapped within) and then downstairs into a large chamber. Yureb spots four mechanically hidden doors, the first open into an empty chamber. The second chamber contained large mustard colored mounds, from which a faint buzzing can be heard. As Yureb approaches, thousands of glowing insects flow out, Swarms of Fireflies. They attack the Heroes requiring Quazzys to utilize her battlefield control spells to isolated the swarms and allow the heroes to prevail. The hives were burnt, and the swarms dispersed.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Jaarede - Slightly mad Pagaelin Shaman.

Icken Haumager - A Ghost now haunting a book.

Maralis - The Overseer of the Wizard Lepridis compound. As a half dozen staff, mostly commoners and guards.

Challenges Overcome

4 Iron Cobras and 2 Psionic Grey Oozes.

2 Rot Trolls.

3 Firefly Swarms.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
15 Mar 2020

Chronicle of Icken Haumager

Chronicle of Icken Haumager, Art by Attacus

Cave Fisher Carapace Armor


Studded leather armor, off-white with hard chitinous studs, and very fine white hair-like filaments.

Material: Made from the alchemically softened underbelly of the Cave Fisher.

Weight: 15lbs.

Properties: Functions as Studded Leather Armor with a +2 AC Magical bonus.

Enhances the wearer ability to sense air movement near the wearer's body, grants Blindsight 5ft range.

Special Abilities: As a Bonus Action, the wearer can become sticky granting Spider Climb. Usable 2/day and lasts 10 minutes.

As a Reaction can cause the armor to extrude a Cave Fisher blood for 10 Minutes. This fluid is slippery grants Advantage on checks to escape grapples and dissolves most webbing or adhesives. Negates the armor's spider climb property however the blood is highly flammable doing d6 hp fire damage per round if exposed to a flame. Usable 1/day.

Chitin Throwing Wedges

Category: Simple Thrown Weapon

Damage: 1d4

Damage Type: Slashing

Properties: Finesse, Light, Sharpened, and Brittle

Range: 30/60

Weight: 0.5lbs

Sharpened and Brittle: Acts as a +3 to hit and damage weapon, critically hitting on an attack roll of 19+. This weapon is brittle 1 in 8 chance per attack that the weapon will be damaged, reducing the to hit and damage bonus by 1pt. When reduced to a +0 weapon, the weapon will critical on an attack roll of 20.

Haumager's Oil

This Oil functions as Alchemist fire but burns with a blue flame doing d6 Fire damage, and the Dexterity Check to extinguish the fire is DC12.

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