Session 051 - Unwanted Visitors Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 051 - Unwanted Visitors

General Summary

21 to 23 Peonu (2) (Spring) 721TR


The story so far

Acheron, a member of the secretive Argent Order is investigating the fate of his fellow Paladin, Brother Tien and recover his lost Silver Sword. He was last seen at Themeson.

Avon, of the Thardic Republic's elite Red Guard has been ordered to gather information on the Themeson region for the Thardic Republic Senate.

Meanwhile Sabretooth has a more personal mission, find a way to peacefully remove a pack of Vlasters, also called Eye Eaters, from a Tin Mine. The heroes have been hired by Borin Cyman to investigate this Mine for Ghosts, but have not found any, only traps, Vlastors, vermin and an attractive Priestess of Agrik.

Continuation of Session 50 - Portents.

Part 1 - Hunting.

Borin Cyman
While Acheron "entertains" the Order of the Eight Demons Priestess Sephira, Sabretooth considers his options to remove the Vlastors from the Mine. He decides to tempt them with fresh meat.

He and Avon go hunting with some success, quickly killing a couple of wild boars. Taking the Boars carcasses back to the Mine, he tempts the Vlastor pack with food. He drags the bodies through the tunnels, and the Vlastors enthusiastically following behind, picking off bits of meat and squabbling over choice parts like the eyes and tongues. Sabertooth leads them far from the mining operation, then assembles a barricade to prevent them from returning.

Outside the Mine, Avon, and Sabretooth they encounter its owner Borin Cyman. Borin is assured that the Mine is free of ghosts, and they send him to a nearby village to rest.

Part 2 - The Skin Bats.

Aperani Sephira, art by Attacus
The heroes camp in the mine, but their rest is cut short by two flying undead horrors. These creatures, shaped like bats, are crafted out of human skin, and bones. One flys at and then locks onto Acheron and the other Sabretooth. Their bites are very deep, poisonous, and painful. At the same time, they generate high-pitch sounds that attract all nearby bats. These undead monstrosities were quickly dismembered, but their attached heads continue to bite as hundreds of bats swarm the party. Eventually, the heroes painfully tear the dead bat pieces from their bodies and disperse the bat swarms. Acheron again receives the healing flames from the somewhat enamored Priestess Sephira.

Next morning the party leave the Mine and travels to Castle of Themeson. Sephira then goes on to the nearby Gerdel Abbey alone.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
06 Oct 2019
Primary Location
Castle of Themeson

Vlaster - the Eater of Eyes

Vlasta, art by Attacus

The Maermalites

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