Kingdom of Rethem Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Kingdom of Rethem

The “black-souled and evil” Kingdom.

Much of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games

The Kingdom of Rethem is dominated by the churches of Agrik and Morgath which is ruled by King Chafin III from his seat in Castle Shostim.

Rethem is less than 100 years old, is unstable, and has a violent history. Treachery, intrigue, and assassination are commonplace, with only lip service paid to the institutions of fealty, loyalty, and honor.

The kingdom's largest settlement is the City of Golotha, a chartered Freetown dominated by the Church of Morgath, a cesspit of corruption and villainy.

Chafin III seized power in 715TR and through various means has affirmed the fealty of the Earls of Ithiko and Techen as well as the fighting Orders of the Warriors of Mameka, the Companions of Roving Doom, and the Red Shadows of Hepra.

The powerful Earl of Tormau may be planning a rebellion, and the Company of the Copper Hook is always causing trouble on the Border with the Kingdom of Kanday , which may result in war.

If Chafin III ever unites his kingdom, it is expected he will eventually launch a war against the hated Kanday.


The positions in the royal government of Rethem are filled with those beholden and theoretically loyal to the King. The organization is much simpler than the other major kingdoms.

Key government officials

Marshal of Rethem leads the army and the royal guard. This office is traditionally and currently held by the King.

Royal Chamberlain is responsible for the operation of the royal household and all royal castles. He has daily access to the king, making him one of the most influential men in the realm.

Chancellor of Justice oversees the judiciary of the kingdom and the appointment of the Sheriffs.

Chancellor of the Exchequer is the chief financial officer. He collects royal revenues through the sheriffs and advises the king on budgetary matters. He also presides over the royal mint.

High Sheriffs (3), These enforce with law and order. However, most of their efforts are directed towards tax collection.

Public Agenda

Unify the Kingdom under the rule of King Chafin III Araku.

Grow the Kingdom into a regional military powerhouse.

Promote the Agrikan Religion and suppress all other except that of Morgath.

Conquest and destruction of the Kingdom of Kanday.

Conquest and exploitation of the Northern Forests. This will require the subjugation or destruction of the Kubora tribal nation.


565TR - The Corani Empire collapses.

625TR - The Kuboran Tribal Nation is united under Arlun the Barbarian and start the invasion of the western states.

635TR - Arlun captures the City of Golotha and founds the Kingdom of Rethem.

650TR - Arlun gains the full support of the Church of Agrik.

656TR - Arlun dies and is son Obraus takes the throne. The Kubora tribes leave the kingdom although some are assimilated into the Rethemi nobility.

682 to 697TR - Ezar’s War. The Copper Hook invade Kanday, resulting in a long war and the death of two kings and a final humiliating defeat, although only mostly Copper Hook territories are lost.

708TR - The Order of the Order of the Red Shadows of Hepra seize Themeson from the Thardic Republic. War is narrowly avoided.

714TR - The Order of the Eight Demons and the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang split from their parent orders and take Themeson as their base of power.

715TR - Chafin III is crowned King.

721TR - The Treaty of Themeson is signed between the Thardic Republic and the Kingdom of Rethem. Themeson Castle and assets are returned to the Republic in exchange for a range for concessions and a defensive alliance.

Demography and Population

The population is over 95,000, most living along the major river valleys or on the coast.

The majority being Hârnian although in recent years Ivinians mercenaries have begun immigrating from the Northern Viking Kingdoms.


Rethem is a disorganised subinfeudation consisting of;

The Royal domain with 4 baronies and 1 vassal barony.

The "Free" City of Golotha.

The Earldom of Tormau with 3 baronies and 3 vassal baronies.

The Earldom of Techen with 2 baronies and 2 vassal baronies.

The Earldom of Ithiko with 1 vassal barony.

The Domain of Menekai held by the Order of the Red Shadows of Hepra.

The Domain of Arketh held by the Companions of Roving Doom.

The Domain of Bedenes held by the Warriors of Mameka.

The Domain of Hyen held by the Company of the Copper Hook.

The kingdom is divided into 3 Shires.


Large feudal levy consists of knights and yeomen who hold lands in exchange for military service.

Major settlements have a permanent garrison of light foot, with some wealthy lords having medium foot or short bow.

Royal Guard

Also known as the Champions of the Golden Stag, consisting of three units.

King's Guard is composed of 6 squadrons of knights and 3 overstrength companies of medium foot.

Queen's Guard is composed of 2 squadrons of knights and 1 overstrength company of medium foot.

Shostim's Guard is composed of 2 squadrons of knights and 1 overstrength company of medium foot.

Fighting Orders

Fighting Orders of the Warriors of Mameka, Red Shadows of Hepra, Companions of Roving Doom and Company of the Copper Hook can muster large armies.

Mercenary companies of various sizes can bolster the Kingdoms defenses.

An unknown factor is the Military assets of the Church of Morgath. Some say vast armies of undead are at their disposal, although they are more likely to fund large mercenary companies.


The Companions of Roving Doom and the Earl of Tormau have warboats.


Rethem is dominated by the churches of Agrik and Morgath. The Church of Agrik is popular among the ruling classes and wields considerable political power in its own right as the various fighting orders are significant landholders. The Church of Morgath powerbase is centered around the City of Golotha.

Save-K’nor wields some subtle political influence but is not popular.

Sarajin has a growing number of followers, mostly from mercenary immigrants.

Halea has some worshipers among the merchant class.

Ilivir has a few worshipers but is generally discouraged and covert in some rural regions.

Peoni worship is illegal in most settlements but is sometimes ignored.

Larani worship is enthusiastically punishable by death.

Naveh worship is punishable by death. It is rumored that there is a covert temple in the City of Golotha.

Foreign Relations

Thardic Republic - Improving. Territorial disputes have been resolved in return for a defensive alliance.

Kingdom of Kanday - Bad. Hated enemies, Kanday's enlightened and peaceful principles, are in direct opposition to the Rethemi way. War is considered inevitable.

Kingdom of Orbaal - Minor threat, the Vikings are seen as potential raiders and mercenaries.

Kubora Barbarians - Hostile. Considered a minor threat as nearby tribes are subject to constant crusading by the Order of the Red Shadows of Hepra and Order of the Warriors of Mameka. If the tribes were ever to unify, then the kingdom would be in serious threat.

Agriculture & Industry

The northern forests are rich in timber, furs, wild beasts, and a source of slaves. Leatherwares are a major export.

Access to the sea supplies good fishery and access to whaling resources such as Oil.

Minerals are abundant and are extensively mined. The metalcraft industry is strong.

The River Valleys are densely populated and have a robust economy due to its fertile grain fields.

Victory, Destiny

King Chafin III Araku

Earl Deynl Lynnaeus

Deynl Lynnaeus

Founding Date


Geopolitical, Kingdom


Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy

Silver Piece

Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Rethem Header by Attacus
Character flag image: Clan Araku, by Columbia Games


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