Session 054 - Drums of War Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 054 - Drums of War

General Summary

26 to 30 Peonu (2) (Spring) 721TR


The story so far

Acheron, a member of the secretive Argent Order is investigating a missing member of his organization.

The trail leads back to his home City of Golotha and the Leather Merchant Hanak Arnost. Unfortunately, Golotha is located in the center of the Kingdom of Rethem, which has been rocked by civil war. Considering his options, he decided to cross the border into the Kingdom of Kanday, drop off some unholy artifacts, then re-enter Rethem from the south, hopefully avoiding the worst of the conflict.

Sabretooth and Avon accompany him.

Part 1 - The Inns of Techen

After a few days of travel, the characters arrive in Castle of Techen, the seat of the Powerful Earl of Techen, Revi Lensque. Even though this is a significant settlement in a Kingdom at war, there are few signs of any military mobilization.

The party decides to offload the loot recovered from previous adventures and resupply. Avon quickly locates the town's Thieves Guild in the basement of the Raging Bull Inn and makes some purchases. As this establishment is a bit rough for the party, he finds the Swords and Shields Inn. Mostly the military patronizes this Inn owned by an aging former Copper Hook war veteran.

Acheron is quickly able to charm the Inn's attractive barmaids, Odeline and Alisoun. During a night entertainment, he learns some interesting gossip. The Earl is a young man and was a ward of the state for several years. During this time, his considerable lands were managed by the King and the Earl's much-despised Aunt, the Queen. His resources and lands were plundered, and much wealth was lost, something the Earl has not forgotten.


Part 2 - Cross the Border

The party cross over the border into the Kingdom of Kanday and Acheron visits the Church of St Orthas the Defender, at Castle Imiden. This temple of Larani also acts as a forward base for the Argent Order.

He drops off the Canopic Jars containing undead and Demonic entities collected from the Crypts at Themeson (Sessions 52 and 53) and sends a report back to his headquarters.

He attempts to perform the Vigil of the Selfless Defender at the church's shrine but falls asleep halfway through his prayers. Luckily no one noticed.


Part 3 - You're Drafted

Sir Racca Hyndar
The heroes crossover the border back into Rethem and make their way along the western roads to Golotha as planned. However, they see smoke coming from several villages and the sounds of dogs and fighting in the distance. Stopping on the road are also two merchant wagons with guards. A Knight, splattered in blood, rides in, he introduces himself as Sir Racca Hyndar.

He addresses the characters and the caravan guards in a stern voice.

"Congratulations, you have just joined the army of King Chafin III, and you are about to be overrun by those damn traitorous whoremongers. It doesn't matter what side you think were on, they will be here in moments, and their bloodlust is up. They will attack anything with a sword, spear, or valuables. Defend this section of the road. I will get my detachment together and relieve you within minutes. Together we may just get out of this alive. "

When pressed, he says that the Copper Hook has joined the traitors and have started raiding nearby villages. Acheron acts in a generally insubordinate manner, and Sabretooth claims to be a pacifist. The knight is too busy to deal with their insolence and rides off to "get help."


Part 4 - The Dogs of War

The guards join Acheron and Sabertooth on the road using the wagons as a barricade while Avon and merchants hide in the bushes. Suddenly a pack of Sycanus War Dogs commanded by an Order of the Fuming Gate Priest appear and attack. Within moments, a couple of the Dogs are killed, and one of the guards has his throats ripped out.

Following behind the War Dogs are a small contingent of Copper Hook Light and Medium Infantry, Archers, and a Medium Knight join the battle. Avon snipes from concealment using the bushes and wagons for cover. Sabretooth roars and enters into a bloodthirsty rage while Acheron attacks with hex, sword, and martial arts. The War Dogs are dispatched, although Sabretooth uses non-lethal attacks on several. Eventually, the Copper Hook infantry units are downed, but so are two more of the remaining guards. Avon takes a Balefire blast from the Priest and is barely left standing. The remaining guard falls to the ground after heroically supporting Acheron. Soon only the enemy knight remains, and he has maneuvered behind the party and the wagons ready to charge. The heroes target his horse, killing it, and bring him down. He lands on his feet and fights on but is surrounded and slain.

Seeing a more significant Copperhook force is approaching, the heroes flee with the merchants and the surviving, but badly injured, guard. Sabretooth also grabs the two unconscious war dogs, as well. They escape safely to a small nearby woods, which offers some cover.

The party also noted that Sir Racca Hyndar and his relief forces did not arrive as promised. They speculate that he was using the party as a diversion while he made his escape.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
27 Oct 2019
Secondary Location
City of Golotha

Company of the Copper Hook

Copper Hook, art by Columbia Games

Clan Hyndar Code of Arms

War Update - The Rebel Attack

The Copper Hook joining the rebels was a shock to the Royal forces. It was expected that they would remain neutral in the conflict instead of concentrating their efforts antagonizing the Knights of the Checkered Shield and the Kingdom of Kanday.

Key Events the first Battle of Chakta and the Capture of Omnis 28 Peonu 721

1) Rebel Forces from Wesenda supported by a continent from the Baron of Henwe move to Chakta. These are met by a Royal army from Chakta supported by the Barony of Omnis, including the Mercenary Company of the Black Bulls. The rebel forces are repelled and withdraw back to Henwe. This is a diversionary attack.

2) Copper Hook strikes with a surprise from the hills cutting the roads between Omnis and Chakta. With a high degree of coordination, half a dozen villages and manors are sacked. The where the unuckley PC's find themselves.

3) The main Copper Hook forces attack Castle Omnis. With the bulk of its garrison with the royal army near Chakta, the surprised and massively outnumbered defenders are quickly overwhelmed. The rebels (Copper Hook) capture Omnis.

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