Afeal Campaign

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Poy
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Supporting Cast
  • Leutenant (Honorary) Cor Ditsky
    A large, hulking half orc who moves with unusual grace. Despite his bulk, Cor is more gazelle than elephant. His long back hair is pulled back into a tail with colored beads indicating his Orc linage. Cor's green eyes are sharp and tend to flick from place to place
  • Crondle Underbough
    Aka "Cracked Fingers", a Halfling rogue
  • Dale Wenslydale
    A tall slender human with brown hair and eyes, Dale is the sole proprietor of The Cheese Emporium in Noak, Flastoria. His is extremely proud of his collection of cheeses, though normally seems to be out of cheddar.
  • Dilon The Gnoll
    An almost feral Gnoll who once manned a smuggling skiff with his brothers.
  • Major Findthee Swing
    A small, narrow man who walks with a limp and speaks with an odd, halting tempo. He is forever appraising and measure people up, often literally.
  • Manny Two-Feather
    A slender Wild Elf who favors green and browns of the forest. His namesake is a quiver of arrows with only two fletchings per shaft.
  • Archmage of Travernus Opal
    Archmage of Travernus, he once led the premier school of wizardry related to traveling. The school, once located on the isle of Glanden, was over run and levelled by EvEstian troops. He is an avid scholar of both gates and airships.
  • Percy Marbelly
    Halfing Cleric of Bronlustrious.
  • Randal Harpsbrew
    Brewery owner in Pinefrost
  • Lord Captain Ronald Rust
    A tall, grey man with a sinewy build. Arrogant and self-righteous, he leads Red Feather Keep like an entitled noble.
  • Sanko Bassetor
    The High Lord of Ev Estes is a slender human with dark hair and eyes. He carries himself with a reserved demeanor and will often pause for several moments before speaking.
  • Leutenant, Second Sarah Teadream
    A quite, introspective female gnome with keen eyes and silvery hair. A scribe for Lord Captain Rust at Red Feather Keep, she is intelligent and thorough.
  • Simon Mountbatten
    A dashing High-Elf bard
  • Starlon
    A charismatic, though melodramatic, half-elf.
  • Leutenant, Second Tamo Blemish
    A slender, rather pale half elf woman with bags under her dark eyes, Tamo always seems to be operating on half sleep. As supply officer for RFK, she is suspicious of most people and guards her stocks.
  • Tharg The Merciless
    A surprisingly calm and kind half orc mercenary who chose his moniker for professional reasons
  • Sage Thormont Baker
    A scollarly half-elf with grey running though his dark hair. His brown eyes, almost black, look at the world through cracked spectacles. Of (very distance) Arandan decent, he was facinated with the history of these elves.
  • Wilbert Raspool
    A young man of 17, he is trying to transition between worlds. Of mid height but lanky, he is self-aware enough to know he's no natural leader. Still he is reasonably brave and forthright.
  • Winslow Marson
    He’s nondescript with pepper colored hair and dressed in the green and red of the Flastorian military. The only memorable marking is a puckered scar down the right side of his face and a patch covering the eye.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 26th November 2023 14:30

"The Return"

Having scouted Pinefrost and nearby areas, the party returns to Red Feather Keep for some well-deserved downtime.

Sessions Archive

2nd Jun 2024

The ship near the mill

The battle against the EvEstian troops continue

18th Jun 2023

Session 1: The invitation

From various walks of life, but with a common path you find your way to Elara Lodge. An old and largely forgotten Elven hall, it has been pressed into service for this meeting which needs both a large venue and reasonable privacy.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Albert Ravenscream

Amira Cohen

Wastmerl Toffhammer
